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Orders for turnchat 2256-2263, 2200 GMT Saturday

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  • Orders for turnchat 2256-2263, 2200 GMT Saturday

    The chat will be held on the apolyton server at 2200GMT on Saturday. If posible, please try to turn up early; the earlier we can start, the quicker we will finish.

  • #2
    Preliminary Orders for Akiria, 2256-

    Requests to the DIA
    Rush requests as follows:
    Requested immediately (in order of priority):
    - Network Node in Twin Peaks in 1 turn with 10 mins over for 62ec
    - Network Node in Cyclops in 1 turn with 10 mins over for 42ec
    Requested in one turn (on 2257):
    - Network Node in Espirito del Aqua in 1 turn with 10 mins over (whatever it takes )

    edit - I also have two Sea formers (foil chassis) that I want upgraded to Super, not sure what it'd cost. Not much, though.

    Build Queues

    Aurora and New Tassagrad are to commence Operation WholeMessOCrawlers (described at the bottom of this post, like it was in the Akiria thread)

    Twin Peaks
    Current Project: Network Node (to be rushed, as requested above)
    Queue (changed):
    Rec Commons (I'd like to do a little rushing on this one)
    Supply Crawler
    Plasma Sentinels (1-3-1, Fission, you may add trance OR ECM if you want to)
    Supply Crawler
    Hybrid Forest

    Current Project: Network Node (to be rushed, as requested above)
    Queue (changed):
    Rec Commons (I'd like to do a little rushing on this one)
    Supply Crawler
    Plasma Sentinels (1-3-1, Fission, you may add trance OR ECM if you want to)
    Supply Crawler
    Plasma Sentinels (as above)
    Supply Crawler

    Espirito del Aqua
    Current Project: Children's Creche (change, immediately, to Network Node, and rush after 1 turn as requested above).
    Queue (changed):
    Recreation Commons
    Children's Creche
    Research Hospital

    Aurora and New Tassagrad crawlers have many orders for the Operation, but that's it.


    (orders for the former group near New Tassagrad are given in the Operation)

    Zanarkand Gate Former (7,119) S W of Cyclops, no orders
    - move E to (9,119) and build a sensor array
    - return to control of the Aurillion authorities

    The group (#1) at (6,118) W SE of Cyclops:
    Aurora Former, no orders
    New Tassagrad Former, no orders
    Cyclops Former, no orders
    - Build farm, then soil enricher
    - move NE N to (7,115, fungus square), remove fungus, build road, then plant forest
    - move E E to (11,115, fungus square), remove fungus, build road, then plant forest, then build sensor array
    - move SW S E to (12,118, fungus square), remove fungus, build road, then plant forest
    - move W N N NE NE to (12,112), plant forest, then build sensor array
    - move NW NE E NE to (15,109), build sensor array

    New Apolyton Former at (26,114) SE SE SE of Twin Peaks, no orders
    - build farm (replace the forest!), soil enricher, and condensor
    - move W to (24,114), build sensor array
    - move W NW to (21,113), build sensor array

    Aurora Sea Former at (18,106) NW of Aurora, no orders (already moved)
    - Move NW to (17,105), build mining platform and kelp farm
    - Move NE to (18,104), build mining platform and kelp farm
    - Move NE to (19,103), build mining platform
    - Move NW to (18,102), build tidal harness and kelp farm
    - Move SW to (17,103), build tidal harness and kelp farm
    - Move W to (15,103), build tidal harness and kelp farm

    Espirito del Aqua Sea Former at (16,104) S of EdA, no orders (already moved)
    - Upgrade to Super Fusion Sea former (new design may be necessary)
    - Join Aurora Sea Former (orders just above)

    New Tassagrad Sea Former at (13,103) W SW of EdA, building Tidal Harness
    - Cancel current orders, and Upgrade to Super Fusion Sea former (new design may be necessary)
    - Build Tidal Harness
    - Join the other two Akirian Sea Formers (orders above)


    (New Tassagrad worker orders are given in the Operation)

    Twin Peaks
    - Put one of the Empaths to work on a forest square, the Network node (to be rushed) will take care of the drone problem.
    - After the Node is done, check if the other Empath can be put to work too.

    - Switch the worker on the farm/solar square (N NW of the base) to a forest square
    - After the Network Node is done, check if the Empath can be put to work.

