This thread is created for discussions regarding diplomatic issues. People need to familiarize themselves with the following issues: (This is an initial list and should be amended and updated by everybody who has additional thoughts.)
1. Diplomatic relationship with other factions. Who are our pact brothers, who do we have a treaty with, and who are at war with us.
2. Trading with other factions. Gathering suggestions from the other department for our needs of techs and prototypes and see if we could find suitable trade that fulfills our need. Also following up other factions' proposed trade.
3. Maintain and update various Embassies. Convey diplomatic messages from and to the Hive.
4. Maintain the Covert Operations Report.
The discussion should happen here and the final desicion should be posted in the command and control thread by whoever is responsible for the CFR.
The diplomatic negotiation threads with other factions can be found here:
1. Diplomatic relationship with other factions. Who are our pact brothers, who do we have a treaty with, and who are at war with us.
2. Trading with other factions. Gathering suggestions from the other department for our needs of techs and prototypes and see if we could find suitable trade that fulfills our need. Also following up other factions' proposed trade.
3. Maintain and update various Embassies. Convey diplomatic messages from and to the Hive.
4. Maintain the Covert Operations Report.
The discussion should happen here and the final desicion should be posted in the command and control thread by whoever is responsible for the CFR.
The diplomatic negotiation threads with other factions can be found here: