Ok, here is a contribution to Kody's magazine. I tried to make it so that some other faction members may try to get factional info out of it (base -and unit descriptions). If someone thinks he spotted something in the text that reveals info about us, post it...
009 received a private summons from 001, something so rare as not to be ignored.
009 had to move fromcensored (hereby referred to as base
) to censored (hereby referred to as base
) since her Network Tag was situated there.
The cloaked foil 009 used in order to get faster in
was one of the Unity's pré-dropped foils, converted for use in shallow waters and have less visibility for a dangerous and newly discovered native lifeform, tagged xxx for now.
After a swift journey 009 arrived at the Outward Quay of
and received a one-time coded tracker by the QuayJack, which would lead him to 001's booth. Two years had passed since 009 was last in
, and quite some changes had happened in that time. The construction site of a DataNet Connector could be spotted on the inland side of the base. Further more the Stealth Antenna from the recently organized CO agency was visible for one who knew what to look for. Bad cloaking on that matter. 009 hoped that in the next decade as new technologies were discovered, the agency wouldn't stick out so easily. Unsurprisingly, the tracker led him to the CO. The size of
was still not large enough to have many unsuspicious spots, so 001 must simply not have bothered with misleading sofar. 009 thought that it was unlikely that Chairman Yang's probe teams would be close enough already to easily infiltrate the DataNet, but something must be done about the invisibility anyway in his opinion.
After a short walk, 009 arrived at the frontdoor of the CO, used his tracker for access permission (the DataJack after the monitordesk behind the door could be seen looking aside shortly, and then looked up at the frontdoor before granting access) and entered the building. 009 was waved through by the monitor DataJack and that was it. He took the lift down two levels, stepped out into a dimly illuminated hallway and passed several doors before spotting one with the tag CO-001 next to it. His tracker beeped shortly to let him know he was on the right spot. The door hissed open, 009 stepped through and heard a voice saying: "Welcome DataJack 009, I expected you. Please sit down and I'll tell what I summoned you for..."
009 had to move from

The cloaked foil 009 used in order to get faster in

After a swift journey 009 arrived at the Outward Quay of

After a short walk, 009 arrived at the frontdoor of the CO, used his tracker for access permission (the DataJack after the monitordesk behind the door could be seen looking aside shortly, and then looked up at the frontdoor before granting access) and entered the building. 009 was waved through by the monitor DataJack and that was it. He took the lift down two levels, stepped out into a dimly illuminated hallway and passed several doors before spotting one with the tag CO-001 next to it. His tracker beeped shortly to let him know he was on the right spot. The door hissed open, 009 stepped through and heard a voice saying: "Welcome DataJack 009, I expected you. Please sit down and I'll tell what I summoned you for..."