There's not much I can add to this.
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The Recreation Commons - Fit the Fourth: Lounging with Lal
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Lemmy started them 3 days before the end of the month for this term's elections, Joeno started them roughly 4 days before for the elections at the end of November, DBTS also did them 4 days before for the elections at the end of September. DE did it like 7 days before for the end-of-August elections.
Ah thanks for the info. In other words, it's up to the AT's own whim.In that case I decree the nominations will start the 15th of February, and the elections will start the 26th somewhere in the afternoon GMT time. That way the new officials should be known Saturday night, somewhere before the turnchat. However the turnchat of Saturday will still be held by the old February government, after which it will be dissolved. This will give the new government a full week before the next turnchat, so they won't have lack of time to make polls (an excuse alread used by three different Ds of Social Engineering
and then there's cedayon...i think he might just spam more than even Trip
ah, nevermind
method=TKG, btw
[15:09] Method> trip
[15:09] Method> how long did it take you to make prince?
[15:09] * Trip thinks
[15:09] Trip> a few weeks I think
[15:10] Method> how many weeks?
[15:10] Trip> 3 or so
[15:10] Method> hmm, i believe we may have someone here to beat that, but i'm not sure.
[15:10] Trip> ?
[15:10] Method> oh, nevermind...
[15:10] Trip> no one can match me outside of OT
[15:11] Method> 346 (10.82 posts per day)
[15:11] Method> reg date: 13-01-2003
[15:11] Trip> 10.82? that's all?
[15:11] Trip>
[15:11] Trip> I was up to 33
(irrelevant information from others (kass) removed)Last edited by Method; February 14, 2003, 16:28.
Originally posted by TKG
and then there's cedayon...i think he might just spam more than even Trip
ah, nevermind
I did make Prince in a jiffy though...
edit-oh, so those are my stats you posted in the chat, duh
2nd edit- Jeez does 'Poly get slow and unresponsive sometimes... submitting the above edit has taken 4 tries so far, still hasn't worked...
3rd edit- 33!?! Good Heavens... reminds me of the days when I was online enough to max out MUD characters in under a week...Last edited by Cedayon; February 14, 2003, 16:47.