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  • Akiria

    Please return often, will be updated after each turnchat, and more pictures will follow shortly, if I can get some space.

    Aims and Objectives for Akiria, for Term V:

    1) Build Tree Farms and other facilities built in all cities. Each base should have a Tree Farm, Children’s Crèche, Recycling Tanks, and others as appropriate. All bases are currently undergoing a massive restructuring of build orders to this end.

    2) Get a Freshwater Sea Base up and running quickly, and getting much energy for the faction, with trawlers if the need is felt. Also get population boom, since population can rise by much in sea bases.

    3) Get Twin Peaks, and the new base: formed, crawling, and getting population rises. Make them into successful bases.

    4) Make New Tassagrad and Aurora into world renowned bases for beauty, style, happiness and productivity.


    Aurora is the Capital of Akiria, and home to the small-but-influential Save The Environment Party. It is a vibrant base, with many sandy beaches, and an exiting nightlife. Aurora is the base of culture, with many fine theatres, art galleries, restaurants, and is home to the Peacekeepers first Morganlink 3D vision interactive cinema, a new invention whereby you can become a character in the film itself.

    Aurora is also the base for exploration of ‘the fungal sea’, and includes the foremost ecological scientists, who are researching the eminent psychic abilities of native life, and the connection with the fungus. We expect them to public their findings, entitled Centauri Empathy, in the very near future.

    Aurora appeals to many people: scientists and explorers for ‘the fungal sea’; culture lovers and party-goers for the nightlife; and farmers and agriculture specialists for the abundance of natural nutrients, and it’s rich soil, irrigated by the freshwater sea. It is the ‘Crown Jewels’ of Akiria: Beautiful, productive, and vibrant.

    Major: Hercules
    Population: 3, of which 1/3 are talents, no drones.
    Facilities: None, but many being built.

    7 Nutrients (0 from crawlers) +1
    7 Minerals (0 from crawlers) +4
    5 Energy (0 from crawlers) +4

    Ecological Damage: 0
    Growth in: 14 Years.
    Currently Building: Supply Crawler.

    15 Year Prediction
    Population: 4, of which ¼ are talents, no drones.
    Facilities: None, but many being built.

    12 Nutrients (4 from crawlers) +4
    13 Minerals (4 from crawlers) +10
    6 Energy (0 from crawlers) +4 or 5

    Ecological Damage: 0 (estimate).
    Growth in: 3 Years.
    Building: Children’s Crèche.

    New Tassagrad

    New Tassagrad is a progressive base beside the sea. The Major or New Tassagrad has been working hard on his ‘base rejuvenation plan’, which includes the building of many new facilities. It is becoming an increasingly popular destination as a weekend get-away for New Apolyton and UN Pizza Delivery executives, and has many fine hotels and secluded beaches. The River Eight runs along the outskirts of the base, and the mountains around the river are becoming popular with hikers, wanting to get away from the hustle and bustle of the base.

    Population: 7.
    Facilities: Recycling Tanks, Children's Creche and Network Node.

    10 Nutrients (2 from crawlers) +4
    10 Minerals (4 from crawlers) +7
    5 Energy (0 from crawlers) +3

    Ecological Damage: 0
    Growth in: 4 Years.
    Currently Building: Hab Complex

    15 Year Prediction
    Population: 5, of which 1/5 are talents, no drones.
    Facilities: Recycling Tanks, Children’s Crèche, with more being built.

    14 Nutrients (4 from crawlers) +4
    14 Minerals (4 from crawlers) +12
    10 Energy (0 from crawlers) +7

    Ecological Damage: 0 (estimate).
    Growth in: 3 Years.
    Building: Tree Farm.

    Twin Peaks

    Twin Peaks is a quiet seaside base, for those that wish to get away for some quality alone-time. To the South it has the most beautiful natural scenery, in our great nation, unspoilt by neither man nor fungus. The coastline, though rocky in places, hides many undiscovered sandy beaches. Being a frontier base, much of the accommodation is in basic log cabins, although this adds to the atmosphere of the place.

