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Planetary University Bureau

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  • Planetary University Bureau

    Since the installment of the new government is in order from today on, and as agreed on in a poll, I declare hereby the thread for PUT domestic affairs open for business.

    If, by concensus, an other name for the thread is wanted, the mod can always do that later...
    He who knows others is wise.
    He who knows himself is enlightened.
    -- Lao Tsu

    SMAC(X) Marsscenario

  • #2
    Gold Coast: start former production. I like some spare formers to build more sensor arrays in the north of the island.

    Originally posted by Maniac
    Okay. Does that also count if Hive declares war on CC? And how about the Daintree & Longreach CP production in case of war?
    Gardens Point: start Interceptor production

    Originally posted by Maniac
    How about a missile needlejet instead, as according to the previous plan to attack a base on Yardarn Island? Due to having two talents, Gardens Point is currently also our only base that can produce non-SAM aircraft without causing drone riots, so I'd say we need to make the most use possible from that.
    Kelvin Grove and Carseldine: Continue producing Plasma Garrisons.

    Originally posted by Maniac
    Most definitely agreed!
    I suggest moving the former in Gardens Point north and build sensor arrays on the top tiles.

    Originally posted by Maniac
    Okay. Does that also count if Hive declares war on CC?
    Definitely!! As said when we acquired control of PUT, it will be the prime target of Drones/Hive.

    Originally posted by Maniac
    How about a missile needlejet instead, as according to the previous plan to attack a base on Yardarn Island?
    If you think drones are under control in that base.

    Originally posted by Maniac
    How about a sensor array on (75.33) to protect Townsville, Cape York and Daintree, and another one on (79.39) to protect Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove?
    75,33 is a good location, 79,39 I advice delay till the north is scattered with sensors. I suggest them on 75,27 and 82,26. Futher more I advice to change production from crawlers to formers in Townsville and Cape York to help build sensors. If war has started, I suppose SAM rovers are an idea for all that northern production?
    He who knows others is wise.
    He who knows himself is enlightened.
    -- Lao Tsu

    SMAC(X) Marsscenario


    • #3
      Hurry requests:
      Cairns hospital: 56 credits.
      Carseldine: hurry four minerals or so, so that production already has 10 mins accumulated next year.

      Definitely!! As said when we acquired control of PUT, it will be the prime target of Drones/Hive.
      Isn't that exactly why we shouldn't be building formers or CPs in those northern PUT bases, but instead plasma garrisons and missile squads?? They'll have lower morale, but we don't have the time or money to build command centers in all other bases.
      Anyway, currently Gold Coast, Cape York and Townsville production are set to formers as per your request.

      Some disagreements about former movements:

      75,33 is a good location, 79,39 I advice delay till the north is scattered with sensors.
      The north already is scattered with sensors. The only base not yet protected is Townsville, but that will be fixed by the one on (75.33). Our southern bases are still open.

      I suggest them on 75,27 and 82,26.
      (82.26) is not within range of any PUT base. Just checking, do you know that?

      Former on 81,39 and the one in Gardens Point to tile 79,31 and start building a sensor array.
      (81.39): We could build a road on that tile, which will result in the mine there producing one more mineral per year. How about doing that first?

      Also, you say you want to scatter the north first with sensor arrays, and only then the south. But that would mean the former in Gardens Point would first have to waste 3 turns going north, build a few things, and then waste three turns going back south. Why not first build a sensor array on (79.39) and only then definitely move north? That way we'll save six extra former turns.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #4
        Check the MAF thread, I agreed there with building that sensor array on 79,39. Hadn't checked what and how many formers were able to start constructing. You can make that road on 81,39 first if you like, but wouldn't it go faster if those 2 formers work together?

        About those sensor arrays in the high north (on the peninsula's), I want them there for a further view in case a drone fleet comes in. Should give us a better overlook on what's coming, or, in case the drones destroy them first, a change for interceptors to have an airparty.

        For war production. Those northern bases are to small to build any offensive unit soon. That task should be left to the 2 bases having CC's. If you like, after finishing the present Garrison production, we can change to offensive, or else upgrading those 1/2/2 rovers to 6/1/2 or 6/2/2.