    Espirito del Aqua
    - Move the worker E SE of the base to the harness square E NE of the base
    - Put one of the Empaths to work on the harness square S of the base
    - Make sure the harness square SW SW of the base remains clear for New Tassagrad to work.

    New Workers
    - Just put 'em somewhere reasonable (possibly specialist duty if it's called for), or ask me 'cause I'll be in the turnchat this time

    Operation WholeMessOCrawlers

    Turn 1 ('56)

    New Tassagrad:
    -Change production from Xenoempathy Dome to Fusion Speeder Supply (accept min loss)
    -Change Queue to FSS, FSS, FSS, FSS, Xenoempathy Dome, Needlejet (pick the model), Hybrid Forest
    -Move the worker on the farm/solars just S of the base to the kelp farm/harness square (N NE of base)
    -Change the crawler at (9,105) (W W N of base) from nutrient crawling to mineral crawling.
    -Change the crawler at (12,108) (SW of base) from nutrient crawling to mineral crawling.
    -Move the crawler at (11,113) (S S S W of base) to (11,111) (N from there) and crawl minerals.

    -Change production from Research Hospital to Fusion Speeder Supply (accept min loss)
    -Change Queue to FSS, FSS, Needlejet (pick the model), Hybrid Forest
    -Please use ec's to fill in the 3 or so mins to make sure the FSS finishes in 1 turn (no need to do overrun, since Aurora will have 15 min production and thus produce an FSS in exactly 2 turns anyway).

    Where to put the crawlers (always displace workers, preferably to forest, use discretion if no forest is available):
    New Tassagrad:
    #1: move S SE to the mine square and crawl minerals
    #2: move SE and crawl minerals
    #3: move NW and crawl minerals
    #4: move S and crawl minerals
    #5: move out (along a road) and immediately back in to be cashed in for the XD.

    #1: move SW to the nut bonus square and crawl nuts
    #2: move S and crawl minerals
    #3: move to NT to cash in for the XD.

    What to do with the 5-former group that starts S SE of New Tassagrad:
    Send 1 (The Tacticus Academy Former) to the condensor square NW NW of New Tassagrad to add a soil enricher, when it's done I return it to control of the Centralis Governor.
    Send 2 to the farm/solar square S of New Tassagrad to replace the current stuff with forest
    Send 2 to the farm/solar square S SW of New Tassagrad to replace the current stuff with forest
    (I have other tasks for the last 4 formers, but they are irrelevant to the plan)

    Turn 6 ('61)
    New Tassagrad should be building the Xenoempathy Dome now, probably with 10 mins leftover from the last crawler. (10/300)
    -Cash in the two newly built FSS's (1 from NT, 1 from Aurora) (70/300)
    -Cash in the FSS that's S of NT (100/300)
    -Cash in the FSS that's SE of NT (130/300)
    -Cash in the FSS that's NW of NT (160/300)
    -Cash in the normal crawler that's SW of NT (190/300)
    -Cash in the normal crawler at (11,111) (S S W of NT) (220/300)
    -Cash in the FSS that's SW of Aurora (250/300)
    -Cash in the FSS that's S of Aurora (280/300)
    NT's mineral production should be enough to fill in the rest and finish the Dome by the next turn ('62)

    Turn 7 ('62)
    *ding* Project's done!
    Last edited by Cedayon; February 21, 2003, 18:39.


    • #3
      I'll be at home this weekend, so I'll be in the turnchat... and I'll be there hours ahead of time, for starting-early purposes


      • #4
        if you're thinking of getting op status, perish the thought

        i'll look at your orders when i have more time


        • #5
          Originally posted by TKG
          if you're thinking of getting op status, perish the thought
          I wouldn't know how to use it ... my first use of IRC was that turnchat some 3 weeks ago, and I haven't had practice at this $&@#(*&%@^%*@$#&@&%*$@&%*($# port-blocking university

          i'll look at your orders when i have more time
          All the requests (3 rushes, 2 upgrades) are at the top... though I'm likely to ask for a few small rushes during the turnchat, just to speed things up.

          edit- one more thing about my orders you might care about: I'm returning that Zanarkand Gate former south of Cyclops to your control, after it puts up a Sensor array (I could skip that too, if you really need that).


          • #6
            i thought i stole it back last chat?


