Archaic rambled this...
After that, all I can say is that you seem to have paid a bit of attention in Latin Class (Even if you did end up misapplying Ad Hominem slightly), but the rest is the same old debating fallicies I hear everywhere. Appealing to peoples emotions is a nice trick (And easy to pull when your opponent is someone as completly unashamed about being a bastard as I am), but it hardly makes your points more valid. Justify them next time and I might start to take you seriously, but until then I'll just add your name to the list of morons. If you have a problem with that, take a ticket and get in line. I'll listen to your opinions when you try to back them up with facts instead of Ad Hominem attacks.
After that, all I can say is that you seem to have paid a bit of attention in Latin Class (Even if you did end up misapplying Ad Hominem slightly), but the rest is the same old debating fallicies I hear everywhere. Appealing to peoples emotions is a nice trick (And easy to pull when your opponent is someone as completly unashamed about being a bastard as I am), but it hardly makes your points more valid. Justify them next time and I might start to take you seriously, but until then I'll just add your name to the list of morons. If you have a problem with that, take a ticket and get in line. I'll listen to your opinions when you try to back them up with facts instead of Ad Hominem attacks.
I don't care how much you claim logic as your main weapon, but human beings are also emotional beings and therefore you have to appeal to both successfully to win an arguement.
You're doing quite well with the whole logic bit, if you weren't being a "bastard" I'd say you were winning, but since you've yet to win over any support from what I've read, and constantly just drum up more anti-archaic sentiments, no matter if they are justified logically or not, your arguement falls for the human failing of not wanting to agree with the bad guy.
Oh, and I'd appreciate it if you chose another term than calling yourself a "fatherless child" unless you technically are... there are some of us around here who may resent the misuse of the term.
Also Archaic... with your constant references to Vel's guide I've only got one thing to say: it's a bloody game! Play it! Make up your own strategies and stop trying to say that other's strategies can't work because they haven't been published anywhere.
I also find it interesting that you're holding Pandemoniak as the sole voice of the CDC... I find it rather disconcerting actually... especially in view of the fact that it should be well known that you and Pandemoniak have yet to see eye-to-eye anything (if my memory holds true).
And maniac, TKG... you can voice disclaimers till the cows come home... but since you're not going right out and disagreeing with Archaic I still view him as stating his opinions as a member of your party, and therefore as a representative of it.
TKG, thank you, however, on your pointing out that not all CDC is CCCP... it just so happens that we work better together and don't try to undermine the coalition by making comments that can be construed as official comments from the coalition.