    Twin Peaks is popular with writers and artists, who wish to get away from the culture of Aurora and have peace and quiet to explore their imagination. One of Akiria’s favourite poets, William Lettersvalue, is finishing his new anthology here, entitled ‘The Light and Shade of Chiron’; and Ansel Eves has been commissioned to do a series of photographs about Aurora and Twin Peaks, entitled ‘Between Cinema and a Hard Place’.

    Population: 2, of which ½ are talents, no drones.
    Facilities: None, but many being built.

    4 Nutrients (0 from crawlers) +0
    3 Minerals (0 from crawlers) +3
    1 Energy (0 from crawlers) +1

    Ecological Damage: 0 (estimate).
    Growth in: Not growing.
    Currently Building: Children's Creche.

    15 Year Prediction
    Population: 2, of which ½ are talents, no drones.
    Facilities: None, but many being built.

    8 Nutrients (4 from crawlers) +4
    4 Minerals (0 from crawlers) +4
    2 Energy (0 from crawlers) +2

    Ecological Damage: 0.
    Growth in: 2 Years.
    Building: Children’s Crèche.


    Cyclops is a mountainous frontier base. It will be founded near and ancient monolith, and many of the U.N. Peacekeepers best archaeologists are en-route to Cyclops to excavate and study this ancient society. Although Cyclops is not a very fertile settlement, plans for a condenser have been drawn up, and this will make it much more inhabitable. There are also an abundance of sea nutrients nearby, although fungus will have to be removed first, so utilising the extra resources is still in the preliminary planning stage.

    Information to follow.

    Bases Soon to be Built

    Freshwater Sea Base: [name] is a party island, as STEP’s influence to have fun has rubbed of on many of the local inhabitants. It has a vibrant and loud nightlife, and creates much tourism to the region, as the idea of a large party in the middle of the sea appeals to many, especially the already infamous 18-30 clubs that intend to migrate to here. [name] is expected to be one of the fastest growing bases, due to its abundance of sea nutrients, and its unique appeal. Although laws apply in the sea, the use of Xenoroses and Synthahol are generally accepted, and this helps to create the liberal, happy, uninhibited atmosphere of [name].

    If you wish to live in Akiria, please state which base you would like to move too, and I will add you to that base.

    Current Inhabitants:

    Drogue: Governor of Akiria and DEI.
    Hercules: Major of Aurora and DPO.

    New Tassagrad:

    Twin Peaks:

    U.N. Marine Institute:
    TKG: DIA and our Holy Emperor
    Last edited by Drogue; January 19, 2003, 14:13.
    For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
    But he would think of something

    "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker

  • #2
    Orders for Akiria, 2222-

    Build Queues

    Supply Crawler – replace current item.
    Supply Crawler
    Children’s Crèche
    Recycling Tanks
    Tree Farm
    Network Node
    Supply Crawler
    Recreation Commons.

    New Tassagrad
    Children’s Crèche – already started
    Tree Farm
    Network Node
    Supply Crawler
    Supply Crawler.

    Twin Peaks
    Supply Crawler – replace current item.
    Children’s Crèche
    Recycling Tanks
    Supply Crawler
    Tree Farm
    Network Node
    Supply Crawler
    Recreation Commons.

    New Land Base (Cyclops hopefully)
    Supply Crawler
    Children’s Crèche
    Recycling Tanks
    Supply Crawler
    Tree Farm
    Network Node
    Supply Crawler
    Recreation Commons.

    Freshwater Sea Base (and all new sea bases)
    Scout Patrol
    Sea Former
    Children’s Crèche
    Recycling Tanks
    Network Node
    Recreation Commons.


    New Tassagrad Crawler (12,110) south west of New Tassagrad, convoying nutrients
    - Move to (11,105)
    - Convoy Nutrients

    Aurora Crawler #1 (in Aurora), to be built
    - Move to (21,109)
    - Convoy Nutrients

    Aurora Crawler #2 (in Aurora), to be built
    - Move to (20,108)
    - Convoy Minerals

    Twin Peaks Crawler (in Twin Peaks), to be built
    - Move to (20, 112)
    - Convoy Nutrients

    All other Crawlers to be left unchanged.


