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Official Poll: War or Peace with Yang

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  • #16
    /me sends military goons after Lemmy.

    The war on the undead has begun!

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


    • #17
      voted peace on a whim. Is it constitutional?


      • #18
        No one knows.
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #19
          But we will decide
          For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
          But he would think of something

          "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


          • #20
            I’m appalled at the fact that the warmongers are winning at the polls. War is not what our faction should be stating for, and even if the Hive were to betray us sometime down the road in the forcible future we should stand by our principles and sign the ceasefire if for no other reason aside from that it is the moral choice. Are we so arrogant as to believe that we have some moral superiority to Yang when we are unwilling to stand by our own principles? And to those of you who would go out and say that our primary principle is democracy, I would remind you that we are here to enforce the UN charter and the ideals of the old United Nations. Democracy is all nice and fine, but one of its failings is that the majority often does not know what is for the best. I implore all the apathetic masses out there who have yet to vote to consider the Peacekeeper lives that will be lost in total war with Yang, it is clear that Yang will betray us in the future, but some peace is better than none. Please vote for peace.
            You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


            • #21
              Peacekeeper lives lost in a war... hmm, some, depending on how our air-attack rolls go, but I doubt we're in danger of many civilian casualties except those at the nearby sea bases.

              They would be a tragedy, sure, but Yang would do far worse to us if we allow him time to get PBs...

              I voted peace because we can make war in the future much more effectively, and thus suffer fewer casualties in the regrettable but inevitable conflict... well, inevitable unless we can secure enough diplomatic power to become supreme leader after we get MMI.


              • #22
                Yang has proven he is a threat to the Peacekeeper way of life. His regime of brutal oppression of his own people should be evidence enough that this tyrant must be removed, and as defenders of freedom and democracy for Planet, we are obliged to act. Moreover, he is harbouring radical Green organisations, which have been recently threatening to overturn our whole Free Market economic infrastructure because they hate our success.

                It is only through staying at war that we can maintain the peace.

                Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
                  Yang has proven he is a threat to the Peacekeeper way of life. His regime of brutal oppression of his own people should be evidence enough that this tyrant must be removed, and as defenders of freedom and democracy for Planet, we are obliged to act. Moreover, he is harbouring radical Green organisations, which have been recently threatening to overturn our whole Free Market economic infrastructure because they hate our success.

                  It is only through staying at war that we can maintain the peace.
                  Our own people in the latest polls have shown great support for a return to a Green economics system, so even if Yang is harboring Green radicals [highly unlikely] that alone does not justify the continuation of war. And you would continue fighting even if it would cost us the lives of our soldiers? If only one soldier does not loose his or her life during the ceasefire I consider it worth it. Our first duty is to our own people, and a ceasefire would be the best means to ensure their security for the time being.

                  Peace with Yang will not last; I have repeated this over and over again, but we could use that ceasefire to prepare for war and perhaps strike against Yang before he has a chance to strike against us. I say for all these reasons, and more, we need to support the ceasefire.
                  You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                  • #24
                    We are talking at cross-purposes here, I believe. I believed you would have us appease this tyrant, who would once again laugh at having pulled the wool over the eyes of the UN. You believed I would rather give up the strategic advantage of a temporary peace in order to keep the war factories running, and had my eyes set on nothing but the large synth-oil deposits Yang maintains.

                    I myself support the truce established with Yang, as it will give me the ability to respond to the troops' needs and equip them with more advanced technology that will enable skirmishes with Yang to be conducted with automated weaponry rather than placing troops in danger. Furthermore key areas will be permitted to increase their readiness in preparation for the inevitable Yan backstab.

                    We shall free the Hive peoples, but I agree the time has not yet come. Pending a final court decision on war or peace, my envoy Blans Hix will be sent to attempt to delay this war a little longer...


                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                    • #25
                      Just to put it simply: peace, for now, so we can stomp him like a bug and end the problem later.


                      • #26
                        I’m appalled at the fact that the warmongers are winning at the polls. War is not what our faction should be stating for, and even if the Hive were to betray us sometime down the road in the forcible future we should stand by our principles and sign the ceasefire if for no other reason aside from that it is the moral choice. Are we so arrogant as to believe that we have some moral superiority to Yang when we are unwilling to stand by our own principles? And to those of you who would go out and say that our primary principle is democracy, I would remind you that we are here to enforce the UN charter and the ideals of the old United Nations. Democracy is all nice and fine, but one of its failings is that the majority often does not know what is for the best. I implore all the apathetic masses out there who have yet to vote to consider the Peacekeeper lives that will be lost in total war with Yang, it is clear that Yang will betray us in the future, but some peace is better than none. Please vote for peace.
                        Peace would be a great detriment to the goal of eliminating Yang's tyranny. The longer the war goes on, and the longer he continues building up his military, the weaker he will become. In the end, he will become weak enough that his state will collapse under the slightest pressure. It worked for Reagan (much as I hate to say it), why shouldn't it work for us?

                        Our own people in the latest polls have shown great support for a return to a Green economics system, so even if Yang is harboring Green radicals [highly unlikely] that alone does not justify the continuation of war. And you would continue fighting even if it would cost us the lives of our soldiers? If only one soldier does not loose his or her life during the ceasefire I consider it worth it. Our first duty is to our own people, and a ceasefire would be the best means to ensure their security for the time being.
                        No, it would not. Our citizens are not under any real threat from the Hive anyway (especially not after the sound drubbing Yang recieved when he tried to land troops in our territory), and would indeed be more threatene din the long term if we allowed Yang to actually start building things other than military units.

                        Peace with Yang will not last; I have repeated this over and over again, but we could use that ceasefire to prepare for war and perhaps strike against Yang before he has a chance to strike against us. I say for all these reasons, and more, we need to support the ceasefire.
                        Our preparations for war would not be in the slightest bit hindered by actually being at war, and the state of war would allow us to carry out operations to weaken Yang - probe actions, shelling his coast, sinking ships, etc.


                        • #27
                          GT has a point: even if we remain at war, it's not going to impede our preparations much at all, we just have to be prepared for the occaisional sneak attack... which probably would be the case at peace anyway.

                          I just liked peace because... well, we'd be at peace, with one faction at least


                          • #28
                            All I have to say is this: would you be willing to sacrifice your life for this war? If you wouldn’t and you are in favor of it, then you’re a hypocrite. It is easy for us here to discuss the overthrow of the tyrant Yang and how it is our noble duty as defenders of freedom and democracy, but none of us here are going to the front, we will be safely far away from the actual fighting feeling good about ourselves and how we are liberating the people of the Hive and brining them under our enlightened rule. To echo the words of Cicero I prefer the most unjust peace to the most righteous war.
                            You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                            • #29
                              Would I be willing to go to the front and fight this war at the time when I'm advocating we begin the fighting? The simple answer is yes. Our huge technological advantage over the Hive emans casualties are likely to be very low, and the death rate even lower. Hell, we're probably more at risk of assassination by the Hive staying here than at the front.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
                                Would I be willing to go to the front and fight this war at the time when I'm advocating we begin the fighting? The simple answer is yes. Our huge technological advantage over the Hive emans casualties are likely to be very low, and the death rate even lower. Hell, we're probably more at risk of assassination by the Hive staying here than at the front.
                                So what you’re saying any invasion by our forces would pretty much be wholesale slaughter due to our great technological advantage? If the Hive is of no threat to us, how can we justify the casualties we will cause on their side?
                                You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!

