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  • Snowflake
    Actually, I don't see Rexhasta's name in the CMN list. I have PMed middleman couple days ago. He hasn't been on line since 1/5 (registered 1/3). I'll PM Ming to remove him. I'm waiting to see if Drogue knows what this is about before I PM Ming though, so that I could ask him two things in one PM.

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  • Snowflake
    Ahh thanks Kody. Looks like I haven't checked for a long time.

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  • Kody
    Umm two more people have signed up for the CMNs forum.

    Ofcourse I didn't authorise them, just recording the fact.

    middleman 03-01-2005 Pending
    Rexhasta 06-10-2004 Pending

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  • Snowflake
    Received this PM from the Gaians. Drogue or Method, would you please give them an answer to this? Thanks!

    Greetings Snowflake!

    Gaians need an extension of at least 24h ours as the decision made this turn can even be crucial to our survival, see details at our forum, please ("plan for action 2156")!

    Noone is online right now and Im going offline in an hour, so please answer this on turn tracking thread..


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  • Snowflake
    Mart has confirmed that he would have a reload message. I think you need to talk to him.

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  • Snowflake
    Mart said something about might having reload message. I thought I'd just double check with you.

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  • Method
    It shouldn't have a reload message. Even if the old turn _was_ played (which it doesn't look like), the new turn is a different save altogether.

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  • Snowflake
    Method, please check if the Angel's turn will have a reload warning message if the old turn had been played. If so then the Spartans' need to be notified when Angels finish their turn.

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  • Method
    I've given it to them this time. Not next time. If it happens again, there will be no "oh i forgot just let me try again".

    I just hope i'm not setting a dangerous precedent here. Today it's "oh, i forgot diplomacy" tomorrow it's "oh, i forgot to rush the Ascent to Transcendence".

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  • Method
    My first thought was to allow it, because it was a simple omission, no foul play is involved here. Then again, if they forgot it, maybe that's too bad. With drugs nowhere to be seen....

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  • Snowflake
    Intervention from mods may be needed.

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  • Kody
    MY year 2111 (Gaians)

    Gaians appear to be struggling due to their bad terrian, too early to say that it's their decisions making the difference. As I suspected early on starting on or near a river makes a big difference to early development.

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  • Kody
    Honghu, you should know better than to try that.

    What is started should be finished, unless you find something has seriously changed or something you thought was wrong. Engima has not changed I know him far better than that. All that's happened so far is uncertainty has crept in and it's difficult to carry out what was decided. When things get hard you need to push yourself harder.

    If everytime you change your decision just because it's too difficult to follow the decision through then you'll always take the easiest route. If you tell yourself that you can change your decision if you get more uncertain down the track then you'll often go rabbiting off with bad decisions more often than not.

    You always like proverbs and such. "If you always take the easiest path you will never climb a mountain."

    I don't know whether what I'm doing is the right thing or not. I just know that nothing has changed and I have to finish it.

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  • HongHu
    So it is not about Enigma after all is it? It is about you. I thought you'd be happy that Enigma is willing to change and go clean.

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  • Kody
    I don't play chicken Honghu. I carefully outlined the consequences.

    It not about who Enigma hates the most, it's about me hating myself.

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