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Jedinica Vrijstaat II

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  • Jedinica Vrijstaat II

    The official thread for Jedinican discussions.
    This was the first thread.

    Current citizens of Jedinica Vrijstaat:



    Terminal Dogma
    Comrade Chris

    Sheathed Sword


    Everyone is still welcome! The more immigrants, the more joy! Change your location at the Citizens Register and post your name here.
    Suggestions for other pictures to be added are always welcome!
    Last update: MY 2256

    There are still a few problems with the code display. I'll fix them tomorrow.
    Last edited by Maniac; April 9, 2003, 14:57.
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

  • #2

    View of Concordia when approaching with the maglev

    Population and economic overview

    Population size: 167549 citizens
    Annual nutrient production: 39 megatons
    Annual mineral mining & refining capacity: 36 million megatons
    Annual energy Production: 51 billion kWh
    Base Mayor: Maniac

    MY : nutrients production/consumption * minerals non-support/total * energy usable/total * population * economy-labs-psych * eco-damage

    MY 2202: 15/14  13/15  6/8      76615    3-3-4       4
    MY 2204: 21/14  14/16  9/12    79413    4-5-0       8
    MY 2206: 23/18  17/19  9/13    95284    4-5-0       19
    MY 2208: 23/18  18/19  10/14  97256    5-5-0       20
    MY 2211: 23/18  14/17  9/13    99943    4-8-0       2
    MY 2213: 23/18  15/18  10/14  100745  5-8-0       4
    MY 2216: 23/24  15/20  9/12    125384  4-8-3       7
    MY 2222: 22/22  13/19  8/10    115307  4-6-3       2
    MY 2228: 28/26  15/20  9/11    134571  6-12-4     0
    MY 2235: 34/32  19/24  17/23  163764  12-23-12 0
    MY 2242: 34/32  25/31  16/21  166182  30-18-12 0
    MY 2249: 32/32  27/35  32/40  166470  54-32-16 7
    MY 2256: 39/32  28/36  14/51  167549  68-58-23 0

    At the time of its foundation, Concordia promised to become a small cute harbor town, located at the northern end of a long and shallow fjord. Time proved otherwise however. A few years after the foundation of the base, it became clear Concordia was located near a very active volcanic area. Heavy earthquakes shook the small town of Concordia, destroying a big part of its infrastructure. Happily by now the vulcanic activity has calmed down. But as a result of this turbulent past, Concordia has become a mountain city, located between several high peaks. More precisely the old vulcano in the SW: Mount Centauri with its 2572 metres. And in the northeastern corner the highest mountain within Peacekeeping territory, the Ben Nevis with its 2810 metres, dominates the horizon. It is named after the famous mountain in Old Earth Scotland, as a tribute to Lady Deirdre Skye, the faction leader of the Gaians who is held in high regard by Jedinican citizens.

    Ben Nevis as viewed from Concordia

    Concordia herself is located in a valley, 1518 metres low, between these two peaks. This still makes her the highest base of them all, also the only one on rocky terrain, as can be noted in the cityview picture above. Due to this height, some sort of snowfall occurs every year during the winter period, so Concordia is known for its skiing tourism. If you are interested, be sure to book your holidays soon, as all hotels are quickly occupied!

    A popular ski piste on the slopes of Mount Centauri

    The vulcanic eruptions have also created other advantages for Concordia. Foremost it has brought to the surface many valuable minerals. The other advantage is the rich vulcanic soil. Together with the heavy rainfall (due to the high mountains stopping the clouds) and the high temperature microclimate (sunshine falls vertically on the slopes) the western hills are the most productive of all planet. The eastern side is colder and drier, but still good enough for forest, as was proved by the forestation project some decades ago. When walking in these woods in the morning light, one can encounter beautiful sights.