            • #7
              Originally posted by TKG
              i thought i stole it back last chat?
              You took two of them back, but there's still one down there, apparently doing work for me


              • #8
                really? i thought i got them all
                /me snaps his fingers in disappointment


                • #9
                  Jedinica Vrijstaat order, MY 2256 onwards

                  Jedinica Vrijstaat order, MY 2256 onwards

                  Requests to the DIA

                  Could you please design a 0-1-1 super clean once we research Bioengineering?
                  Could you please design a 0-1-6*2 super clean cruiser former once we research Bioengineering?
                  Rush requests:
                  (The Concordian rush is high priority, the others less.)
                  Concordia hybrid forest in MY 2257: 388 ec
                  Pandemonium fusion lab: 172 ec
                  Terminal Dogma fusion lab: 24 ec
                  Total: 584 ec
                  I'd prefer the Terminal Dogmatic hybrid forest, which should already have been constructed, hurried too, but whatever...

                  Build queues

                  As Hercules didn't post his full list of desires for a Hive invasion, I did not put military units in the queues.

                  Concordia (whole queue including first item changes)
                  hybrid forest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  biology lab
                  aerospace complex
                  sky hydroponis lab
                  centauri preserve

                  Pandemonium (third and fourth queue item are added)
                  fusion lab
                  centauri preserve
                  hybrid forest
                  aerospace complex

                  Sheathed Sword (fifth and sixth item added)
                  0-1-6*2 super fusion cruiser former
                  research hospital
                  fusion lab
                  centauri preserve
                  hybrid forest
                  aerospace complex

                  Terminal Dogma (whole queue changes)
                  fusion lab
                  hybrid forest !!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  supply speeder
                  centauri preserve
                  sky hydroponics lab

                  0-1-2*2 super former
                  0-3-5*2 transport with deep radar
                  aerospace complex
                  fusion probe foil
                  fusion probe foil
                  super clean 0-1-1 formers until end of turnchat

                  Worker allocations

                  Sheathed Sword and Terminal Dogma
                  Change that one worker on a sea square into an engineer in each base.

                  Supply crawlers

                  Concordian trance supply (6.86) NW-NW of Tacticus Academy, convoying nutrients
                  -move to (16.66) W of TeDo
                  -convoy minerals

                  Terminal Dogmatic supply speeder under construction
                  -move to Sheathed Sword
                  -rehome to ShSw
                  -move to (16.62)
                  -convoy minerals


                  Instead of giving former orders, I'll just give a list of what terraformation I would want in the end, as the list of detailed former orders would become too long now they can perform double the work as before. Please tell me if you want the other order format after all. If you want me to make a picture with this list put into symbols on a map of Jedinica, I'll do so.

                  All sea tiles: kelp farm, tidal harness
                  (12.60) N of ShSw: road, borehole
                  (11.63) SW of ShSw: road, condenser, soil enricher
                  (12.64) S of ShSw: road, borehole
                  (11.67) NW of Pan: road, condenser, soil enricher
                  (11.69) SW of Pan: road, condenser, soil enricher
                  (16.66) W of TeDo: road, mine
                  (14.68) E of Pande: road, mine
                  (19.67) SE of TeDo: road, condenser, soil enricher
                  (22.68) E-E-S of TeDo: road, condenser, soil enricher
                  (21.69) SE-SE-SE of TeDo: road, condenser, soil enricher
                  (16.74) SW of Val: road, condenser, soil enricher
                  (10.74) NW of Con: road, condenser, soil enricher
                  (9.75) W of Con: road, soil enricher, echelon mirror
                  (10.76) SW of Con: road, soil enricher, solar collector
                  (8.76) W-SW of Con: road, soil enricher, solar collector
                  (9.77) SW-SW of Con: forest
                  (7.75), (6.76), (7.77), (8.78): road, condenser, soil enricher

                  I hope that will suffice.

                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • #10
                    Twin Sea Preliminary Orders MY 2256-2263

                    Build Queues

                    -place recreation commons at the top of the queue
                    -rush recreation commons

                    Mysidia (add to existing queue)
                    -reallocate specialist citizens back to workers on available sea tiles
                    Fusion Speeder Supply Crawler
                    Fusion Speeder Supply Crawler
                    Hybrid Forest
                    Aerospace Complex

                    New Suez (no change)

                    U.N. Research Complex (no change)

                    Transcendence Academy (add to existing queue)
                    Biology Lab
                    Fusion Speeder Supply Crawler

                    Heaven’s Gate (no change)


                    Any newly constructed crawlers are to move to unoccupied forest locations and are to convoy minerals.