        I agree with that Aerospace Complex production
        And for that SA on 75, 33. Can you find yourself in using 2 formers to build that, and send the 3th free one already to the north and start building a road next turn on a flat tile?
        Last edited by GeoModder; March 1, 2004, 19:54.
        He who knows others is wise.
        He who knows himself is enlightened.
        -- Lao Tsu

        SMAC(X) Marsscenario


        • #5
          Originally posted by GeoModder
          You can make that road on 81,39 first if you like, but wouldn't it go faster if those 2 formers work together?
          You mean the one in Gardens Point? If you like, I'll send it to the mine square too. It will indeed get us that extra mineral two turns earlier.

          About those sensor arrays in the high north (on the peninsula's), I want them there for a further view in case a drone fleet comes in. Should give us a better overlook on what's coming, or, in case the drones destroy them first, a change for interceptors to have an airparty.

          For war production. Those northern bases are to small to build any offensive unit soon. That task should be left to the 2 bases having CC's. If you like, after finishing the present Garrison production, we can change to offensive, or else upgrading those 1/2/2 rovers to 6/1/2 or 6/2/2.
          Upgrading those 1-2t-2 probably won't go. To 6-1-2 is impossible (you can't upgrade to a unit with lower armour) and to 6-2-2 costs 130 credits a piece. No offensive units for now the I guess. If we need some, I guess we could always upgrade the two scout patrols to 6-1-1 or so.

          And for that SA on 75, 33. Can you find yourself in using 2 formers to build that, and send the 3th free one already to the north and start building a road next turn on a flat tile?
          Sure. Take into account though there's a one on three chance that the former will remain stuck in Cape York. That may force us to change some former plans next year.

          Btw, what about switching the garrisons of Cape York and Townsville? Then Townsville, furthest located from the Drones gets the scout patrol and the more dangerous located Cape York gets the better 1-2t-2.
          The same for Sunshine and Longreach? Switch garrisons? That way the mobile 1-2t-2 rover is located closer to the core of our bases and can help defend where necessary easier.
          Edit: Darn, just realized this should have been in the MAF thread.
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • #6
            Don't bother, It's ok for me as you proposed for the garrison switches.

            For that former stuck in CY, I think the change is less, since the tile I send it to is flat. Already tried it 4 times, and it never was stuck in that base.

            Last minute proposal: how about quick building the cp in Daintree? Then that base can switch to crawlers or probes sooner...

            Also a suggestion for the garrison in Kelvin Grove, but I post that in MAF
            He who knows others is wise.
            He who knows himself is enlightened.
            -- Lao Tsu

            SMAC(X) Marsscenario


            • #7
              I've played about all of the turn following all the suggestions made yesterday. One question: should I hurry Cairns hospital production only enough to get the hospital just finished, or hurry 20 credits more so ten minerals will already be accumulated next year?
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • #8
                Just finish RH, no extra minerals, pls. I like to have some reserve for mindcontrolling the PEACE cp in CC turn if enough ppl want to spend the money on that. It's rather expensive. O yes, and do send ALL available cash over.


                Btw, Why not finetuning Sun Coast and letting it harvest another borehole? AC is finished 1 turn earlier, and production of Gold Coast stays 2 turns when a worker is brought to a forest tile.
                Last edited by GeoModder; March 2, 2004, 13:25.
                He who knows others is wise.
                He who knows himself is enlightened.
                -- Lao Tsu

                SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                • #9
                  Since I haven't seen Impaler posting this weekend, I suppose I'm still PUB replacement.

                  Tentative Planetary University Bureau orders.

                  Garden's Point: Missile Interceptor, but next turn MUST a Hab Complex be started then that is quick builded the turn later.
                  Daintree: start Tree Farm
                  Kelvin Grove: start Trance Plasma Garrison
                  Cairns: start Probe Team
                  Carseldine: start Trance Plasma Garrison
                  Sunshine Coast: Enough ec's to hurry Aerospace Complex production?
                  He who knows others is wise.
                  He who knows himself is enlightened.
                  -- Lao Tsu

                  SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                  • #10
                    Garden's Point: Missile Interceptor, but next turn MUST a Hab Complex be started then that is quick builded the turn later.
                    If I understand correctly Gardens Point will grow MY 2161.
                    MY 2159: start construction on missile interceptor
                    MY 2160: interceptor (cost 15 mins) completed. 0 mins accumulated, so too few to hurry the hab complex - we need to have 10
                    MY 2161: 35 mins accumulated, but Gardens Point has already grown.

