Well, I was going to join a party, but they all seem to have been dispandes except for the CCCP, and I dont agree with some of their ideas, so I present to you:
The Chriron Security Fore (CSF)
Q: Why join any party at all?
A: Some say parties serve no purpose, but I strongly disagree. By joining a party that shares your ideals, your votes will become stronger in the elections as a faction who votes for (mostly) the same people has a larger chancew of getting its choices elected. Parties also encourage participation from lukers and newbies(like myself) as they add more of a roplelaying elemtn to the demo game, particualrly to people with no government position. Fianlly, when electing people to office from a party, you know what their ideals are, making for easy voting.
Q: What is your expericne with Aplaha Centauri and Alien Crossfire
A: I've owned and played both games since they have came out (I even bought virtual pc, a PC emulator for the Mac, to play this game orignally). I have beat the game with almost every faction on transcend and have a very good grasp of the game's tech tree and concepts; anything I dont know I'll be more than happy to learn about.
Q: Will the CSF ever get disbanded?
A: Probablly not. If it turns out that no one elase wishes to join and I'm the only member, I dont mind as people will at least know my in-game poltics. So in short, no.
Q: Enough of the background! What's the CSF all about?!?
We are a pro-millatirsitc, anti-wealth party in the Apolyton government.
We support democracy for governemtn at all points in the game.
The CSF prefers planned economy over FM or green, especially in the beginning of the game to build up our bases. Any base that has a child's chreche will grow by one person every turn if the bas produces >=2 nutrients, we consider this a huge adavantage, and could end up leading to more research over FM in the end. If it is possible to build the Cloning Vats, we definently supoprt a green economey. So, we are anti-FM, but not strongly so.
The CSF is strongly against the wealth social choice. Wealth only creates a weak and complacent army and poplulation without and tangible benefits. We are pro both power and knowlege, depending on the situation. For example, if we are not at war, a relationship with Zakarov would be benfiecial, and the +2 rearch signifiganly lowers the turns of tech research, we are pro-knowlege. However, if we are at war, or build the Cloning Vats(removes negatives of power), the CSF is pro-power.
The CSF is pro thought control, particullary if we are in contol of the Cloning Vats (removes negative support costs). We are not againt using the Eudadomic society choice to improve research, cash flow, and mineral production, but we do not avoacte using it during war time. We are not against using cyernetic in a war againt the gains, ro a faction that has massed a large amount of mind worms.
Q: What is the CSF's stance towards atrocities?
A: We are against atrocities as they do not effectively hurt the enemy's millitary strength, or make it impossible to tkae bases (planet busters). However, we are not agaist nerve stapling, and not agaisnt building punishment speheres if the need arises.
Please post any other questions here. Like I said before, I think it was mistkae to disband all of the parites as they make the game interesting, and I'm soing the best to rectify it.
The Chriron Security Fore (CSF)
Q: Why join any party at all?
A: Some say parties serve no purpose, but I strongly disagree. By joining a party that shares your ideals, your votes will become stronger in the elections as a faction who votes for (mostly) the same people has a larger chancew of getting its choices elected. Parties also encourage participation from lukers and newbies(like myself) as they add more of a roplelaying elemtn to the demo game, particualrly to people with no government position. Fianlly, when electing people to office from a party, you know what their ideals are, making for easy voting.
Q: What is your expericne with Aplaha Centauri and Alien Crossfire
A: I've owned and played both games since they have came out (I even bought virtual pc, a PC emulator for the Mac, to play this game orignally). I have beat the game with almost every faction on transcend and have a very good grasp of the game's tech tree and concepts; anything I dont know I'll be more than happy to learn about.
Q: Will the CSF ever get disbanded?
A: Probablly not. If it turns out that no one elase wishes to join and I'm the only member, I dont mind as people will at least know my in-game poltics. So in short, no.
Q: Enough of the background! What's the CSF all about?!?
We are a pro-millatirsitc, anti-wealth party in the Apolyton government.
We support democracy for governemtn at all points in the game.
The CSF prefers planned economy over FM or green, especially in the beginning of the game to build up our bases. Any base that has a child's chreche will grow by one person every turn if the bas produces >=2 nutrients, we consider this a huge adavantage, and could end up leading to more research over FM in the end. If it is possible to build the Cloning Vats, we definently supoprt a green economey. So, we are anti-FM, but not strongly so.
The CSF is strongly against the wealth social choice. Wealth only creates a weak and complacent army and poplulation without and tangible benefits. We are pro both power and knowlege, depending on the situation. For example, if we are not at war, a relationship with Zakarov would be benfiecial, and the +2 rearch signifiganly lowers the turns of tech research, we are pro-knowlege. However, if we are at war, or build the Cloning Vats(removes negatives of power), the CSF is pro-power.
The CSF is pro thought control, particullary if we are in contol of the Cloning Vats (removes negative support costs). We are not againt using the Eudadomic society choice to improve research, cash flow, and mineral production, but we do not avoacte using it during war time. We are not against using cyernetic in a war againt the gains, ro a faction that has massed a large amount of mind worms.
Q: What is the CSF's stance towards atrocities?
A: We are against atrocities as they do not effectively hurt the enemy's millitary strength, or make it impossible to tkae bases (planet busters). However, we are not agaist nerve stapling, and not agaisnt building punishment speheres if the need arises.
Please post any other questions here. Like I said before, I think it was mistkae to disband all of the parites as they make the game interesting, and I'm soing the best to rectify it.