Before organizing a poll I'd like to hear some opinions. I'm wondering whether we should rushbuild the formers and/or CP currently build in our bases. Also I would like to know your opinion about whether or not we should rush the first unit built in any newfounded base.
Energy Reserves: 82 ec
New Apolyton: Colony Pod: 22/30
ThisBaseIsBelongToUs: Formers: 12/20
U.N. Pizza Delivery: Formers: 12/20
They all take 19 ec to finish.
Former/?/CP/Scout patrol/CP/Scout Patrol is the general build queue if I'm not mistaken. I can't remember if it has been polled, but there was a lot of support for the suggestion. So should we hurry the formers provided we get 10 free minerals with each new base? "?" stood for a second former, a scout unit, or a recycling tanks.
Discuss and provide arguments!
Energy Reserves: 82 ec
New Apolyton: Colony Pod: 22/30
ThisBaseIsBelongToUs: Formers: 12/20
U.N. Pizza Delivery: Formers: 12/20
They all take 19 ec to finish.
Former/?/CP/Scout patrol/CP/Scout Patrol is the general build queue if I'm not mistaken. I can't remember if it has been polled, but there was a lot of support for the suggestion. So should we hurry the formers provided we get 10 free minerals with each new base? "?" stood for a second former, a scout unit, or a recycling tanks.
Discuss and provide arguments!