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Orders for turnchat 2282 onwards, Saturday 18/04/03 23.00 GMT

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  • #16
    Shouldn't 13 and 24 also be not allowed, since they were "clearly defeated"? Methinks TKG forgot to add the two defeated ones to the list that are not to be done.
    For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
    But he would think of something

    "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


    • #17
      Sorry I will not be present for turnchat, but here are the orders I promised:

      Akiria Orders, MY 2282-


      Aquaformer (11,119) nr Cyclops.
      Kelp farm and tidal harness (8,120), (8,118) and (10,120) in that order. Avoid pod on (10,120) until have done the other two, then pop.

      Aquaformer (25, 109) nr Twin Peaks.
      Kelp farm and tidal harness (26, 112) then rehome to Twin Sea (either Crystalis or Heaven’s Gate close by). If Voltaire/TKG doesn’t want it, then disband in Twin Peaks.


      There is a Rainy Farm/Condenser square (7,119) that a Xanadu crawler can crawl if it wants to. There is one crawling a 4 nuts square nearby, so it would gain 2 nuts per turn.

      Aurora (23, 107) min
      to (20, 112) and crawl nuts.

      Twin Peaks (20, 112) nuts
      to (20, 108) and crawl mins.


      Aurora (20,118) change to (18,106)

      Leave all build queues unchanged. With the exception of the Pholus Mutagen: add in Aurora at the top of the build queue. If they run out (unlikely) then build best AAA/trance and best ECM/trance defensive units in equal measure.

      Rush as Commissioner/Directors see fit.
      For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
      But he would think of something

      "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


      • #18
        Ok, given that I've been waiting in the chatroom for more than half an hour and no-one has turned up except ColdWizard, I have to declare the chat canceled.


        • #19
          34 mins in, and I'm there....

          Time for a turnthread perhaps? The Comish just plays without having a chat as well?

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #20
            The trouble with that is that I can't ask for orders to be clarified, and I can't ask what to do if anything unexpected come sup.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Drogue
              Shouldn't 13 and 24 also be not allowed, since they were "clearly defeated"? Methinks TKG forgot to add the two defeated ones to the list that are not to be done.
              yep, that's a little "whoops" there


              • #22
                Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
                We have 1 SP earmarked for Centralis - the Cloning Vats in NA. And just how many more facilities does Centralis need, anyway? AFAIK, there's not a whole lot left to be built except sats.
                Not many as far as I know, but after the techs we've got recently, and the ones we should keep getting, there'll probably be something. Build 'em for vanity if nothing else. This game's in the bag anyway.
                Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                • #23

                  Preferred order of research for next set of turns, in accordance to the results of this poll:

                  1. Digital Sentience
                  2. Self-Aware Machines
                  3. Centauri Genetics
                  4. Centauri Psi
                  5. Sentient Econometrics
                  6. Frictionless Surfaces
                  7. Quantum Power
                  8. Probability Mechanics
                  9. Nanometallurgy

                  A succinct rundown on the interpretation of results:

                  DigSent, SelfMach and CentGen all came in first with a tied vote, so I made a judgement call and decided to put the two popular DigSent tier of techs in first. Then comes CentGen, followed by the one the second-most favoured options, CentPsi, and then SentEcon. FricSurf didn't get any votes on it's own, but Quantum Power got more votes than ProbMech or NanoMet.

                  Complaints go to /dev/null
                  Last edited by Kassiopeia; April 7, 2003, 12:14.
                  Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                  • #24
                    Centralis Orders:

                    PRELIMINARY ORDERS AS OF MY 2282:

                    Build Queue Orders:

                    New Apolyton:
                    Change current production to Cloning Vats.
                    Build 5 supply speeders,
                    Build a Clean Shard Chopper.

                    Tacticus Academy:
                    Add two hydro sats to start of build queue.
                    Add Secret Crawlers to end of build queue.

                    Add two hydro sats to start of build queue.
                    Add Secret Crawlers to end of build queue.

                    Add two hydro sats to start of build queue.
                    Add Secret Crawlers to end of build queue.

                    Worker Placement Orders:
                    Convert 9,81 worker into Empath.

                    Crawler Orders:

                    Have Egregion crawler crawl minerals on 23,83.

                    Send all crawlers (except the one form Egregion) built in Centralis to NA, rehome them, and send them up to work the following squares in the energy park (in order of priority):


                    Any other crawlers should be sent to NA to help with the Vats.

                    Former Orders:

                    Build farm, condenser, and soil enricher on 0,88.
                    Build road, farm, soil enricher, and solar collector on 2,86.
                    Clear fungus, build kelp farm & tidal harness on every sea square within base radii.
                    Raise land on 3,87.
                    Build roads & forests on tiles which have not yet been terraform and for which no orders have been given.
                    Build sensor arrays on 1,87, 0,92, and 125,91.

                    Rush Requests:

                    Rush all sats: ~812 ECs (over two turns)
                    Net Node in Circular Quay: 138 ECs

                    Total: ~950 ECs
                    Last edited by GeneralTacticus; April 4, 2003, 07:20.


                    • #25
                      JEDINICA ORDERS AS OF MY 2282:

                      Request to DPO:
                      Please design a 6e-1-3 Clean Empath hovertank.

                      Build Queue Orders:

                      Insert Robotic Assembly Plant at start of build queue.
                      Build supply speeders thereafter.

                      Insert RAP at start of build queue.

                      Change current production to RAP.
                      Replace queue with the following: Biology Lab/Empath Tank/Empath Tank

                      Sheathed Sword:
                      Delete OPT from build queue.
                      Add RAP to start of build queue.