    A forest of Xenoaspens, genetically modified to survive and prosper on Planet

    Concordia is in most economic measurement units head and shoulders above the four other bases in Jedinica Vrijstaat. It even has the largest population of all bases within United Nations territory. As a consequence the regional government center is stationed here. It has also been vying quite a while with New Apolyton and Tacticus Academy for the title of biggest economic centre. In the mid 2250's, the two Centralian rivals gained some ground because of the early completions of their hybrid forests, but in MY 2256 the Mayor of Concordia immediately order a record construction of its own hybrid forest. He also started lobbying to construct a Supercollidor in Concordia. When that would be finished, the Centralians will finally have to admit the supremacy of their northern Jedinican neighbours.
    Last edited by Maniac; February 26, 2003, 13:12.
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


    • #3

      Pandasquare, the centre of Pandemonium

      Population and economic overview

      Population size: 149661 citizens
      Annual nutrient production: 42 megatons
      Annual mineral mining & refining capacity: 21 million megatons
      Annual energy Production: 24 billion kWh
      Base Mayor: Pandemoniak

      MY : nutrients production/consumption * minerals non-support/total * energy usable/total * population * economy-labs-psych * eco-damage

      MY 2202: 8/6      4/6      1/4       39546   0-1-0
      MY 2204: 9/8      8/10    2/5       41057   1-1-0
      MY 2206: 9/8      8/10    3/5       41246   1-2-0
      MY 2208: 9/8      7/10    3/5       42109   1-2-0
      MY 2211: 17/12  7/10    3/5       61475   1-2-0
      MY 2213: 19/16  9/12    4/6       81164   2-2-2
      MY 2216: 21/18  10/13  10/17   92400   5-5-2
      MY 2222: 21/18  9/13    10/16   94231   5-12-3
      MY 2228: 18/18  8/13    12/18   97240   6-23-0
      MY 2235: 23/18  9/13    12/18   97745   6-23-0
      MY 2242: 29/28  9/15    14/21   143461 19-17-9
      MY 2249: 33/28  11/17  18/24   145105 42-32-8
      MY 2256: 42/28  17/21  18/24   149661 56-42-9

      Pandemonium was founded in the middle of a large track of rainy, even swampy, land. The raininess is explained, just as with Concordia, due to the presence of the Pholus Ridge mountain chain in the east. This makes the region excellent for production of Xenorice, even more now soil enrichers are in common use. Unfortunately the mineral and especially fossil material presence is much lower. The first reason, so our geographers say, was that this region was covered by xenofungus some thousand years ago, absorbing all fossil materials and possible fuels. The second reason is the aforementioned heavy rainfall. Before we intervened and created an irrigation system, the upper ground layer was swept away with the rain, leaving a barren unproductive layer on top. Forestation projects have been set up in an attempt to give the area some industrial potential, but it doesn't suffice to fulfill the needs of the Pandemonian population. For that reason a large percentage of the necessary raw materials are transported in from the Concordian and Terminal Dogmatic mines. But that does not matter! The strength of Pandemonium lies not in raw industrial power.
      It lies rather in Research & Development. Pandemonium is home of the renowned nanonic engineer Micha. His corporation is constantly busy with the exploration and exploitation of the miniature world, and has given us several important technological advances.

      Pandemonium is also known as the world centre of entertainment and holo-industries. Many many years ago the cooperative "Hollyswamp" started as a marxist group of amateur theatre players performing a show every year to their fellow citizens, to forget the rain outside. Their goal was to bring culture to the common man, also those drones who never visited a theatre in their lives. They had much success and eventually were asked to perform in other bases as well. Naturally it was impossible to play live for all the drones of the Peacekeeping faction, so they decided to start a non-profit cooperative to distribute recordings of their plays. Later on they stepped over to film production and directed movies dealing with mainly social issues. The big breakthrough however came with the invention of 3DHoloVision Technology. Everyone knows their first factionwide succes "Deirdre's lover", directed by Pandemoniak. Many successes have followed, and now they are even bringing their holofilms clandestine to the oppressed drones in Hiveria.

