Sorry about the Usurper/Believer graphics, I haven't gotten around to fixing them yet. We (obviously) are the ones using the Usurper graphics, while the 'Believer' ship belongs to the PEACE.

Major events:
- Drone Riots at Monitoring Station; I solved that by reushing the Rec Commons for 42 ECs. We'll make the moeny abck in 2 turns anyway (our income is currentl 22 ECs/turn), so I didn't consider the cost a big deal.
- We're 4 turns away from ethical Calculus.
- Budushii Dvor was built in the centre of the Ruins; it's started building a Former.
- Second mine finished enar University Base, building a road on the same square. First crawler will be built in two turns, and move to start exploting one of the two mines.

Major events:
- Drone Riots at Monitoring Station; I solved that by reushing the Rec Commons for 42 ECs. We'll make the moeny abck in 2 turns anyway (our income is currentl 22 ECs/turn), so I didn't consider the cost a big deal.
- We're 4 turns away from ethical Calculus.
- Budushii Dvor was built in the centre of the Ruins; it's started building a Former.
- Second mine finished enar University Base, building a road on the same square. First crawler will be built in two turns, and move to start exploting one of the two mines.