Yo Ho Ho Maties! In case you've been wondrin', the Cuspidore's been livin' (if ya could call it that) in the outback on Henry Morgan's Boot Island for some years now - ever since the Borg torched his retirement home at Henry Morgan's Boot Base way back when. Fortunately, the Borg didn't know what we do with the XenoCane and the XenoHemp, so he's had plenty of Grog and 'Rope' - at least enough to hatch a XenoPlan or two.
I for one, had a less than totally fulfillin' experience in the last game - been left wit' a thirst that even all the Xenorum in Tripoli can't quench.
While there were a number of things about the game what were not too much fun, I remember the good old days before things got heavy, and it seems like we've still got a reasonably solid group who've been hanging out despite the warm grog and damp weed here in the outback. Even with all the misfortune, we haven't been tossing our dirks at one another (least not since all those barbs I used to toss at Cap'n Hercules' beknighted terraforming - and he is getting his revenge in AXT056 by sniping at my crawlers and formers).
All this suggests to me that there is a possibility that we could carry this team into the next game pretty much intact, if we so desired.
So here I am banging a pegleg on the mast and trying to sell ya'all on the supposed treasure map I've got right here: .
So what do you say Maties?
Yo Ho Ho Maties! In case you've been wondrin', the Cuspidore's been livin' (if ya could call it that) in the outback on Henry Morgan's Boot Island for some years now - ever since the Borg torched his retirement home at Henry Morgan's Boot Base way back when. Fortunately, the Borg didn't know what we do with the XenoCane and the XenoHemp, so he's had plenty of Grog and 'Rope' - at least enough to hatch a XenoPlan or two.
I for one, had a less than totally fulfillin' experience in the last game - been left wit' a thirst that even all the Xenorum in Tripoli can't quench.
While there were a number of things about the game what were not too much fun, I remember the good old days before things got heavy, and it seems like we've still got a reasonably solid group who've been hanging out despite the warm grog and damp weed here in the outback. Even with all the misfortune, we haven't been tossing our dirks at one another (least not since all those barbs I used to toss at Cap'n Hercules' beknighted terraforming - and he is getting his revenge in AXT056 by sniping at my crawlers and formers).
All this suggests to me that there is a possibility that we could carry this team into the next game pretty much intact, if we so desired.
So here I am banging a pegleg on the mast and trying to sell ya'all on the supposed treasure map I've got right here: .
So what do you say Maties?