      Pandemonium Hollyswamp Theatre; picture taken at the première of "Citizen Tassadar"

      Pandemonium is also known for other "entertainment industries", more precisely the brewing of alcohol beverages! Most of the breweries around Pandemonium are property of the Hollyswamp Cooperative. Everyone knows their most famous drink: the New Caledonian Beer!

      What else can be said but:

      Of course the ever monopolistic Xeno Inc. was not pleased with the success of his competitor. In reaction CEO TKG constructed a tall building, the HQ of the Jedinican Xeno Inc. section. It overshadows the HQ of Caledonian Breweries, but that has not kept Pandemonian citizens from drinking their favourite Caledonian drink.

      Street artist's impression of the Xeno Inc. HQ

      An overview of Pandemonium would never be complete without mentioning the Centauri Communalist Citizen's Party, the CCCP. It has influenced the development of Pandemonium in many ways. This party's headquarters is located in this base, at the base's central square. Its foremen are also the founders of the Hollyswamp Cooperative, and hence are, together with Micha, responsible for the prosperity of Pandemonium.

      Pandasquare, CCCP HQ
      Last edited by Maniac; February 26, 2003, 13:17.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #4

        Dragon, symbol of the Sheathed Sword Eastern Academy

        Population and economic overview

        Population size: 104090 citizens
        Annual nutrient production: 31 megatons
        Annual mineral mining & refining capacity: 18 million megatons
        Annual energy Production: 19 billion kWh
        Base Mayor: Kung Fu Tze

        MY : nutrients production/consumption * minerals non-support/total * energy usable/total * population * economy-labs-psych * eco-damage

        MY 2202: 6/4     2/3       1/2      24805    0-1-0
        MY 2204: 7/6     7/9       1/2      32558    0-1-0
        MY 2206: 7/6     7/9       1/2      34854    0-1-0
        MY 2208: 10/6   7/9       1/2      35568    0-1-0
        MY 2211: 8/6     7/11     1/3      39815    0-1-0
        MY 2213: 13/8   11/15   1/4      40375    0-1-0
        MY 2216: 13/8   11/15   1/4      45332    0-1-0
        MY 2222: 22/14  13/17  3/5      71759    1-2-0
        MY 2228: 28/18  10/17  6/10    97210    3-5-0
        MY 2235: 21/18  8/17    5/9      99623    2-14-0
        MY 2242: 22/18  13/18  6/11    100754    9-11-0
        MY 2249: 22/18  14/18  13/20  101109    17-14-5
        MY 2256: 31/20  15/18  13/19  104090    22-14-6

        This base her foundation and name was planned long ahead in honour of the politician which dominated the entire second half of the twenty-second century: High Commissioner DeathByTheSword. A big interest of him has always been Eastern, more specifically Chinese, philosophy and martial arts. Thus Sheathed Sword was planned as thé centre for those subjects. First there is the university, which specializes in studies of authors such as Sun Tzu and his still present influences on military tactics and strategy. There is also a lot of interest in the ancient Chinese philosophies, especially Taoism. The Sheathed Swordian environment is very supportive for such studies:

        Ponder the meaning of life, with a stunning sunset over the western seas

        Second there is the martial arts academy, where pupils learn various unarmed combat sports. For those looking for a military career, this is the place to be! Even Yang is envious of this eastern philosophical base and rumours are going around he wants to send his own troops to this base as well... Of course this is not to the Sheathed Swordian citizen's liking and in response they are planning to invade Hive lands.
        Due to the special character of this base, few people are employed in the classic agricultural and industrial sectors. Of course the nutritional and productive tasks still have to fulfilled. To do so, Sheathed Sword has a whole army of supply crawlers, specialized in harvesting food and mining minerals, especially the inexhaustible mineral layers in the southeast of Sheathed Sword. It is possible this mineral wealth will be used in a military naval industry, for Sheathed Sword's location lends itself well for the construction of large port facilities. The base lies in a bay, and only has access to the sea by a narrow strait, with the steep hills of Scylla and Charybdis on both sides.

