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Turn Update

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  • The Drones now have the turn (by e-mail, at around 13:00 PST tiday), so maybe it will spur them on to do something re their negotiations with you



    • I know where you got that moat idea from googlie



      • Hmmm - yeah, Darsnan and I have swapped many a map idea (also got some good ones from Black Sunrise - remember him?)


        • Sorry I don't.

          I've only been reading a random posts at civgaming, while apolyton was down today.



          • Remember that the 2nd scout is required back at voltigrad as there's no units defending that city currently.
            umm... last turn I played st. voltairesburg was the only one without defence... you may want to check up on that Kody.

            Unless we go to war with the drones, I want to see non-linear mathematics first before making prototype units. 2 attack at this time only useful for defending ourselves
            Kody, remember, we WILL be defending ourselves if we go to war anytime soon. They are the only ones with transport capability, so until we get doctrine:flexibility, we will only be able to fight a defense war. Thus, we should upgrade our scouts soon to laser light infantry (basically just as a deterant to agression), then, when we get synthmetal, upgrade those to the synthmetal laser squads. This will provide all the defence we need for a while, even if we do go to war. When we get synthmetal it would actually be a good idea to replace all of our synthmetal laser squads (or whatever you want to call them), with synthmetal garrisons at the bases then use the squads as a standing army for an agressive war to help the drones in expansion. Even if we don't use them right away, we can keep them around and upgrade to impacts when we get them. (I don't know how this will play with the hive though, I am used to having energy grids and I go wild with solar collectors when I play so I always have lots of ec's floating around, use it to boost production and the such). But, my main point, for now until we get flexibilty, is we will be on the defensive. Even after that, for a while, they will still have the transport advantage, and we will be on the defensive. So, we need to concentrate on the defensive. lol

            Re: Colony Pod.... meh, do what you want. Googlie's suggestion sounded intelligent. It would put a concrete claim to the land soon and dispell any ideas they had of taking it, even if we are in a treaty.

            - Rokossovky
            - Comrade Marshal Rokossovky
            Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive


            • I agree, possesion is three fourths of the law. Personally I think we should make a poll, map included.
              Sea Kings TOT

              Sors salutis/ et virtutis/ michi nunc contraria,/ est affectus/ et defectus/ semper in angaria./
              Hac in hora/ sine mora/ corde pulsem tangite;/ quod per sortem/ sternit fortem,/ mecum omnes plangite!


              • I think we should counter what the drones do. Build decisions on if the drones do this and this then we do this. Rather than deciding on moves based on assumptions that we can find out later. If the treaty goes through we will waste 5 turns moving a colony pod to a site that is half the value.

                Also there will only be a short delay before we claim the land with the next voltigrad colony pod (going to rush it). Not enough time for them to claim the land first I think.



                • For next turn....

                  *note* - Base B4 has been moved north, north-west of displayed position. This is so it can use the mine and the farm making it a good colony pod generator.

                  Unit Moves
                  F1 - Move to Claire’s Deep Passages, “Ctrl-H”, north-west, “O”, cancel action (heading to new site B2 to build sensor)
                  F2 - Move to B3 to build sensor.
                  F3 - Move to B4 and build sensor.
                  F4 - When finish road - maybe move near B1 and start building mines and roads on the minerals.
                  F5 – When finished forest, move north and build another forest.

                  C1 - Colony pod moves to B1 and builds base.
                  C2 - Colony pod move to B2 and builds base.

                  S1 - Scout moves into Claire’s Deep Passages and protects them.
                  S2 - Scout Follows DS1 for a turn then goes to B1 base to protect new city.
                  S3 - Scout moves east one square. To intercept DS1if it tries to follow river north.

                  R2 - Predicted position of DT1 (drone transport) will be south, south-west of current position. Send Rover west then south-west to locate the drone transport.
                  R1 - Can either explore north or explore south. Suggested that Rover will explore south if the drones’ transport is heading that direction. North if the drones transport has not been found in the expected place.

                  Drone unit monitoring
                  DS1 - Predicted move north-west, north-west, north-west. Should be in fungus. Following turn either scout S3 or Rover R2 will be able to find it, if it is following the river. If it has not been following the river it couldn’t have gotten far.
                  DT1 - It was suggested to the drones to explore in the opposite direction of our bases. They appear to be following that suggestion. The transport was not north of current location of S3. The channels is one square wide so they don’t have much room to manoeuvre. It is assumed their transport is heading south since it was not found to the north. Rover R2 should be able to locate it next turn.
                  NOTE - If the drones pact all we need to do is monitor the west coast for colony pods. The scout will automatically be sent back to base if they break pact.

                  City Production
                  City “Claire’s Hall of Discipline” - producing colony pod 8 turns till completion, 8 turns until growth. Growth expected in 4 turns if drones give us Planetary networks and we switch to planned. The colony pod is destined for base site B3. The city will then construct a scout which will be moved to help police “Claire’s deep passages”.

                  City “Claire Hole of Aspiration” - finishes former next turn, will switch to colony pod. 9 turns till growth. Growth expected in 4 turns if drones give us Planetary networks and we switch to planned. Colony pod will go to base site B4. This city will construct a crawler that will be used at “Claire’s Deep passages” to crawl minerals from the mine nearby.
                  City “Claire’s Deep passages” - currently working on colony pod. Growth in 4 turns, may rush by colony pod. This colony pod will go to base site B6. The city will then begin work on the special project WP.

                  New city at B1 – in 2 more turns will rush a former. Former will farm west of B1 site. Then former will proceed to B6 site and build sensor array. City B1 will construct more colony pods.
                  __________________________________________________ __
                  Are there are arguments against base sites B4 and B5, or against base site B6. I also want to hear comments on long term former usage too. I'm trying to plan several turns in advance rather than a turn by turn basis. So if you want to make adjustments try and get them in early.

                  Last edited by Kody; July 18, 2003, 10:15.


                  • Why don't we do turn chat any more? It used to be so much fun!
                    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                    Grapefruit Garden


                    • I keep having the misfortune of being in the wrong time.
                      Promoter of Public Morale
                      Alpha Centauri Democracy Game


                      • Pre-Turn chat!!!!!!



                        • I still have the misfortune of being the in wrong time for pre-turn chats.
                          Promoter of Public Morale
                          Alpha Centauri Democracy Game


                          • I still would like to be involved in the turn chat though if it was at all possible.
                            Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                            Grapefruit Garden


                            • Well since at the moment we can pretty much predict everything that is going to happen. I don't see why we should hold the turn up for several hours. The drones currently sort out their moves beforehand. I reckon we should do the same.

                              Also I've noticed deciding things during the turn chat tends to get bad decisions. That farm near kommie city was a big waste of former time and was a result of a snap decision made during the turn chat.

                              We should have formered the land south of kommie city.

                              If it was done beforehand more people would have offered their ideas and we can have our 2nd thoughts and adjust the next turn.



                              • Ouch looks like you are seriously working on the Naughty base name year! I hope you still remember all the formal names? In fact I like the "Claire's Hall of Discipline", we should seriously consider using it, just not for the headquarter perhaps.

                                I remember reading that renaming base can give out your base location. Somebody confirm? Disconfirm?
                                Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                                Grapefruit Garden

