Unity News Network
Unity Launches!
Starship Unity Launches in Historic Journey to Alpha Centauri
Note that this article was written 10 days ago
Tears were shed as family and friends were seperated from their fellow comrades as approximately 3 days ago, the "Unity" Starship launched marking the beginning of the historic journey to the Alpha Centauri star system.
"Unity, remember....Unity is the only way the Human Race will survive." UN Mechanics Commisioner Tanya Morts commented seconds before the Unity launch in Kazakstan.
However, things on the Unity were vastly different.
"Whoo-hoo!!!" Several crewmembers began to party 10 mintues after the Unity launch. The party contained song, dance, and food that were specifically made by the UN for a celebration.
"It's such an honor to be here, to know that I can help change and form new humanity!" Economic Advisor M@ni@c told UNN Reporters during an interview with CEO Morgan, the Chief Economic Overseer. However not even on the Unity is there unity. Rumours in Unities Engine Core room have surfaced that several groups of people will take apart one part of the Unity, and simply leave the project.
"Dont tell anyone, but....I think it's gonna split into like, seven. But ya never heard it from me, did ya?" an Anonymous worker told UNN Chief Editor Tassadar. Already, there has been bickering amongst the Chiefs. Chief Religious Overseer Miriam Godwinson has been seen debating with Chief Scientist Prokhor Zakharov in an apparent clash of idelogies.
"ZAKHAROV, YOU RESEARCH IS GODLESS AND WRETCHED AND I ONLY HOPE THAT THE LORD SAVIOR CAN FORGIVE YOU, FOR HE IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!!" Miriam was heard yelling after a heated debate of Fundamentalism vs. Unfettered Research.
Captain Markos Assasinated
Captain Assasinated
While in his quarters writing crew evalutation reports, Captain Markos was killed when a bullet entered the back of his head, tearing through the main artery and hitting the brain instantly killing him.
"I was walking down the halls when BANG, I hear a loud gunshot. And then some white haired man began running off...So I went into the room, and I saw a huge puddle of blood and...it was horrible..." Said Chief of Ecology Deidre Sky, an witness to the crime.
"We are investigating this. Do not interfere." Colonel Santiago, the Chief of Secuirty, told UNN reporters as they attempted to enter the crime scene which was now crawling with officers.
It is suspected that the assasination took place in an attempt to divide the Unity crew, and in the opinion of the Chief Editor, it is working. The seven main sections of the Starship Unity have been completly sealed off and reportedly all of which have been taken control by six faction leaders. Researchers and scientists have locked themselves in section 4-A, the Research Labs of the Unity. Several people have also locked themselves in the Ecological Habitat, a "School of Socialism", the Morgan Industries part of the ship, the Weapons Lab, and the Religious Chapel. The self-proclaimed leaders are Zakharov, Deidre, Yang, Morgan, Santiago, and Miriam respectively. Several people have been left behind, however, and have taken control of the rest of the ship. They are calling themselves the peacekeepers and have recently democratically elected a new leader.
"It's so hard to believe...the same thing that tore apart Earth is now tearing us apart at a much faster rate." Several citizens commented while headed towards their 'faction section', as they are now being called.
UNN Agents have been dispatched to all factions, and we will continue to bring you high quality news for and from every faction. Chief Editor Tassadar however has joined the "Peacekeeping" faction.
Peacekeepers Elect Crisler as New Leader
Religious Fundamentalist Crisler Elected: Gift of God or Fake Preacher?
As the only faction actually electing its leader, the Peacekeeping faction held its elections a week ago and elected Fundamentalist Crisler.
"Genesis, 3:23: Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. God has chosen me to lead us into a new era." Crisler Commented upon winning the election. Several people embrace Crislers victory, but several contest it saying that the vote was too close.
"We must have a new election its the only democratic way. We have more members now, and...The only way to do things." Citizen Brain commented. Others weren't so diplomatic.
"THAT LITTLE $%*&@!!!! IF YOU WANT RELIGION GO JOIN THE BELIEVERS WERE SUPPOSED TO KEEP PEACE NOT PREACH GOD HE MUST BE IMPEACHED THAT WRETCHED FOOL!!!!" Anonymous told UNN reporters. And even party leaders such as the CCCP have voiced against Crisler.
"hmm, i dont think its a need since there will be election for the term of september, so we dont need to re-vote for only two weeks of high commissionner" Pandemoniak said in an address to the public to gain support for his party.
Already, small signs have been posted all over the Peacekeeping section saying things like "False Messiah" and "Intellects AGAINST Crisler" however, they do not seem to be affecting Crislers victory.
