A more handy way of seeing all the relevant data on hand - updated every ~5 turns. if you want builds or deeper detail, just look at the save, mmmkay? ^_^
This is an example report, let me know if I need to add anything else please
Master Map (click for full in game size {3 MB!})
CyCon (current to 2140)
Researching: Well we know it's not Doc: Init anymore
SP's: None; building the VW with 7 turns left (as of 2140) - was swapped for MCC in 2142 (5 turns left?)
3 Apolyton Prime (HQ) 1 Scout
3 Pi Square 1 Scout
4 Logic Loop 1 scout + Ogre MK1
2 Boolean Bay 1 Scout
2 Aurora 1 Scout
2 DBTSverse Portal 1 Scout
1 Zetaris -None-
1 Mythical Matrix 1 Scout
1 Binary Bastion 1 Scout
10 formers, 1 Unity Rover, 3 crawlers -NO- known probes
This is an example report, let me know if I need to add anything else please
Master Map (click for full in game size {3 MB!})
CyCon (current to 2140)
Researching: Well we know it's not Doc: Init anymore
SP's: None; building the VW with 7 turns left (as of 2140) - was swapped for MCC in 2142 (5 turns left?)
3 Apolyton Prime (HQ) 1 Scout
3 Pi Square 1 Scout
4 Logic Loop 1 scout + Ogre MK1
2 Boolean Bay 1 Scout
2 Aurora 1 Scout
2 DBTSverse Portal 1 Scout
1 Zetaris -None-
1 Mythical Matrix 1 Scout
1 Binary Bastion 1 Scout
10 formers, 1 Unity Rover, 3 crawlers -NO- known probes