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Turn report 2277-2282

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  • #16
    Lucky, perhaps you should consider the sheer volume of all the orders the commissioner has to carry out, particularly in former operations (it's so bad that GT wants us to disband some formers). The execution of a typo is regrettable, but it's also somewhat inevitable that mistakes will be made.


    • #17
      I'm just venting frustration. I appreciate the Commisioner's burden absolutely: I'm a large-scale- builder-type player in single-player mode myself.


      • #18
        Did you just have the former with no orders in a square with coordinates near the non-sensically ordered terraformation sit there and do nothing, moving a terraformer to do the non-sense orders?? ARRGGGH!!
        No, I sent the formers to carry out your orders without much regard for where the formers actually came from. IT amkes everything so much easier.


        • #19
          Yea, it's helpful if you can just order what you want done, rather than which formers you want doing it... I've noticed that it's somewhat difficult to predict which of my former orders will actually get done, but I could put priorities if I really needed to.

