I wouldn't rush units or formers unless absolutely needed, only facilities, because for buildings it's only 2 energy per mineral, while it's a lot more for units. And I agree with Cedayon you shouldn't put fusion power on it.
No announcement yet.
Aurillion Province
well, ok....but aurillion currently has zero boreholes, and 1 former at every base just won't do. i'm trying to boost production here, and i'd like to get these former out as quickly as i can. besides, it's not as if we're strapped for cash here is it?
Aurillion province now has 3 boreholes
now, i was planning to set up a thread like maniac's, so i went searching for images
(changed to UN pizza)
DEM (did a google image search of deus ex machina, but since i have no clue what it is, i picked this because it looks cool)
ZG: didn't find anything. what is it anyhow?
(another "WTF is $BASENAME1?"->google->first cool image i find)
k, a pic of Zanarkand (after it got... sorta messed up):
Another one, from before its little incident:
Also, DEM may just be referring to the Latin phrase for (bad translation)The methods/machinations of God(/bad translation), rather than the game "Deus Ex"
Excellent pics, Cedayon !
And indeed, GT's right, Deus Ex Machina is the latine expression for the divine intervention that solves a plot, originally an ancient greek tragedies drama effect."Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
"I shall return and I shall be billions"
Q: if you get Postcount reduction you get notifieed right? and if a thread is deleted you lose all your posts?
EDIT: sorry wrong placeBunnies!
Welcome to the DBTSverse!
God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us