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Orders for turnchat 2256-2263, 2200 GMT Saturday

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  • #16

    Build Queue Orders:

    Tacticus Academy:
    When Bio-Engineering is done, insert Longevity Vaccine at end of build queue (if queue finishes before tech, insert placeholder)

    Insert Hybrid Forest at end of build queue.

    Insert former at start of build queue.
    Insert former into queue after Children’s Creche.

    Worker Placement Orders:

    Crawler Orders:
    Move 13,82 crawler 1 tile NE & keep crawling minerals.

    Former Orders:
    Tacticus Academy former (9,83), WW of Antioch, move to 7,85.
    - Stop.
    - Build soil enricher.
    - When done, continue building soil enricher son every farm square in the region.

    Tacticus Academy former (9,83), WW of Antioch, move to 7,85.
    - Build soil enricher.
    - When done, continue building soil enricher son every farm square in the region.

    Antioch former (7,85), NNW of Antioch, no orders.
    - Build soil enricher.
    - When done, continue building soil enrichers on every farm square in the region.

    ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (9,83), WW of Antioch, move to 7,85.
    - Stop.
    - Build soil enricher.
    - When done, continue building soil enricher son every farm square in the region.

    ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (14,86), SW of TBIBTU, no orders.
    - Drill borehole.
    - When done, move to 10,90 & drill borehole (if substantially leading in poll)

    New Apolyton former former[/I] (14,86), SW of TBIBTU, no orders.
    - Drill borehole.
    - When done, move to 10,90 & drill borehole (if substantially leading in poll)

    ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (10,80), N of Antioch, plant forest.
    - Continue current project.
    - Move NE, build road, then forest. Next move back and build soil enrichers on every condenser square in Centralis.

    Rush Requests:

    Biology Lab in NA for 56 ECs (optimal price)
    Fusion Lab in TBIBTU for 58 ECs (optimal pricing)
    Sky Hydroponics Lab in TA for 180 ECs (optimal pricing)
    Rec Tanks in Egregion for 28 ECs.
    Sea formers in Circular Quay for 41 ECs.

    Centauri Preserve in Antioch for ~120 ECs

    Centauri Preserve in NA for ~90 ECs.

    Total: ~563 ECs.


    • #17
      TKG, what's the esteemed total of your rush requests?
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #18
        Who's doing orders for Solaris this time?

        *thinks he knows the answer*


        • #19
          /me suddenly thinks of something...
          TKG, have you polled those Aurillian borehole orders?
          GT, have you polled whether or not to build that SP in one of your bases?
          If not, I fear those orders are unconstitutional.
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • #20
            Originally posted by Maniac
            TKG, what's the esteemed total of your rush requests?
            not sure. i'll get back to you
            Originally posted by Maniac
            * Maniac suddenly thinks of something...
            TKG, have you polled those Aurillian borehole orders?
            If not, I fear those orders are unconstitutional.
            they are?


            • #21
              Well I'm sorry I only think of this so late. I don't want to be a pain in the ass. But I have to perform my AT job well (certainly with the elections approaching ).
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • #22
                I was wondering about that... I see lots (edit: 2) of Aurillion boreholes in the save, but no polls for them... I thought I had just missed something.

                Amazingly enough, the eco-people didn't raise a peep about it.

                What's your secret, TKG?


                • #23
                  aha! this is included in the new amendment, but it doesn't end until sunday. can't you just let it slip this time? pleeeease?

                  as for keeping green-peace off my back...well let's just it involves bribes*cough*guhmtelfitrickbers*cough*my henchmen erm, nevermind...


                  • #24
                    I went ahead and did them... If someone else already has Solaris taken care of and I just missed it, ignore this post.

                    Feel free to pick these apart and change whatever, anyone, as I don't have authority here.

                    Possible Orders for Solaris 2256-

                    Requests to the DIA
                    Rush requests as follows:
                    Requested immediately (in order of priority):
                    - Network Node in Shangri-La in 1 turn with 10 mins over for 144ec
                    - Children's Creche in Metropolis in 1 turn with 10 mins over for 6ec (I just want the overrun)
                    Requested in one turn (on 2257):
                    - Network Node in Ankh-Morpork in 1 turn with 10 mins over (whatever it takes )

                    Upgrade requests: 2 land formers upgraded to super formers, will probably cost 120ec in total

                    Requests for Sanity
                    Capricorn and UNXB are currently supporting so many units that they are either producing stuff at a crawl (Capricorn has +1 mins) or completely shut down (UNXB is at 0). Please do something about this, possibly rehoming some of those noodles to Metro or elsewhere.