"They can believe what they will, however I will always know that god has chosen me for this. And with this knowledge, I can readily and easily eliminate those whom do not believe." Crisler commented after he finished his "hour of prayer" with fellow 'fundies', as they have been called.
There have even been talks of a coup to overthrow Crisler.
"We just do not like him. He is a religious fundie who will destroy us by preaching god. He'll probably make us be fundamentalist, and we all see what happend back on Earth. The Middle East missed out on the industrial and digital revoltuion. Even now they've probably bairly obtained nuclear weapons." One citizen, whom is attempting to lead this 'coup', commented. However, most outside sources indicate that the coup will collapse before it amounts to anything.
CCCP, P4 Duke it Out
Long Time Enemies CCCP and P4 Finally Begin Reaching Boiling Point
"Well, on the contrary, Bloody Baro, they always bend to get new members. But since they dont have ideology, you cannot really see it...
" Was the comment that sparked fierce debate between CCCP Leader Pandemoniak and the P4 Political Party.
"Ok, I *BELIEVE* this has already been said, but do you truely think that just because somsone doesnt' have an extreme viewpoint that they dont have an ideology? Thats certainly the viewpoint YOU seem to push." Archaic replied seconds after Pandemoniaks comment.
"Oh whatever. I can't beleive the lies you pigs spread across the Unity." Pand responded.
"Ya keep sayin that, but what the *&$^ do you mean by it?!?!?!" TKG said, jumping in.
"Oh bite me." Pandemoniak replied.
"ENOUGH ALREADY! Just stay out of this, Pandemoniak. At least I dont have the intials of an opressive regieme."
"Dont you dare. The Soviet Union is so misunderstood by westerners its not even funny."
"Oh ^*&$ you." TKG replied.
"Well now that i Hitnk about it, I know your idelogy: You pigs want money and thats it. Free market, anyone?" Pandemoniak replied.
"Stop being so bitter...."
"TKG sounds like he wants peace between our two parties, and I'm all for it....It's just these pigs aren't." Pandemoniak told UNN reporters in the middle of an actual debate between the two parties. The entire debate lasted 10 minutes, and the tension rose between the two parties to unheard of amounts. Will they continue to explode, or will they put their differences aside for the betterment of humanity?
Peacekeepers from Other POV
What do the other factions think of us? Find out now!
Approximately 0200 hours today, the UNN recieved a small e-mail from Morgan Industries.
"Greetings Friend! How are things going in the peacekeeping faction? I personally think electing leaders is just stupid, but...Oh well". The e-mail ended, but this intruiged us. What do others think of us? We went around and gave all of our reporters the assignement. This is what they reported back...
BELIEVERS: The Believers view us as infidels, but they also fear our unity. The Believing faction also find our democracy as an inefficent means of electing leaders.
"Peter, they are godless infidels and once our power reaches its prime, we shall crush them." Sister Miriam told a UNN Reporter whom was undercover. The Peacekeepers are unlikely to find an ally in Sister Miriam.
MORGAN: The Moragns disapprove of the Peacekeepers as there are many political parties that do not support Free Market.
"I must commend P4 as their endorsement of Free Market will lead the Peacekeepers into great economic prosperity! However, parties like the CCCP must be quckly hunt down and literally killed!" Morgan told UNN agents whom were also undercover. The Morgans will become allies if we force them to, or if we switch to free market.
GAIANS: The Gaians love our democratic ways, and they also love how the majority of the people within parties support Green economics.
"We must preserve planet, and if I have an ally in them....Then we shall speak pact on the matter." Deidre Sky said. The Gaians are likely to be allies unless we switch to Free Market or Planned.
UNIVERSITY: Communication with our agent has been lost. We apologize for the inconvinence.
SPARTANS: "They suck." Was all Colonel Santiago told UNN Reporters before she threw a tomato at the peacekeeping faction symbol. "They wish to 'keep peace', well we must survive and war is the only way to survive."
HIVE: "Those wretched fools, they do not know that Democracy will kill them! The common man musn't be allowed to speak out against his rulers, as then inefficency ensues and democratically electing people is so easily rigged. And then they create political parties? A group of common citizens speaking out against each other......That lead ot the fall of the Peoples Republic of China before it wisely became Maoistic again." The Hive hate us with a passion. They want us tortured and buried alive. In fact, recent documents obtained by UNN reporters show that the hive is actually planning an invasion of the Peacekeeping faction, however because these plans have been transmitted back the plan will most likely fail.
The following is from Populace Reporters and Citizens. The views expressed here possibly do not reflect those of the UNN nor its staff.