    Dues Ex Machina Former (12,106) NW of New Tassagrad, planting forest
    - Finish forest
    - Move to (11,105)
    - Help with condenser
    - Road from New Tassagrad to new base (Cyclops)

    New Apolyton Former (11,105) NW of New Tassagrad, creating condenser
    - Finish condenser
    - Road from New Tassagrad to new base (Cyclops)

    Aurora Former (19,107) in Aurora, no orders
    - Move to (20,112)
    - Make farm and condenser

    Aurora Former (21,109) SE of Aurora, building road to Twin Peaks
    - Finish road to Twin Peaks
    - Move to (21,113)
    - Plant Forest

    Aurora Former (21,107) E of Aurora, building road
    - Finish road
    - Move to (21,109)
    - Build farm and condenser

    Tacticus Academy Former (23,105) NE of Aurora, removing fungus
    - Finish removing fungus
    - Move to (23,109)
    - Remove Fungus

    Aurora Former (17,109) SW of Aurora, no orders
    - Move to (10,114)
    - Build farm and condenser


    New Tassagrad Worker (11,105)
    - Switch to (12,110)

    All other workers to be left unchanged.
    For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
    But he would think of something

    "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


    • #3
      Really Nice, Drogue!
      So you are finally creating a free-drugs-base, aren´t you?

      Good job so far!
      Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
      Let me eat your yummy brain!
      "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


      • #4
        I believe you asked for suggestions for Akiria somewhere...

        Forest... everywhere.
        Tree Farms... everywhere.
        Hybrid Forests... everywhere.

        That should do it


        I would suggest some boreholes outside of base radii (particularly in small gaps between bases), but I know you'd never go for it.


        • #5
          upon the founding of UN Marine Institute, i plan to move the CIAC to it. then, if i'm ever DoR again, i'll move The Lab there...maybe UN Research Complex though...


          • #6
            Er, Drogue, we run a Planned economy. We don't have executives.

            It is becoming an increasingly popular destination as a weekend get-away for New Apolyton and UN Pizza Delivery executives,


            • #7
              This certainly confirms my intention to move to the region and to work closer to STEP institutions. Might even be able to 'cycle to work. And as directer of Peace Operations the 'fresh water sea ' base sounds great for a spot or R & R.

              Great post
              On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


              • #8
                Thanks to all for the support and ideas.

                Forest... everywhere.
                Tree Farms... everywhere.
                Hybrid Forests... everywhere.....

                I would suggest some boreholes outside of base radii (particularly in small gaps between bases), but I know you'd never go for it.
                You are right, I will not be using Boreholes. it would wreck our tourism, and be an eyesore, aswell as creating eco-damage, before we get hybrid farms. I already have many forests in place, and orders to build tree farms in all bases in the build queues. I am also undergoing a program of farm/condersers, to provide much needed nutrients for crawling.

                upon the founding of UN Marine Institute, i plan to move the CIAC to it. then, if i'm ever DoR again, i'll move The Lab there...maybe UN Research Complex though...
                Is UN Marine Institute the name for the new freshwater sea base? Does that mean you'll be moving into Akiria? It will be an honour to have you

                Er, Drogue, we run a Planned economy. We don't have executives.
                That what do you call the supervisers, and board people, who are responsible for each nationalised company? Even nationalised industry have executives, else who would be responsible, and in control of them? Besides, I mean executives loosely here, by its broader meaning of any high up, white collar, business type person (ie. a suit). You must know the typoe of person I mean.

                This certainly confirms my intention to move to the region and to work closer to STEP institutions. Might even be able to 'cycle to work. And as directer of Peace Operations the 'fresh water sea ' base sounds great for a spot or R & R.
                Cycle from the Freshwater Sea Base? Is that the base you wish to move to? Or to Aurora, the capital? Did you get my message? Would you like to be Major of Aurora?