                      Terminal Dogma:
                      Change production to RAP.

                      Worker Placement Orders:
                      Place Empath on square 19,63

                      Crawler Orders:

                      Send all crawlers built in Concordia to work the following squares in the energy park (in order of priority):


                      Former Orders:

                      Continue to build kelp farms & tidal harnesses on all sea squares within base radii.
                      Release all other formers for duty in other regions.

                      N.B. If, for any reason, we experience a fungal bloom, send a former to repair the damage as soon as the area is secured.

                      Rush Requests:

                      Clean Chaos Tank in Concordia: 85 ECs
                      Hybrid Forest in Valhalla: 140 ECs
                      RAP in Pande: 332 ECs
                      RAP in TeDo: 318 ECs
                      Aerospace Complex in ShSw: 40 ECs

                      RAP in Valhalla: 314 ECs
                      RAP in Concordia: 324 ECs
                      RAP in ShSw: 340 ECs

                      Total: 1893 ECs

                      Note: I realize this is a lot of money, and that we may have to spread the rushes out a bit more, but this will be a great boost to production in JV and thus to our factional production.


                      • #26
                        AURILLION ORDERS AS OF MY 2282:

                        Request to DPO:
                        Please get rid of the Locust which is hovering around DEM ASAP.

                        Build Queue Orders:

                        Insert Biology Lab at start of build queue.
                        Insert 2 Empath Tanks at end of build queue.

                        Insert Nano Factory at end of build queue.

                        Zanarkand Gate:
                        Insert Biology Lab at start of build queue.
                        Insert Secret Crawler at end of build queue.

                        Insert Biology Lab at start of build queue.
                        Insert Secret Crawler at end of build queue.

                        Insert Children’s Crèche at start of build queue.
                        Insert Energy Bank at end of build queue.

                        Worker Placement Orders:
                        Replace one Engineer on a borehole.

                        Zanarkand Gate:
                        Move 13,99 worker to 11,101.

                        Crawler Orders:

                        Send all Secret Crawlers produced in Aurillion to help with either the Nano Factory in DEM or other secret projects that are in progress.

                        Former Orders:

                        Continue to build kelp farms & tidal harnesses on all sea squares within base radii.
                        Release all other formers for duty in other regions.

                        Once the Locust is dead, clear fungus & plant forest on 2,100.
                        Drill boreholes on 14,96, 13,99, and 3,111.
                        Clear & replace with forest all fungus west of Xanadu, along with the remaining square at 5,95.
                        Build sensor arrays on 0,108, 1,113 and 4,96.
                        Once this is done, redeploy all formers to do tasks in other regions, or extend the magtube network.

                        N.B. If, for any reason, we experience a fungal bloom, send a former to repair the damage as soon as the area is secured.

                        Rush Requests:

                        RAP in UNPD: 98 ECs.
                        RAP in Zanarkand Gate: 96 ECs.
                        RAP in Xanadu: 316 ECs.
                        Hab Complex in UNMI for 96 ECs.

                        Total: 606 ECs


                        • #27
                          do we have enought orders for a chat? (not knowing when to do the chat...i can do next week at normal time but i doesnt work this week)
                          Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                          God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                          'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                          • #28
                            DPO Orders MY 2282-

                            We need transports badly. We’re attacking the Leader’s Horde, and reducing its base size (by reducing defenders to 0) and not having troops there to take it. It wastes our military and it’s killing Hive civilians. Please, can we get a few, more than just the one being built (in New Suez?). We have many land troops in Egrerion, but no transports to take them to the Hive

                            Can the copters and needlejets in our sea base (forgot the name) near the Hive (and in Egrerion) attack other targets as well as The Leader’s Horde. Particularly The Hive and bases around there, ready for a sea invasion. When we have a few Transports, can one be sent to The Leader’s Horde, to tale that, and work Northwards. One be sent to near the Hive, to take that and link up with the division from The Leader’s Horde, and one be sent Eastwards, to take the base south east of The Leader’s Horde and our sea base. Also, can a copter or needlejet take our any non-AAA (and lightly armoured AAA) units we find, including the one we've already found, as per GT's suggestion.

                            Akiria Orders MY 2282-

                            As given before, but I would like to request forest being built on square (7,115) where there is currently a borehole. It is in Cyclops base radius, without the consent of any Akirian Governor. That square may be on the line, and thus neither Governor has direct control over it, but since it is in the base radius of an Akirian base, the Governor of that region should have a say in whether to poll it. I would also like to ask all Governors not to poll for boreholes outside of their region. In the latest Twin Sea poll, such was committed, and although it failed, should not have been there in the first place. Please ensure that if it is in the region of another Governor, that you ask them before you poll it.

                            I promised the people many times that Akiria would remain borehole free and beautiful, and I do not wish someone else to break my promises for me I’m more than capable of doing that myself. Thank you.
                            Last edited by Drogue; April 4, 2003, 16:28.
                            For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                            But he would think of something

                            "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                            • #29
                              Drogue - in case you hadn't noticed, base size at TLH is not decreasing.


                              • #30
                                Aren't they? I thought a base size was reduced by one when it's last defender is defeated, and again when it is taken? This it was happens in my games. Therefore, since it is reduced to 0, presumably it lost one population. Now it isn't still decreasing, but if they keep building one defender, and we keep killing it, without taking the place, it will decrease in size by 1 each time this happens. I want to avoid that. Hence I think we should have had a transport nearby so we reduce it to one and then take it. Quick, easy, simple and very effective. Least death, least resources, least time, everyone's happy
                                For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                                But he would think of something

                                "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker

