I went back to the constitution and this is what I found
So Is this naming procedure and poll, unconstitutional. or did I miss something?
I looked at Andemagne's initial suggestion in the City Names thread regarding naming bases after citzens (not too different from my own view above, and many others I noted) and while there was discussion, the issue seemed unresolved.
Oh and as footnote I did put forward 'Bloomsville' as base name suggestion in the name thread but it didn't appeared above. I'm not too upset it didn't appear as I 've changed my proposed name to Cyclops anyhow.
Base Names:
The alpha talent or the commissioner will pick 5 names from the name thread and will put them in a poll where a
name for a new city can be chosen. This poll has to be open for at least 2 days. The name with the most votes
will be chosen for the base and will be scraped from the list. The same counts for landmarks. If someone wants to
name a place without a landmark a poll has started about giving it a name or not. This poll will also have minimum
of 2 days.
The alpha talent or the commissioner will pick 5 names from the name thread and will put them in a poll where a
name for a new city can be chosen. This poll has to be open for at least 2 days. The name with the most votes
will be chosen for the base and will be scraped from the list. The same counts for landmarks. If someone wants to
name a place without a landmark a poll has started about giving it a name or not. This poll will also have minimum
of 2 days.
I looked at Andemagne's initial suggestion in the City Names thread regarding naming bases after citzens (not too different from my own view above, and many others I noted) and while there was discussion, the issue seemed unresolved.
Oh and as footnote I did put forward 'Bloomsville' as base name suggestion in the name thread but it didn't appeared above. I'm not too upset it didn't appear as I 've changed my proposed name to Cyclops anyhow.