                BTW, by "party island", I see the Freshwater Sea Base to be a little like Ibiza from old earth
                Last edited by Drogue; January 17, 2003, 08:21.
                For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                But he would think of something

                "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                • #9
                  That what do you call the supervisers, and board people, who are responsible for each nationalised company? Even nationalised industry have executives, else who would be responsible, and in control of them? Besides, I mean executives loosely here, by its broader meaning of any high up, white collar, business type person (ie. a suit). You must know the typoe of person I mean.
                  And at least how I see it, because in our faction all the large public sectors are nationalized, that doesn't mean we stamp out each little private entreprise. For example, surely it is allowed in our faction for a UN Marine Institute citizen to hire his own waterbikes to tourists, or to run a bar overviewing the white beaches of Aurora.
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • #10
                    I like the Role Play. I agree too. I do not see laws against entrepreneurship, necessarily, but that all but the "normal profit" goes to the government. Unless we have a society without money. That could be good... Please argue, and disagree with me, but PM me, I do not want to clutter my thread, it took much time to research and create.
                    For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                    But he would think of something

                    "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                    • #11
                      That what do you call the supervisers, and board people, who are responsible for each nationalised company? Even nationalised industry have executives, else who would be responsible, and in control of them? Besides, I mean executives loosely here, by its broader meaning of any high up, white collar, business type person (ie. a suit). You must know the typoe of person I mean.
                      Yes, I see what you mean here.

                      And as for the rest, yes, you are probably right here too.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Drogue
                        Is UN Marine Institute the name for the new freshwater sea base? Does that mean you'll be moving into Akiria? It will be an honour to have you
                        that's exactly what it means naturally, i have to be the first inhabitant of a sea base


                        • #13
                          Orders for Akiria, 2228-

                          Build Queues

                          Supply Crawler
                          Supply Crawler
                          Children’s Crèche
                          Recycling Tanks
                          Tree Farm
                          Network Node
                          Supply Crawler
                          Recreation Commons.

                          New Tassagrad
                          Hab Complex
                          Recreation Commons
                          Tree Farm
                          Supply Crawler
                          Sea Former
                          Supply Crawler.

                          Twin Peaks
                          Children’s Crèche
                          Recycling Tanks
                          Supply Crawler
                          Tree Farm
                          Network Node
                          Supply Crawler
                          Recreation Commons.

                          Cyclops hopefully
                          Former – replace current (which should never have been started)
                          Supply Crawler
                          Children’s Crèche
                          Recycling Tanks
                          Supply Crawler
                          Recreation Commons
                          Tree Farm
                          Network Node.

                          U.N. Marine Institute (and other new sea base)
                          Scout Patrol – replace current.
                          Sea Former
                          Children’s Crèche
                          Recycling Tanks
                          Network Node
                          Recreation Commons.


                          Aurora Crawler #1 (in Aurora), to be built
                          - Move to (21,109)
                          - Convoy Nutrients

                          Aurora Crawler #2 (in Aurora), to be built
                          - Move to (20,108)
                          - Convoy Minerals

                          All other Crawlers to be left unchanged.


                          Dues Ex Machina Former (9,115) N of Cyclops, building road to Cyclops
                          - Road where it is
                          - Move to (10,116)
                          - Plant Forest
                          - Move to (10,118)
                          - Remove fungus.

                          New Apolyton Former (8,114) NNW of Cyclops, building road to Cyclops
                          - Move to (8,116)
                          - Plant Forest.

                          Aurora Former (20,112) WSW of Twin Peaks, no orders
                          - Build farm and condenser.

                          Aurora Former (21,113) SW of Twin Peaks, Planting Forest
                          - Finish Forest
                          - Move to (23,113)
                          - Build farm and condenser.

                          Aurora Former (21,111) W of Twin Peaks, no orders
                          - Move to (21,109)
                          - Build farm and condenser.

                          Tacticus Academy Former (23,105) NE of Aurora, no orders
                          - Move to (23,109)
                          - Remove Fungus
                          - Rehome to Twin Peaks.

                          Aurora Former (8,114) NNW of Cyclops, no orders
                          - Move to (10,114)
                          - Build farm and condenser


                          Twin Peaks Worker (24,112)
                          - Switch to (21,111)

                          Twin Peaks Worker (24,110)
                          - Switch to (21,109)

                          Next Twin Peaks Worker
                          - Cultivate (21, 113)


                          Scout Patrol in New Tassagrad to 1-1-1 police for 10ec.


                          - Children’s Crèche in Twin Peaks in 1 turn for 58ec (needs to be ratified by TKG)
                          For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                          But he would think of something

                          "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                          • #14
                            go ahead with upgrades and rushes.


                            • #15
                              Looks good . Great to have TKG move to the region, if I read it right
                              On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation

