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Orders for turnchat 2271-2278?, Saturday 15 March, 2200 GMT

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  • #16
    Here is TKG's magtube plan:


    • #17
      Oh, btw... Voltaire, do you have plans to construct a mag tube network in Twin Sea?


      • #18

        Build Queues
        (If a queue appears, there has been a revision)

        Ankh Morpork- empath rover/hab complex/treefarm

        Shangri-La- no changes

        Metropolis-no changes

        Capricorn-no changes

        UN Aquaxenobananna-no changes

        UN Slippery Ground-no changes

        Worker Placements

        Ankh Morpork-both empaths into thinkers; at population growth, new citizen is engineer.

        Shangri-La- one engineer becomes an empath

        Metropolis- new citizen works (20,58) [crawler will move]

        Capricorn- no changes

        UN Aquaxenobananna- one empath works (28,60)

        UN Slippery Ground- no changes


        Ankh Morpork- upon completion, crawler moves to (13,79) for minerals

        Metropolis- after 3 turns, move crwlr at (20,58) to (15,59) for minerals

        Activate crawler at (19,55), move to (15,79) for minerals.


        Chiroformers at (19,57) to (15,59) remove fungus, build mine

        Revised formers at (17,51) to (15,53) remove fungus, build mine

        Plasma formers at (17,51) to (19,49) build mine then to (17,47) build mine

        Rush/Upgrade Requests

        Ankh Morpork- no requests

        Shangri-La- no requests

        Metropolis- rec commons!!

        Capricorn- no requests

        UN Aquaxenobannana- no requests

        UN Slippery Ground- no requests


        • #19
          Lucky - how much would that Rec Commons rush cost?


          • #20
            Thanks, Lucky, for getting those orders in.

            On to mine...

            DIA Orders

            All rushes/upgrade requests approved (if they're over 10 mins), since we've got nearly 3000ecs in the bank and make over 850/turn *now* (probably closer to 1000/turn by the end of the chat) ... just make sure to leave enough that we'll have 1000 at the beginning of the next turn.

            Unless someone doesn't like the idea, rename the recently conquered Hive base to "U.N. Peace Anchorage".

            If new bases are established, use the results the recent base name poll for naming. "DBTSverse Portal" is at the top of the list, I believe

            to the mag tube network plans I've seen so far, and presumably to any for Solaris or Twin Sea.

            As formers become available (mostly from JV), move them north to construct an energy park, as per Maniac's proposal here, sticking to squares within territory. Please patrol with some military units up there, as there are signs of activity in the fogged area (those mines that weren't there last turnchat), and mass former casualties are bad

            Send the colony pod up north too, planting in one of the squares indicated in Maniac's picture in the post linked to above. Probably one of the closer spots for now, until we determine how safe it is to proceed north.

            Also, since the newly liberated (and soon to be renamed) "Sea Collective" base has no governor:

            -scrap and recycle the perimiter defenses for 25ecs, since the CDF will provide for the defenses.

            build queue:
            aquaformers (current project)
            network node
            rec commons
            children's creche

            In 2 turns, rush the current project (formers) with 10 mins over, and every turn after that rush whatever's up with 10 mins over (unless it costs a fortune for some reason). It's gonna be quite difficult to get anything out of this base for a while, methinks... should we even bother? If not then maybe the rush cash could be spent elsewhere.

            In any case, with formers just kelp farm the nearby nut bonus square, and then go with tidal harnesses/mining platforms as seems right.


            • #21
              Director of Peakkeping Operations orders 2171 onwards

              New Designs
              -(10e-1-2*2 Empath, Clean) Empath fusion speeder - (request of Akirian Governor Maniac)
              -(8e-1-10 Empath) Empath Chaos chopper - (request of Akirian Governor Maniac - upgraded to Chaos from Impact as it is the same min cost)
              -(2e-1-2 Empath, Clean) Empath Recon Speeder (or some other name) - (request of DPO)
              -(10-1-12*2 clean, deep radar) Clean Fusion 'Copter (request of DPO)
              -(8-1-2*2 Clean, Empath) Empath Chaos Rover (to satisfy Jedinica Vrijstaat Governor Cedayon's build queue)

              -Upgrade Auroran scout patrol to a (2-3+t-1*2 ECMTrance) ECM Plasma Garrison (Gov Maniac's request)
              -Upgrade UNPD garrison to a 1-4+t-1*2 Trance Silksteel Sentinel after ACS Pizza completed (Gov TKG's request)
              -Upgrade Xanadu garrison to a Trance Silksteel Sentinel (Gov TKG's request)

              -Rehome garrison at Aurora to be FROM Aurora (Gov TKG's request)
              -All non-Empath Choppers to Egregion and rehome here.