                    Build Queues

                    Current Project: FSS (change to network node and rush after 1 turn)
                    Queue (changed):
                    Supply Crawler
                    Rec Commons
                    Supply Crawler
                    Supply Crawler

                    Current Project: Children's Creche (change to network node, accept 4 min loss, and rush)
                    Queue (changed):
                    Supply Crawler
                    Children's Creche
                    Rec Commons
                    Supply Crawler

                    Current Project: Children's Creche (chuck in a few ec's to get a head start on the next thing)
                    Queue (changed):
                    Network Node
                    Supply Crawler
                    Rec Commons
                    Supply Crawler

                    Current Project: Recreation Commons
                    Queue (changed):
                    Supply Crawler
                    Network Node
                    Supply Crawler
                    Children's Creche
                    Supply Crawler

                    U.N. Aquaxenobanana
                    Current Project: Children's Creche (change to Network Node)
                    Queue (changed):
                    Sea Former
                    Children's Creche
                    Sea Trawler
                    Rec Commons
                    Sea Trawler


                    Just pick good spots when the crawlers come on-line. Just go for squares that only have significant amounts of 1 resource (ie condensor farms and rocky mines)


                    3 former group just SE of A-M
                    - upgrade the non-super former to a super former
                    - plant forest
                    - move to (16,56) (SE), build farm, soil enricher, and condensor
                    - move to (18,56) (E), plant forest
                    - move to (17,57) (SW), build farm, soil enricher, and condensor
                    - move to (17,55) (N), build road, plant forest
                    - move to (16,54) (NW), build road, plant forest
                    - move to (17,53) (NE), build road, plant forest

                    2 former group SW SW of Capricorn
                    - upgrade the non-super former to a super former
                    - build road, plant forest
                    - move to (24,62) (SE), build road, farm, soil enricher, and condensor
                    - move to (24,60) (N into fungus), remove fungus, build road, plant forest
                    - move to (26,60) (E into fungus), remove fungus, build road, plant forest
                    - move to (25,61) (SW into fungus), remove fungus, build road, plant forest

                    Newly built former should go to nearby former groups. Except a Metro former, perhaps, which should improve Metro's squares.


                    No need for changes, at least until some of those terraforming orders get done, then you might want to switch people to forests (or condensor farms if the crawlers aren't available yet).


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by TKG
                      aha! this is included in the new amendment, but it doesn't end until sunday. can't you just let it slip this time? pleeeease?

                      as for keeping green-peace off my back...well let's just it involves bribes*cough*guhmtelfitrickbers*cough*my henchmen erm, nevermind...
                      Well, I guess I could have a sudden case of not-noticing-the-massive-hole-in-the-ground-3-squares-from-New-Tassagrad if you were to "consider" my rush requests


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Cedayon
                        And you don't have to send me those crawlers, I'll still have enough after the insta-building of XD because I'm essentially spending 5 turns on nothing but crawlers with NT and Aurora. If you really need to off-load some crawlers, I'm sure Solaris could use them... or you could send them to JV to help in the insta-building of the Supercollider when we get AR
                        right, if you dont need them, i think voltaire's doing an SP. we can send one to Suez and 2 to solaris then?

                        EDIT: actually, the secret to keeping the eco-people at bay is to send them to "inspect" the inside of the boreholes


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by TKG
                          right, if you dont need them, i think voltaire's doing an SP. we can send one to Suez and 2 to solaris then?
                          New Suez will finish the Maritime Control Center in 4 turns unassisted, I think that's fast enough. Solaris needs it more, if you're willing.

                          EDIT: actually, the secret to keeping the eco-people at bay is to send them to "inspect" the inside of the boreholes


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Cedayon
                            New Suez will finish the Maritime Control Center in 4 turns unassisted, I think that's fast enough. Solaris needs it more, if you're willing.
                            /me shrugs
                            i don't care. i just don't need them anymore


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by TKG
                              aha! this is included in the new amendment, but it doesn't end until sunday. can't you just let it slip this time? pleeeease?
                              You're quite right. It's never mentioned directly in the constitution right now you HAVE to poll borehole constructions. Only indirectly in GT's amendment about poll rules. The "you must poll boreholes" routine has simply been unofficial practice since the Big Huge General Terraformation Poll For Term Three (or whatever the title was again... ).
                              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                              • #30
                                Btw, I edited my Akiria orders to fill out the build queues (there were going to be more military units, but I've gotten nothing from Herc).

