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Court: Informal: Is the Blood Truce with the Hive constitutional?

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  • Court: Informal: Is the Blood Truce with the Hive constitutional?

    As of today's turnchat, we have signed a Blood Truce with the Hive. This action was taken by the administration, knowing there might be constitutional questions regarding it, and following the turnchat Commissioner GeneralTacticus and Alpha Talent Maniac have asked the Court for a decision.

    Questions before the Court:

    1) Was the Blood Truce signed with the Hive constitutionally obtained?

    2) Would it be constitutional to restore from a prior save, when the Blood Truce had not yet been signed?

    3) In the opinion of the Court, what is the action that ought to be taken to resolve this matter?

    Deliberations will begin once a quorum (three) of the Court can be assembled, and a Senior Justice appointed. This thread

    A brief summary of the arguments that have been raised in the turnchat:

    A November poll, the last poll posted on policy toward the Hive, endorses peace with the Hive if they are willing to agree without setting conditions. In Voltaire's orders for this turnchat, he instructed us to
    1) Always accept the incoming transmission from another faction;
    2) If a faction that we are currently at war with demands technology, laugh in their face;
    3) If a faction that we are currently at was with demands energy credits, laugh in their face, unless of course it is a reasonable amount (meaning anything below 100ec);
    The spirit of these orders is to refuse enemy conditions for peace, which implies that a peace without conditions might be accepted. Alpha Talent Maniac, interpreting those orders in his constitutional role as fill-in for an absent Director, determined that we would accept the Hive offer of peace.

    The Constitution specifically states that the Director of Foreign Affairs
    May NOT:
    Declare blood truce, peace, pacts if there hasn’t been a poll saying it is ok.
    The poll posted during Term III is no longer valid because it has been so long since it was posted. Furthermore, Voltaire never gave a specific order to make peace with the Hive if we could do it without giving in to demands. The decision to contact Yang, after which he offered peace without preconditions, was made by Alpha Talent Maniac after Voltaire had left the turnchat. Without the DFA on hand, Yang should not have been contacted in the first place. The decision to make peace with the Hive should have been delayed until the next turnchat, during which time a poll could be posted.

    Thse are not the only arguments which could be raised, but they are the most salient ones raised during the turnchat. These arguments are summarized here to give the public an idea of the arguments that have been raised for and against the validity of the Truce.

    Because deliberations have not formally begun, this thread is open for public comment.
    Adam T. Gieseler

  • #2
    I think question 1 boils down to these:

    a) Do the applicable DFA orders indeed imply that a no-demands peace be accepted under all circumstances? If not, under these circumstances?

    b) Are the applicable DFA orders themselves constitutional? ie were they polled recently enough, or is that not an issue?

    and to 2 I ask: how long ago is prior? is the *only* difference the communication and truce?

    and 3... I'm listening, folks.

    I'm (obviously) available for deliberation, and should be available for reading/posting almost all of tomorrow.


    • #3
      well I believe that a november poll is to old to be used as an argument. but because the DFA left Maniac as AT got that job. it was an emegercy and he acted upon it the best possible way. so if it was up to be the treaty if valid for now but needs to be polled as soon as possible

      about the 2 saves. if we were going to use the first SAV (the one before the call) i believe that the not-playing-ahead part of our constitution has been compromised. each action as a reaction if we like it or not....this is why it is my believe that the second SAV must be used for the rest of the game...

      Welcome to the DBTSverse!
      God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
      'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


      • #4
        The only difference in the saves is the state of affairs with Yang, yes? It is fair to say that if we went back to the old save where we are at war with Yang and contacted them, we would get the Truce? If so, then we are in a unique position - screw the Constitution and whether one part of it conflicts with another, let's determine the will of the people and then choose the save to match. That is what this game is about - what we decide, not what that outdated overbearing Constitution decides for us.

        War or peace? That is the only issue, unless the saves are significantly different in other ways. We have no future knowledge anyway from having two saves, so it is as if we are taking the decision for a Truce before any truce is reached.

        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


        • #5
          HE that constitution isnt outdated... it has just been revised! ...but anyways....I kinda agree with you and kinda disagree with is up to the court
          Welcome to the DBTSverse!
          God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
          'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


          • #6
            Some consider the chance to revert to the earlier save as playing ahead, something that is inadmissible. However, I will try here to explain why I do not believe this is playing ahead.