                    Move formers to squares not already containing forests, and remove fungus (if necessary), plant forests & build roads; except in rocky areas, in which case construct mines and build roads.
                    You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                    • #11
                      Directory of Foreign Affairs Orders MY 2256-2263

                      Not many pressing decisions to make, though follow these general guidelines in regards to foreign affairs:

                      1) Always accept the incoming transmission from another faction;
                      2) If a faction that we are currently at war with demands technology, laugh in their face;
                      3) If a faction that we are currently at was with demands energy credits, laugh in their face, unless of course it is a reasonable amount (meaning anything below 100ec); &
                      4) Attempt to pass the Global Trade Pact in the UN, if necessary bribe someone to change their vote in our favour (but only if their request is reasonable).
                      You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                      • #12
                        Ok orders done. I will attempt to make it to the turnchat on Saturday, though most likely if I do make it I’ll be about an hour late (I have model UN Sat and Sun, and I’m the ambassador for China ).
                        You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                        • #13

                          Aurillian Orders

                          Build Queues
                          Fusion Lab
                          Clean Super Fusion Formers (0-1-2*2 clean, super)

                          Fusion lab
                          Clean Super Fusion Formers

                          Zan Gate
                          Fusion Lab
                          Rec Commons (dammit, DBTS!)
                          Clean Super Fusion Formers

                          RUSH FORMERS AFTER 10 MINERALS. DO. NOT. FORGET
                          RUSH FORMERS AFTER 10 MINERALS.
                          Network Node

                          UNPD former at 11,95
                          -move to 15,93
                          -move to 13,91

                          UNPD former inside Zanarkand gate.
                          -move to 15,93
                          -move to 13,91

                          UNPD former in eastern Twin Sea.
                          -cancel orders
                          -move to UNPD DO NOT FORGET

                          UNPD former south of zanarkand gate
                          -finish current borehole
                          -move to 15,93
                          -move to 13,91

                          UNPD Sea former west of Suez
                          -transfer control to Twin Sea (support it in Suez. if voltaire doesn't want it, disband it, neither do i)

                          ZG former SW of cyclops
                          -move to 5,115
                          -move to 7,111

                          ZG formers(both of them) south of ZG
                          -move to 8,102
                          -lower terrain

                          BOTH DEM formers heading to 5,115
                          -cancel orders
                          -move to 6,104
                          -lower terrain

                          DEM former north of cyclops
                          -move to 6,104
                          -lower terrain

                          DEM formers south of Xanadu
                          -move to 3,99
                          -clear fungus
                          -move to 4,100

                          Xanadu Former moving to 5,115
                          -move to 5,115


                          10,92 UNPD crawler
                          -i don't care what you do, just get rid of it. use it to rush a project, perhaps.

                          14,96 trawler
                          -send to 20,104 and trawl nutrients (if cedayon doesn't mind. oh wait, i'm still DIA )

                          11,103 crawler
                          -use to hurry Xeno Dome

                          2,102 DEM crawler
                          -use to hurry Xeno Dome in NT

                          Nearest Xanadu Crawler
                          -crawl condensor on top of large hill

                          -move that unproductive farm worker to a forest

                          -change the 2-1-2 worket to a forest
                          -change a 3-1-2 worker to the borehole (upon which there is a crawler crawling NUTRIENTS )

                          -WORK ONLY 4-0-4 TILES


                          • #14
                            by the way: this is where there should be boreholes either completed, started, or about to be started by the end of the chat, if you followed the orders right (i think)

                            it also shows which crawlers i'm donating to Cedayon

                            one more thing: E NE of UNPD where i'm building a borehole is currently worked by NA. can you send your worker to another forest, for your good buddy TKG?
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              I ok TKG's trawling of 20,104 (N NE of Aurora), if it matters.

                              And you don't have to send me those crawlers, I'll still have enough after the insta-building of XD because I'm essentially spending 5 turns on nothing but crawlers with NT and Aurora. If you really need to off-load some crawlers, I'm sure Solaris could use them... or you could send them to JV to help in the insta-building of the Supercollider when we get AR