Inspirational Writings
By Crisler
As we draw near to Planet, it is important that we take time for quiet reflection and prayer. We have much to be thankful for. Dispite overwhelming odds we have successfully made this journey. However it has not been by our skills or ingenuity, but rather by the gace and promises of God.
In the above verse we are told we shall make it to this land for He has promised this. Now that we have arrived we must do our part and continue in our faith in Him.
When I was elected the First Commissioner of our colony, I have seen this as a public cry for a return to the basic Christian principle. We have shown we wish to continue in His service.
Now, as we arrive we must again seek God and his will in our endeavor to save the race of Humanity. We are told by God to go forth, to be fruitful and mutliply.
God has command us to expand upon the face of Planet, to populate it. He then commands us to subue the world claiming dominion over it that He Himself has given us.
So as we prepare to embark on the greatest adventure ever experienced by man, we can rest. rest in the knowledge that God, the creator of all things is with us. That His blessings will be poured out upon us as long as we work to serve his will
E.L. Crisler
First Commissioner
Views From The Left: Crisler’s Election As Commissioner
Written by Gnool, member of the Centauri Communalist Citizens Party (CCCP)
As you all know by now, E.L. Crisler of the Fundamentalist Faction has been elected as First Commissioner of the Peacekeeping Forces. He stood on a platform of equality, growth, strong military, (limited) respect for our new planet and of course, submission before God, and won. Although Crisler’s Fundamentalist Faction has formed a coalition with the militaristic Hawk faction and the unethical Sub-faction for Science and Knowledge (SSK), Comrade Pandemoniak (leader of the CCCP) was quick to congratulate Crisler on his win. In an open letter to Crisler, Comrade Pandemoniak wrote, "I am glad to see that he shares in his faith some very important points of the CCCP party line: banning atrocity, grow and multiply, provide best life conditions to everyone". While the official response from the CCCP is congratulatory, not all party members were entirely pleased with the result, with 5th member of the CCCP, Lucky22, being quoted as saying, ''the fundamentalist is vastly more likely to accept the great whore machine grinding our sons and daughters into human sausage and label it a received gift beyond the power of mammals to develop."
While Crisler is guaranteed power for blah years after Planetfall, it should be remembered that his election was a surprise, and that the knowledge needed to institute a fundamentalist government on Chiron will most likely not be available during Crisler’s current term. Crisler’s Fundamentalist Faction also appears to have no concrete economic policy; although he has mentioned that he would find a "green" economy acceptable, a free market economy has also been mentioned as a possibility.
Crisler’s socio-economic goals may not be certain, or may not be achievable during his current term, his immediate "real life" goals for the people of the Unity (that is, population growth, equality, a promise to never commit atrocities against people and limited respect for Chiron - (the Fundamentalist Faction has indicated that any native life forms that get in the way will have to be "dealt with") are found acceptable to most factions which make up the Peacekeeping Forces. In these chaotic times, what our people need most is strong leadership and unity, and Crisler’s Fundamentalist Faction and the other groups that make up the Apolytonian Coalition for Expansion appear ready to provide these vital qualities. I would like to wish E.L. Crisler all the best for his first term as Commissioner for the Peacekeeping Forces.
My First Article
By DeathByTheSword
While there are heavy discussions between 7 of the most influential members of the Unity project. Now there have been reports of heavy debates between UN representatives. They say that the current UN constitution of earth will not do on the new planet of Chiron. “It’s old and outdated, I didn’t work on Earth so why on Planet (Note: the UN given name of Chiron is getting more and more switched for the popular name: Planet)”, said high UN diplomat. He did not want to have his name published. Because of all these complains Our newly elected Commissioner, Crisler , has formed the Constitutional Committee. He said: “I wish to call for a Constitutional Committee to be formed. I ask the leaders of each Party, yes folks Party not Coalitions, to be members of this committee”. These UN citizens will make our new Constitution for our new life on Chiron.
Although some of the formed parties within the UN branch wants to put extreme morale and ethical in this constitution this will probably will not happen. High Commissioner Pravin Lal was glad with the decision of his new right hand commissioner Crisler. When asking comment on the situation of the every instant growing gap between the rest of the Unity crew He said: “every discussion will be a fruitful contribution to the Unity cause. “
He did not want to comment on the latest fight between Miriam followers and the research department which ended in 2 lightly injured.
Sheng-Ji Yang commented on the forming of the Constitutional Committee with these aggressive words:
“FOOLS. A new Constitution can not save YOUR democracy. I will save this Ship and all those who want to be saved.”