            Playing ahead is where we alter something like build queues, troop movements etc, and an irreversible result occurs that tells us something about what consequences that action has. For example, if we attacked a certain Hive base with a Helicopter before ground troops and found we lost the Helicopter, playing ahead would be to reload the save and change the order of the attacks in order to see if the same result would be accomplished. With this advance knowledge of the consequences of the attack order, we have just played ahead.

            With our current situation, we do not know what the truce will bring us. All we know is that we are at blood truce. As long as the turn is not ended and we have not seen how Yang reacts to this decision of ours, we have no advance knowledge. We know we can reach a truce or stay at war, but we knew this anyway. It is as if we went into a base production screen and changed from a newly started Tree Farm to a Network Node - we do not affect anything by changing freely between these two until we end the turn or rush one of them. Is this playing ahead? If the Commish misclicks and adds the wrong build to the queue, is he then disallowed from changing to the real one on the grounds that this is playing ahead? No, that's lunacy, as there is no difference except in the one decision. We do not know anything about the consequences of such an action, until one, probably many turns away.

            This allegory (that word is for you, DBTS ) is reflected in the decision between the two saves, which is essentially the same as choosing between war and peace with the Hive. We don't know what will happen if we stay at war, nor do we know what happens with a truce. We have gained no knowledge over where we were before contacting Yang, and this is why we can have a poll on war or peace, and then choose which save to use based on that. There is no effective difference between having the poll earlier and having it now.

            The crucial point is that the consequences of our actions define advance knowledge of the outcomes of our decisions and thus define playing ahead. We have no advance knowledge, merely a choice between two options, for which the future is uncertain. Thus we are not playing ahead, and we can avoid any messy changes to the Constitution or long Court proceedings.

            Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


            • #7
              Great speech MWIA.

              I'd like to clarify something for correctness' sake. This isn't right:
              The decision to contact Yang, after which he offered peace without preconditions, was made by Alpha Talent Maniac after Voltaire had left the turnchat.
              This is what happened in the chat:
              [13:53] herc2> but before you go check our foreign relations or is tha ttoo risky ?
              [13:53] GT^Commish> What's to check?
              [13:54] Maniac> How much 100s of ec's Yang asks???
              [13:54] herc2> Well maybe some of those in Vendetta want to make peace.
              [13:55] GT^Commish> I suppose we might as well check.
              It was Hercules who wanted to check all of our foreign relations, because he was to become DFA after this turnchat (but he wasn't yet at that moment). I was actually against it, as can be seen by my comment, because I didn't believe he would do a reasonable offer and thus it would be an unnecessary call to Yang.
              So one could argue that the call in the first place was unconstitutional, because it wasn't ordered by the DFA nor his replacement the AT, and so we have to return to the first save, prior to the call. The other side is of course using the first save can be seen as having played ahead.
              So really, technically we will be performing an illegal action no matter which save we use in the end. Therefore I think a court decision is in place here, as they have to decide over legal disputes.
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • #8
                Can we have one last addition to the Constitution:

                "The Court's number one priority is to ensure the smooth resolution of any disputes in the minimum amount of time necessary for all sides to be heard, and to above all make sure the game progresses according to the will of the Democracy game members."

                The only sensible decision for the Court is to agree on posting a poll immediately on what the wishes of the citizens are - war or blood truce with Yang. There is no need to examine anything further. Choose one or the other based on what the least vague part of the Constitution says and we defy the will of the people, which is what this is all about - all of us making decisions.

                Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                • #9
                  Looking at the options Adam gave, I don't think we can use the poll as it is too old, as others have said. Thus we must say that the truce signed is unconstitutional. However, I think it would be playing ahead if we were to take it from the old save, not to mention frustrating. Furthermore, if we were role-playing, we can not go back in time, therefore would have to make the best of the situation, whatever had gone wrong. Therefore, I would suggest having a poll now, a plebiscite, to see if the people agree with the decision. If they do not ratify it, then we declare war on the Hive. If they ratify it, then we can accept it and play on.
                  For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                  But he would think of something

                  "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                  • #10
                    to drogue
                    Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                    God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                    'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                    • #11
                      There would be somewhat nasty inter-factional political consequences if we immediately broke the truce, no?