        The Megara Narrows, with Scylla on the left and Charybdis on the right
        Last edited by Maniac; February 26, 2003, 13:18.
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #5

          Scene from Evangelion, a popular anime series among the Terminal Dogma University students

          Population and economic overview

          Population size: 132023 citizens
          Annual nutrient production: 35 megatons
          Annual mineral mining & refining capacity: 35 million megatons
          Annual energy Production: 42 billion kWh
          Base Mayor: Eva Ngelion

          MY : nutrients production/consumption * minerals non-support/total * energy usable/total * population * economy-labs-psych * eco-damage

          MY 2202: 7/4     3/4       2/9      29964    1-1-0
          MY 2204: 8/6     6/7       2/6      38946    1-1-0
          MY 2206: 9/8     8/8       3/14    40392    1-2-0
          MY 2208: 8/8     6/7       3/11    40301    1-2-2
          MY 2211: 9/8     5/8       3/13    41327    1-2-0
          MY 2213: 10/8   6/9       3/13    42213    1-2-0
          MY 2216: 9/8     7/10     2/7      43354    1-1-0
          MY 2222: 9/8     11/14   3/6      45315    1-2-0
          MY 2228: 17/10 11/14   5/7      52307    2-3-0
          MY 2235: 22/18 17/21   8/12    93894    4-6-0
          MY 2242: 32/22 20/25   9/14    118321  9-8-4
          MY 2249: 33/24  28/32  29/41  125138  30-20-12
          MY 2256: 35/26  27/35  30/42  132023  30-28-14

          While Sheathed Sword focuses on the military sciences, Terminal Dogma focuses on the social and human sciences & ideologies, such as politology, sociology, communication sciences, psychology, pedagogy, the whole lot... The political faculty of Terminal Dogma University is known for its numerous heavy debates and even street fights, especially over the issue Free Market versus Planned or Green, a debate which continues up until this day. As many politicians want their sons and daughters to follow in their footsteps, they send their children to this base too. As a consequence this base has a whole bunch of 14-year olds running around loose in the base. No wonder the pedagogy faculty is sited here. The same reason for the psychology faculty. This base has the highest amount of psychological diseases. Whether this is caused by the high mind worm activity, the group of megalomaniacal commies and fascists, or the immature children yelling the whole time is still unsure...

          Besides being the most prestigous universitarian base of the entire Peacekeeping faction, Terminal Dogma has also grown into a free trade haven due to the MY 2202 Archaic Economic Reforms, Social Engineering Director at that time. This was done to stop the brain drain of many talented and educated UN citizens to the Morgan faction, as there corporations are bound by less rules and regulations, and there are less laws on ethical matters. Now citizens with corporate ambitions can try their luck in this special free trade zone. Consequence of course was a surge of talents all over our faction to this base. The second consequence was a steep increase of the base's GP. For a moment it even surpassed bases such as Concordia and New Apolyton in economic power. A problem though is that Terminal Dogma is located at the very edge of our faction, far away from the watchful eye of New Apolyton and Concordia. This made a large part of the esteemed GDP actually consists out of black market deals. With the adoption of a free market economy several years ago the need for the Terminal Dogma free trade zone declined and now Terminal Dogma is no longer on the top list of investors. However Terminal Dogma still remains a prosperous base and will continue to be so for long in the future.

          Recently there have been rumours of illegal experminents in genetics and neural grafting, resulting in creatures who don't look very human anymore. Pictures of these experiments are currently circulating in the Virtual World network nodes of all bases. The last report came from the Rec Commons at New Apolyton. If anyone can provide more information about these expermiments, please contact the local authorities. Discretion is guaranteed. One can only guess the motives of the people performing the experiments. One guess is they are overzealous fans of the Evangelion series, where such practices happen as well. This theory is not so farsought, as Terminal Dogma is home to the largest anime theatre on Planet. Yes, there is even a city in that series called after our base!!
          Last edited by Maniac; February 26, 2003, 13:19.
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • #6

            Nightview of a heavily guarded borehole facility; picture taken by a STEP protester