                    As far I see at first sight, there are two good ways to solve the problem:
                    • Build something of 36 mins cost instead, so we have 10 mins accumulated MY 2160 and can hurry.
                    • Starts construction on hab complex already. Problem is that if we want to hurry the AC in Sunshine, we don't have enough cash.

                    Daintree: start Tree Farm
                    The gain would currently be 2 nuts, 1 psych and -1 or -2 credits. Is it worth the cost in your opinion?

                    to all the rest.

                    Btw, what to do with the CP and the two formers on (82.32) and (83.35)? IIRC all other former orders were already decided previous year, so those are no problem.
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • #11
                      Quick question, since I can't play the turns until I've got internet in my dorm. About how long would it take for us to build more CP's to cover the south east of Alecrast with bases (Where I believe they're out of range of initial attacks, yes?)? With the modified Silkander style we used in the PUT, we really need more bases to make full use of the strat.
                      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                      • #12
                        Why not reduce Nut intake to slow Growth down an additional turn, shouldn't be to hard to make 1 or 2 workers into Librarians or something.
                        Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche


                        • #13

                          About how long would it take for us to build more CP's to cover the south east of Alecrast with bases
                          It all depends on how much we want to prioritize CP production over other items such as formers or military production etc.

                          (Where I believe they're out of range of initial attacks, yes?)
                          Not really unfortunately.
                          Starting from the Hivean base Zeropolis drop units couldn't reach Alecrast IIRC. But with their 12 MPs needlejets & choppers could reach part of it. This danger increases as the Hive would gain Fusion Power (14 MP aircraft) and Orbital Spaceflight (16 MP PBs), and then about all bases on currently uncolonized Alecrast would be vulnerable to a Hive surprise attack, especially if they build a base even more southwest from Zeropolis.


                          I tried that out, but then would Gardens Points talents be reduced from two to one, and since we'll have two pacifism drones next year, we need to keep two talents this turn.
                          Another option is of course building a CP in Gardens Point this year. Then we don't need to worry about hitting the poplimit for quite a while.
                          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Maniac
                            I tried that out, but then would Gardens Points talents be reduced from two to one, and since we'll have two pacifism drones next year, we need to keep two talents this turn.
                            Another option is of course building a CP in Gardens Point this year. Then we don't need to worry about hitting the poplimit for quite a while.
                            Not really, actually. The nutrient box is almost filled, that doesn't disappear when a cp is build, remember.

                            I suppose instead of an interceptor, a hab complex this turn then.

                            And that idea of bringing a crawler and formers to that mineral isle:
                            He who knows others is wise.
                            He who knows himself is enlightened.
                            -- Lao Tsu

                            SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Maniac [*]Starts construction on hab complex already. Problem is that if we want to hurry the AC in Sunshine, we don't have enough cash.
                              Start the HC this turn, we can always delay the AC hurry a bit.

                              Originally posted by Maniac
                              The gain would currently be 2 nuts, 1 psych and -1 or -2 credits. Is it worth the cost in your opinion?
                              What cost? I'm not proposing to hurry that production (for now). Just let it start. Part of the reason is that Buster shouldn't be too alarmed of PUT production. Let him see a nation under construction, not warproducing.

                              Originally posted by Maniac
                              Btw, what to do with the CP and the two formers on (82.32) and (83.35)? IIRC all other former orders were already decided previous year, so those are no problem.
                              edit PUB orders:

                              Former on 83.35 moves to 84.36 and construct a road.
                              The purpose is to have a southern road connection to the eastern part of *forgotthenameagain* to the new bases there.
                              Former on 82.32 to 82.28 for road construction to 82.26 and placing a sensor array there.
                              CP moves to 84.36.

                              Btw, I thought that you planned to let more boreholes be mined by Sunshine Coast?
                              Hasn't been done yet...
                              He who knows others is wise.
                              He who knows himself is enlightened.
                              -- Lao Tsu

                              SMAC(X) Marsscenario

