Again you are trying to construct an argument from unconnected or unclear thoughts. Please clarify for me. What is the connection between rights and liberty? Do we actually have rights? What are they? Is there such a thing as "good" in an empirical sense? This question is a minefield.
Why is liberty good?
This is the point I just made. Semantics are important. Thankyou for your agreement. As you say, the meaning behind words is important, so why do you then claim in the next sentence that it "does not matter whether you refer to being 'closer to freedom' or 'more free'" The meaning behind these two terms is very different, especially in a discussion of whether or not freedom is a binary function.
On the whole, I would say all the murders are. Accidental killlings are precisely that - accidental. War is, of course, state organised murder, and in this case only the organisers are "mentally ill"
See above. Either a murderer knows that what they are doing is wrong, and does it anyway, or does not know what they are doing. In either case we must worry about the sanity of such a person.
The fact of the person thinking about it is irrelevant if that person is not in a fit state of mind. No one was dissuaded from murder by the fear of punishment. That would be too rational a process to expect.
It is within my power to kill anyone I choose. I have a very large kitchen knife at home. I choose not to. I am a rational human being.
He who lives in fear of loosing his life is not free
This freedom comes, not from living in security, away from danger, but from acceptance of the inevitable.
I would freely die at your hands. I would demonstrate my freedom in my death,
while you would, no doubt, feel guilty, demonstrating your lack of freedom
Yes, so please use the words that matter. If you tell me the whole day that apples are pears, then I will disagree. If you later tell me that "pears" meant "fruit in general", and we were saying the same thing, I am likely to find this a little frustrating.
And btw, by your definition of being 'free', it is impossible to be free, as it requries an absence of any constraints whatsoever, and there are always external constraints on you, regardless of what you do to try and get rid of them (the very act of getting rid of them imposes toher constraints on you).