In fact, I've just got the events from the last three months to read. I'm currently finding it quite hard to focus on the screen as I've been reading it for 10 hours or so... However!
One question that still remains in my head: Why did you guys dislike the uni so much at the start of the game? You kept refering to them as the "B faction" for a while, and also to Archaic as evil and disliked by the uni in general.
If someone could explain what made you come to this opinion pre-contact (Pre anything almost, like you just decided before the game to destroy the uni) then that'd be lovely.
Kudos to Kody too...
I've learned lots just from reading your turn sent descriptions
Also, someone really should have done some MSN beautification before now. Some of those chat logs are bloody awful....
Edit: Forgot this too. Is there any chance of the drone embassy and shadow forums being opened? Do I need to ask buster?
Also, does anyone have a continuous stream of saves from the game? I'd love to see how it panned out from different factions perspective.
Forgot a lot didn't I... What was the hive password for the game? I don't see it anywhere (But then I've not read the topped horde yet, I've been worked from the very bottom of the forum upwards.)
One question that still remains in my head: Why did you guys dislike the uni so much at the start of the game? You kept refering to them as the "B faction" for a while, and also to Archaic as evil and disliked by the uni in general.
If someone could explain what made you come to this opinion pre-contact (Pre anything almost, like you just decided before the game to destroy the uni) then that'd be lovely.
Kudos to Kody too...

Also, someone really should have done some MSN beautification before now. Some of those chat logs are bloody awful....
Edit: Forgot this too. Is there any chance of the drone embassy and shadow forums being opened? Do I need to ask buster?
Also, does anyone have a continuous stream of saves from the game? I'd love to see how it panned out from different factions perspective.
Forgot a lot didn't I... What was the hive password for the game? I don't see it anywhere (But then I've not read the topped horde yet, I've been worked from the very bottom of the forum upwards.)