Originally posted by Maniac
Oh yeah, PEACE is apparently researching NonlMath.
Oh yeah, PEACE is apparently researching NonlMath.
Some very complexd negotiating here, and I am struggling a little still with some of the abbreviations. I will get my poster out when I get home from work.

Can we get a list here of 'freebies' the Hive has given us (requested or spontaneous) and any deals made thusfar that favour us? This way we can keep track of how much they may feel we are in their debt and keep this in mind for the near future deals. Also, I have to add that if/when we go through with ledning the Hive the ability to build both Cruisers and Impact weapons (and Marine ability too?), we will be doing them a HUGE favour. They seem to cling to their precious high tech rate and shum so many techs becuase of it. In this trade they will be in OUR debt as, we never actually give them anything tangible, but we are granting them in effect several techs without them risking their tech rate. This should be remebered as a great service by us, whatever they do.
From what I can tell, negotiations continue, and it may be a little premature to go too far with them until we actually GET some tech from PEACE. Also, Gene Splicing and the Nut restriction don't seem greatly urgent to me, as more food will just mean a greater need to reign in our pop growth in most bases. This will be great when the war is over and we can buld Rec Commons, but for the time being we can' handle much more pop in most bases, so we shouldn' shirk from postponing this a little if it is necessary.