                      • #12
                        Yes, but not major, it's only a truce. Also, imagine in real-life, if a a member of the elected delegation went and declared peace without a mandate. Either the people agree post-event, or war is declared again. Of course, the judges must deliberate, but it is my belief that the best course of action is for GT (or Maniac) to post a poll, to see if the people agree with the decision. Then carry out whatever the peoples wishes are (with a stern slap-on-the-wrist to whomever's mistake it was )
                        For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                        But he would think of something

                        "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                        • #13
                          Things to consider. (sorry for delay)

                          Regular playing of the game means regular contact with factions. We hadn't been in contact for some time. As incoming DFA I wanted an up to date perspective on our foreign relations. How do you do that without contact?
                          And you can only contact in game.
                          I had hoped we would contact all factions to see what latest position was. Usually you can conclude discussion, if you want, without commitment on either side (outrageous demand for ecs or vague threat about tolerance). But at least in discussing foreign affairs we would have their latest views.

                          My early comment at 13.25 proposed contacting friends and neighbours (Voltaire had left 11.53). We are friends with Deirdre, she might have need help. At one stage there were 6 or more Hive needlejets eyeing Morgan shores, so he might have asked for or offered some deal beneficial to us. We are in vendetta with Miriam too but maybe she could have offered us something. ( whatever turns you on).

                          At the later request I did ask was it too risky.

                          But there is another point.

                          We are the UN peacekeepers. Are we not obliged to pursue peace where possible. Is it too easy to let vendettas just continue?

                          I recall a position not long ago when the faction generally was unsure about taking war to the Hive.

                          Interestingly I think if we had contacted Yang some turns earlier, he would have refused our transmissions as he was in the course of attacking us. It was a result of his defeat that perhaps led him to think differently. Personally I think he will use the truce (if accepted) to gain time before another attack.

                          Re: Foreign Affairs. Maybe we need to agree as to how frequently we contact other factions either via the Comm channel or in the field.

                          In my view in the absence of later polls the November Poll stands. After all those present in a recent turnchat gave the go ahead to researching Fusion in the absence of the Dir. of Science and after a on the spot poll. Was that unconstitutional?

                          Secondly it was Yang who declared war on us so polls on war or peace were not entirely relevant But by us initiating contact and this offer to us, we need to poll for war or peace.

                          Thirdly, is it constitutional to contact other factions during a turnchat. Yes I think it is.
                          Had we the sufficient authority? Yes we had in my view, the At and other Directors were present. Was there sufficient guidance from official polls to guide our response? Yes I think there was. Even if the Nov poll is a bit old it still is the current position. The official secrets act in UK is years old and many claim to want to change it but it still stands and there was a recent trial concerning its breach.

                          Is this a disaster? No but it will help us clarify are current foreign relation policy.

                          A further point. If the court decides that the action was constitutional then there are additional issues to decide:
                          * To accept the offer or not.
                          * To advise whether the turn be completed by contacting the other factions or end after the Hive contact.
                          · who ( to conduct ) and when to poll.

                          For discussion
                          On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                          • #14
                            A further point: we were in sunspots for 20 years. So first there was no point ( in practice) in holding a further poll until the spots cleared, so for most of the DFA 's time it was wine and cheese functions and liaisons (lucky him).

                            Because of that I think the Nov Poll is valid. And I think the implied interpretation ('if no conditions then accept peace' is valid).

                            These are arguments for the constitutional legality of the action taken.

                            The decision on ratifying the Truce (or declining) is another issue. Do not compound the two.
                            Last edited by Hercules; March 2, 2003, 20:18.
                            On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                            • #15
                              Furthermore, if we were role-playing, we can not go back in time,
                              If you want to think about it that way, we haven't actually gone back in time; we've merely told Yang that we're putting a preliminary truce in place, and we'll get back to him once we've figured out whether or not to accept it. If we decide we can't, we end negotiations (go back to the previous save), and nothing more ahppens; if we decide we want the truce, we keep going with the later save.

                              btw, I don't really see why it would be 'frustrating' to go back to the earlier save, as the only thing I did between saving the earlier game and the later one was contact Yang.
                              Last edited by GeneralTacticus; March 3, 2003, 01:59.