              Scout Patrol in Zanarkand Gate (Gov TKG's request)

              Worm threat in Cyclops
              -As per Governor's recommendation, do not attack the worms this turn.
              Allow worms to do what they will (hopefully attack and lose)
              -Move the Crawler SE of Aurora to S-SW-SW pf Aurora as per Governor's orders to convoy minerals

              Worm threat W of Tacticus Academy
              -Change current build in Tacticus Academy to an Empath Recon Speeder and rush it for

              -16 EC if we want no extra minerals carried over for the next build
              -56 EC if we want the 10 extra minerals to carry over (estimated)

              -Governor GeneralTacticus has ordered an Empath Rover added to the top of the build queue in Antioch. I ask the Commissioner/Governor to make a judgement call on whether this should be an old non-Clean Empath Recon Rover (build in 1 turn without rushing) or a new Clean Empath Chaos Rover (build in 2 turns without rushing). DPO's suggestion is for the Clean Chaos Rover as Antioch is not in immediate threat, and an Empath Rover is being rushed in Tacticus Academy to deal with the Worm threat W of that base.

              Builds Not Specifically Mentioned In Governor's Standing Orders

              - 1 (2e-1-2 Empath, Clean) Empath Recon Speeder in New Apolyton (request by DPO, granted by Governor Archaic) - uncertain where in the queue this is to be placed

              New Troops that will be built this chat and orders for them

              Tacticus Academy - (2e-1-2*2 Empath Clean) Empath Recon Speeder - est. 2272
              --Attacks worms to E, once successful returns to TacAC and holds

              New Tassagrad - 2 (10e-1-2*2 Empath, Clean) Empath fusion speeders - est. 2278, 2281
              --First to Cyclops and rehome, hold here. Attacks worms if they are still present
              Second holds in New Tass

              Cyclops - 2 (8e-1-10 Empath) Empath Chaos choppers - est. 2279, 2281
              --1 holds
              --1 rehomes, holds at Mysidia

              New Apolyton - (2e-1-2*2 Empath Clean) Empath Recon Speeder - ????
              --Holds here

              Concordia - 4 (10-1-12*2 clean, deep radar) Clean Fusion 'Copters - est. 2281, 2283, 2285, 2287
              --To Egregion where they rehome and move on to UN SLippery Ground (UNSG)

              Pandemonium - 4 (10-1-12*2 clean, deep radar) Clean Fusion 'Copters - est. 2281, 2283, 2285, 2287
              --To Egregion where they rehome and move on to UNSG

              Sheathed Sword - 3 (8-1-2*2 clean, empath) Clean Empath rovers - est 2281, 2284, 2287
              -- 1holds
              -- 1 rehomes, holds at Terminal Dogma
              -- 1 rehomes, holds at Metropolis

              Terminal Dogma - 4 (10-1-12*2 clean, deep radar) Clean Fusion 'Copters - est. 2281, 2283, 2285, 2287
              --To Egregion where they rehome and move on to UNSG

              Valhalla - 4 (10-1-12*2 clean, deep radar) Clean Fusion 'Copters - est. 2281, 2283, 2285, 2287
              --To Egregion where they rehome and move on to UNSG

              UNPD - 1 (10-4-6*2 AAA, Radar) ACS Pizza - est. 2273
              --Holds here unless further plans???
              1 (10-1-12*2 clean, deep radar) Clean Fusion 'Copter - est. 2275
              --To Egregion where it rehomes and moves on to UNSG
              1 (8e-1-10 Empath) Empath Chaos chopper - est. 2277
              --Holds here
              Ankh-Morpork - 1 (2e-1-2*2 Empath) Empath Recon Rover - est. 2276
              --Holds here

              Antioch - 1 Empath Rover of some description of GT's choice - est. 2274-5
              --Holds here unless worm still exists W of TacAC, in which case it takes on the worm, then returns to TacAc to rehome and hold if TacAC has no Empath Rover

              Standing Orders
              All upgraded garrisons hold in the same base as pre-upgrade.
              All non-Empath Choppers to Egregion ASAP and rebase here. Move them to UNSG and attack targets of opportunity not further than two squares from UNSG as per DPO's/Commish's discretion.
              Attack worms where possible with strongest closest Empath Rover/Chopper,
              Upgrades to clean version of troops are encouraged, specifically the Empath Recon Rover at Ankh-Morpork and Antioch if it is not a clean version.
              Also, upgrading the Empath Choppers from UNPD and Cyclops to Clean versions would require the prototyping of a (8e-1-10 Empath, Clean) Clean Empath Chaos chopper first. This and any upgrades to clean versions of the same or similar use unit are approved and should be done wherever energy allows and the Governor concerned is not... concerned.
              Upgrading of the Chaos Empath Rovers to Empath Fusion speeders should be done where possible also - this lesser tech unit was requested by Governor Cedayon and is likely the result of some confusion of the DPO's. This upgrade would enable our troops to maintain less of a tech difference meaning greater efficiency in keeping track of prototyped units. This is however no priority.