            Population and economic overview

            Population size: 59951 citizens
            Annual nutrient production: 15 megatons
            Annual mineral mining & refining capacity: 29 million megatons
            Annual energy Production: 32 billion kWh
            Base Mayor: Richard Reilly

            MY : nutrients production/consumption * minerals non-support/total * energy usable/total * population * economy-labs-psych * eco-damage

            MY 2222: 4/4     3/3       2/3      20000    1-1-0
            MY 2228: 5/4     4/4       3/5      22215    1-2-0
            MY 2235: 11/6   5/6       5/8      32083    2-3-0
            MY 2242: 12/10 20/21   16/21  51015    8-8-0
            MY 2249: 11/10  26/27  28/35  53211    17-17-9
            MY 2256: 15/10  26/29  26/32  59951    20-17-10

            This base has the honour of being the most quickly developed base of all time. Founded in MY 2222, it produced almost nothing. But twenty years later it already was the third most productive base in the region. This is mostly due to the construction of two boreholes. The decision to construct those was made in a factionwide referendum and right after the proposal was approved, whole teams of formers set to drill a hole through the Planet crust in record time. This of course led to protest among our more eco-sensitive citizens. But to no avail, as the majority of our faction was in favour of the construction. As a result many citizens emigrated from this polluting base to the region of Akiria. In an attempt to stop this emigration, the Jedinican governor has declared large parts of the Terminal Dogmatic forests nature reserves, in the hope our green citizens will move to this base, instead of to other regions.

            Just like Sheathed Sword may grow out to become an important port city with access to the western oceans, so may Valhalla grow out to become a major port on the eastern shores, together with New Suez. It has already constructed the first fusion powered transport vessel, and more may follow. It may also become the base where we gather all our Peacekeeping forces for transportation to Hiveria, for the hopefully imminent attack.
            Last edited by Maniac; February 26, 2003, 13:20.
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • #7
              TKG, I was just looking for our UN flag to put it in the first post of this thread. But when I opened the flag design poll via the link provided in the ACDG directory, I could no longer see the flag designs. So I wonder, do you still have the winning design somewhere on your hard disk please?
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • #8
                no, i had them on my webspace (i ran out of room, so i did a little "cleaning"), however it was Pand's design that won in the end, so maybe he has it.


                • #9
                  oh, and great job by the way. i'd do one myself, but you know, i simply can't be bothered
                  (why do you think i became the guy that reviewed orders instead of the guy who issued them? )


                  • #10
                    When that would be finished, the Centralians will finally have to admit the supremacy of their northern Jedinican neighbours.
                    Not bloody likely

                    And you seem to have made one oversight - the Terminal Dogma Free Trade Zone is now irrelevant, because the whole faction is now a FTZ.


                    • #11
                      Wow, great job! The Sheathed Sword and Valhalla pictures are great!
                      Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                      Let me eat your yummy brain!
                      "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                      • #12
                        All the pictures are wonderful Ill post you the UN flag in the REc Commons.
                        "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
                        "I shall return and I shall be billions"


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GeneralTacticus And you seem to have made one oversight - the Terminal Dogma Free Trade Zone is now irrelevant, because the whole faction is now a FTZ.
                          I addressed the issue like this:

                          With the adoption of a free market economy several years ago the need for the Terminal Dogma free trade zone declined and now Terminal Dogma is no longer on the top list of investors. However Terminal Dogma still remains a prosperous base and will continue to be so for long in the future.
                          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                          • #14
                            Bu the way, as the mayor of Pandemonium, I'd like to adress all the citizens of Pandemonium my wish to create a municipal monopoly of all industries, services, etc... That will function as a planned economy within the base, just like in good old times were days were birghter
                            "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
                            "I shall return and I shall be billions"


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Pandemoniak
                              Bu the way, as the mayor of Pandemonium, I'd like to adress all the citizens of Pandemonium my wish to create a municipal monopoly of all industries, services, etc... That will function as a planned economy within the base, just like in good old times were days were birghter
                              *watches the pendulum swing the other way*

