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The Network Node

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  • #46
    OK, OK, I did some tests of my own. I never ran into a faction for tech trading . Only three trials were run, though, but this is what happened...

    First two times I (we?) failed. Some faction Secrets in 2128 the first time, and 2131 the second time. The first time was a VERY weird "Secrets" beeline. While researching Ecology, IIRC, I got Industrial Base AND Information Networks from two pods...and then the next tech choice, Social Psych was unavailable! I went for Industrial Economics and I was on Free Market . In 2128 there were 2 years left on Social Psych, with about 10 years per tech (this was the Big Bad Luck run - early secret time (at least, compared to my limited Thinker experience, 2128 seems VERY early), lots of extra techs slowing me down, and I lost a Colony Pod and a Former to Mindworm raids fairly early).

    Second failure went fairly more smoothly. Unfortunately, the Morgan or Zakharov got Secrets in 2131, two years before we were going to get it. I can't remember what the pod situation was like, but I think the line went Centauri Ecology - Information Networks - Social Psych - Secrets, though it's possible that I got Industrial Base from a pod while researching Ecology and Social Psych was then an option, cutting down on one research cycle.

    The third time I was successful. The other leaders obviously didn't do as well as the last two simulations, since I got Secrets in 2132.

    Conclusion: Getting Secrets with our Centauri Ecology start depends on either meeting a faction for tech trading or popping a pod with Industrial Base, allowing us to continue right along to Social Psych. In addition, we have to hope the other faction leaders don't do well...we'd have to be very, very lucky to get Secrets before 2128 with a Centauri Ecology start!

    Thus show the results of the computer simulations run by Zakharov VII of the Peacekeepers, year MY2101, not to be confused with the unethical Zakharov of the so-called University of Planet.

    (OOC)I also noticed that the Peacekeepers start around the Freshwater Sea quite a bit! Twice in those four techs I started in the same place, a river near the Freshwater IIRC. The third time I started in a rainier area a bit north, near the Ridge IIRC. In another, more serious game I'm playing (that I'm actually SAVING so I can come back to it after more than one sitting), I started just south-east of our democracy game starting position - the one tile isthmus thing was about 3 tiles away.(/OOC)



    • #47
      i still think we can't count on it. as the university, i got it in 2113 (i don't remember how, i just checked the monument). the earliest we can get it here is ~2130


      • #48


        • #49


          • #50
            Originally posted by TKG
            "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
            "I shall return and I shall be billions"


            • #51
              I would like to join the Network Node, and at the moment, i have no comment



              • #52
                Do i smell a Drone?
                Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


                • #53
         smell yourself


                  • #54


                    • #55
                      No need to bump if it's in the directory I'd say. That way the directory thread will generate more visitors (and you will gain more fame as the creator ) because it is the easiest way to get a link to the NGO.
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • #56
                        Personally, I would be pushing for Doctrine Mobility and Doctrine Flexibility. That way, we discover the other factions a lot quicker so we can trade techs with and then use the Explorers for defence if another faction think they can mess with the Peacekeepers



                        • #57
                          rather than going to flexibility and then build boats, i'd rather just build the empath guild if we can, and then we don't have to go searching for the other factions.


                          • #58
                            I'll agree with TKG on that one... possibly even get some map trading going.
                            I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                            Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by TKG
                              rather than going to flexibility and then build boats, i'd rather just build the empath guild if we can, and then we don't have to go searching for the other factions.
                              true, but we need a navy to go pod hunting too...then later for defence. Most of the other factions will most likely not be on this continent, so may as well take the first steps to have a naval force to intercept any potential threats coming our way by sea.



                              • #60
                                Another idea is to create polders and land bridges as soon as possible, but we can only make it with the Weather Paradigm.
                                "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
                                "I shall return and I shall be billions"