              The above gives us most of the Choppers we need for attacking the Hive. The next chat I hope to focus on getting the AAA defenders the Hive cities will need when we take them. These will be built and shipped to Egregion, where they will be rehomed and eventually shipped to UNSG. Also next set of turns I hope to get some AAA Cruiser Defenders built, one for the Transports carrying the Silksteel AAA defenders and at least one in the sea N of Capricorn to warn for any Hive/Believer/Spartan attacks from the North. I will also ask for some more Interceptor Needlejets to UNSG, to escort the defensive troops over the sea, to be prepared to disperse amongst new former-Hive bases and at least one in Sea Colective.

              Also in place hopefully by the end of the chat this time is a decent Worm defense system of mostly Rovers, but also some Choppers in the south. These orders should place them all reasonably well to cover any worm threat, with an emphasis on the bases closer to larger areas of fungus. If it is felt that there could be a better
              placement, by all means adjust things.

              I will be in the chat by 2300GMT (around one hour after starting).

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • #22
                - 1 (2e-1-2 Empath, Clean) Empath Recon Speeder in New Apolyton (request by DPO, granted by Governor Archaic) - uncertain where in the queue this is to be placed
                Might as well put it in at the start. I've added it to the orders file. All we need to know now is what techs to research.


                • #23
                  MWIA: are you sure on those time estimates for the choppers in JV? They seem about 8-10 years later than I would expect, since we're in the 2270's not the 2280's.

                  Also, would you consider keeping a few (2-3) of the choppers in Solaris (or in the new northern base) for "proactive" defense against possible roaming enemy units (as I've mentioned, there are mines up north now that weren't there before, I think someone's been popping pods)?


                  GT: just a list of all the bases I know of that will need rushing on the first turn (2271), for reference:

                  standard rush requests:

                  New Tassagrad, energy bank, 96ecs
                  Egregion, rec commons, (cost not given, but it's not yet at 10 mins... and what's the point, we're stagnating the base at 3 specialists anyway, right?)
                  Pandemonium, aerospace complex, 36ecs
                  Sheathed Sword, centauri preserve, 84ecs
                  Valhalla, research hospital, 174ecs
                  DEM, research hospital, 108ecs
                  Xanadu, fusion lab, 60ecs
                  Metropolis, rec commons, (cost not given, I estimate 36-56ecs, depending on desired overrun)

                  Voltaire's standing "rush all twin sea crawlers, not exceeding 200 ec/turns":
                  Mysidia's building one, will finish in 1 turn with 6 mins over, if the cost is 3ecs/min you could put 12ecs into it to make it a 10 min overrun.
                  UNRC is also building one, will finish in 2 turns but a 12ec rush will cut it to 1, go for overrun if you wish.

                  Archaic's standing "rush anything past 10 mins":
                  TA, chiroformer, 64ecs to make it 1 turn even
                  Circular Quay, aquaformer, the 131ec suggestion from the game is as good as any, since the base only produces 6/min a turn

                  My own suggestion:
                  Ankh-Morpork is 1 min off of completing its supply crawler in 1 turn (instead of 2), so toss 3ecs in.

                  If we're still swimming in cash after all that, feel free to suggest some other rushes, since I'll be there to consider them.
                  Last edited by Cedayon; March 15, 2003, 10:52.


                  • #24
                    I'd like to mention I've changed the Akirian build orders. An empath rover is now the first production item in Aurora. I'd like MWIA's opinion though whether I should build a "2e-1-2 empath, clean" or a "8e-1-2*2 empath". These models both cost 50 mins, so they can be finished next turn in Aurora without much rushing.

                    I've also changed my 4e-1-10 chopper (which costed 30 mins, 50 less than the 8e-1-10 proposed by MWIA ) design to a "<8e>-1-8*2 SAM Empath Chaos Rotor" to prevent pacifism drones.
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Maniac
                      I've also changed my 4e-1-10 chopper (which costed 30 mins, 50 less than the 8e-1-10 proposed by MWIA ) design to a "<8e>-1-8*2 SAM Empath Chaos Rotor" to prevent pacifism drones.
                      Meaning it's not a clean design?


                      • #26
                        Indeed. Way too expensive for the Akirian industry, and it would cause too many drones if they don't get rehomed to Egregion.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

