BTW I think it should be a 3 cornered contest: Capitalists, Socialists: and Environmentalists plus a liberal non aligned. Interested and for players of this SMACDG.
No announcement yet.
OFFICIAL : Green energy allocation true final
A liberal non aligned? What does that mean??That can mean anything depending in which country you use the term. And personally I don't think it should become a contest between capitalist, socialists and environmentalists what economy is best (in the game of course). That simply is dependent on the faction and the kind of map you play on. And with PK/large map with otherwise standard settings it seems obvious to me FM builders would win.
Edit: I added my previous post regarding my position what factions we should play.Last edited by Maniac; January 23, 2003, 15:04.
and shouldn't we be playing SMAX, with its bug fixes? i'm we could arrange sure those without it to *acquire* it
Originally posted by Maniac
For instance I can imagine Hercules would want to play green with the Gaians, Pandemoniak planned with the Drones and Archaic FM with the Morganites.
Well, the reason I wanted to make it SMAC with us all as the PK's was to compare our playstyles directly with the demo game. The no war bit was simply because humans can't be as bad as the AI at war, and because we are pretty much playing a builder game here in the demo game.
But in any case, if this game isn't going to be used for that sort of purpose, how's this for rules.
Cloned factions allowed. (ie. I play with the University, not with the Morganites, so both me and TKG are going to need .)
Huge Map
Do or Die: eliminated players are not restarted
Spoils of War off
Non-Blind (directed) research
No random events
All victory conditions allowed including cooperative. Coop victory is limited to two non-submissive players.
Unity survey off - map is unknown
Look first on
All other rules as per the PBEM tourney
Last edited by Archaic; January 24, 2003, 03:39.Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
It looks like you'll be in then GT.
Just to answer something Pan said earlier.....
Originally posted by Pandemoniak
Except that you get one point for each citizen, so as soon as you get the Cloning Valts, you score starts to be really boosted. IIRC you lose 5 points per turn from the 1600 awarded for transcent victory, and you get one point per citizen...
For those interested, the scoring is as follows
1 point for each citizen of each base
1 point for each citizen of a pact brother's base (if won by economic or diplomatic)
1/2 point for each citizen of any other faction's base
1/2 point for each citizen of a surrendered base
1 point for each unit of commerce your bases are recieving
1 point for each technology discovered
10 points for each tech advance after Transcendent Thought
25 Points for each Secret Project
Victory Bonuses for winning the game are as follows
Conquest - 1000 points minus 2 points for every game turn elapsed. If Cooperative Victory is enabled, all Pact Brothers and Sisters participate in the win, and points are split between all winning factions bases on relative population. A maximum of 3 Pact Brothers or Sisters may join in a win by conquest, not including those factions that have surrendered along the way.
Diplomatic - 1200 points minus 2 points for every game turn elapsed. If cooperative is enabled and your Pact Brother or Sister is elected Supreme Leader, you are awarded half this total.
Economic - 1200 points minus 2 points for every game turn elapsed. If cooperative is enabled and your Pact Brother or Sister wins this way, you are awarded half this total.
Transcendence - 1600 points minus 2 points for every game turn elapsed (Not 5 Pan!). If Cooperative Victory is enabled, all Pact Brothers and Sisters participate in the win, and points are split between all winning factions bases on relative population.
In any cooperative victory, the overall winner recieved 1/2 the points of every allied faction's population score.Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
After feb 12.
Allowing only probes is also biasing the challenge : the only way to conquer base will cost EC, and not minerals, making the advantage of Planned unsignificant compared to the credits of Free Market.
Also, we should play with bugs fixed.
Moreover, seeing my favourite vicotry is diplomatic, no human player would vote for any other seeing that it would make them loose the game, so victory by alliance has to be enabled.
I liked the idea of the two aliens, though. Ill look at the specific conditions of play later, and post more about it.
Transcendence - 1600 points minus 2 points for every game turn elapsed (Not 5 Pan!)."Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
"I shall return and I shall be billions"
The point Arachaic made, though, was that:
1) Had he chosen to Transcend alter, he could have, and would have scored far more points than your style would.
2) The simple fact that he could transcend in the 2200s is evidence for the effectiveness of his style; he got every tech in the game in under 200 turns.