From the 5 remaining political leaders on the Unity only Miriam Godwinson would comment she said that she found it a wise decision from Commissioner Crisler. “Now finally that STUPID rule of religious freedom can be removed.”
In this reporters opinion there is still much to do if we want a new and improved before we make planetfall. But with the rising tensions between the different groups on board who know what happens.
This was DeathByTheSword from the UNN
Unity Launches!
Starship Unity Launches in Historic Journey to Alpha Centauri
Note that this article was written 10 days ago
Tears were shed as family and friends were seperated from their fellow comrades as approximately 3 days ago, the "Unity" Starship launched marking the beginning of the historic journey to the Alpha Centauri star system.
"Unity, remember....Unity is the only way the Human Race will survive." UN Mechanics Commisioner Tanya Morts commented seconds before the Unity launch in Kazakstan.
However, things on the Unity were vastly different.
"Whoo-hoo!!!" Several crewmembers began to party 10 mintues after the Unity launch. The party contained song, dance, and food that were specifically made by the UN for a celebration.
"It's such an honor to be here, to know that I can help change and form new humanity!" Economic Advisor M@ni@c told UNN Reporters during an interview with CEO Morgan, the Chief Economic Overseer. However not even on the Unity is there unity. Rumours in Unities Engine Core room have surfaced that several groups of people will take apart one part of the Unity, and simply leave the project.
"Dont tell anyone, but....I think it's gonna split into like, seven. But ya never heard it from me, did ya?" an Anonymous worker told UNN Chief Editor Tassadar. Already, there has been bickering amongst the Chiefs. Chief Religious Overseer Miriam Godwinson has been seen debating with Chief Scientist Prokhor Zakharov in an apparent clash of idelogies.
"ZAKHAROV, YOU RESEARCH IS GODLESS AND WRETCHED AND I ONLY HOPE THAT THE LORD SAVIOR CAN FORGIVE YOU, FOR HE IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!!" Miriam was heard yelling after a heated debate of Fundamentalism vs. Unfettered Research.
Captain Markos Assasinated
Captain Assasinated
While in his quarters writing crew evalutation reports, Captain Markos was killed when a bullet entered the back of his head, tearing through the main artery and hitting the brain instantly killing him.
"I was walking down the halls when BANG, I hear a loud gunshot. And then some white haired man began running off...So I went into the room, and I saw a huge puddle of blood and...it was horrible..." Said Chief of Ecology Deidre Sky, an witness to the crime.
"We are investigating this. Do not interfere." Colonel Santiago, the Chief of Secuirty, told UNN reporters as they attempted to enter the crime scene which was now crawling with officers.
It is suspected that the assasination took place in an attempt to divide the Unity crew, and in the opinion of the Chief Editor, it is working. The seven main sections of the Starship Unity have been completly sealed off and reportedly all of which have been taken control by six faction leaders. Researchers and scientists have locked themselves in section 4-A, the Research Labs of the Unity. Several people have also locked themselves in the Ecological Habitat, a "School of Socialism", the Morgan Industries part of the ship, the Weapons Lab, and the Religious Chapel. The self-proclaimed leaders are Zakharov, Deidre, Yang, Morgan, Santiago, and Miriam respectively. Several people have been left behind, however, and have taken control of the rest of the ship. They are calling themselves the peacekeepers and have recently democratically elected a new leader.
"It's so hard to believe...the same thing that tore apart Earth is now tearing us apart at a much faster rate." Several citizens commented while headed towards their 'faction section', as they are now being called.
UNN Agents have been dispatched to all factions, and we will continue to bring you high quality news for and from every faction. Chief Editor Tassadar however has joined the "Peacekeeping" faction.
Peacekeepers Elect Crisler as New Leader
Religious Fundamentalist Crisler Elected: Gift of God or Fake Preacher?
As the only faction actually electing its leader, the Peacekeeping faction held its elections a week ago and elected Fundamentalist Crisler.
"Genesis, 3:23: Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. God has chosen me to lead us into a new era." Crisler Commented upon winning the election. Several people embrace Crislers victory, but several contest it saying that the vote was too close.
"We must have a new election its the only democratic way. We have more members now, and...The only way to do things." Citizen Brain commented. Others weren't so diplomatic.
"THAT LITTLE $%*&@!!!! IF YOU WANT RELIGION GO JOIN THE BELIEVERS WERE SUPPOSED TO KEEP PEACE NOT PREACH GOD HE MUST BE IMPEACHED THAT WRETCHED FOOL!!!!" Anonymous told UNN reporters. And even party leaders such as the CCCP have voiced against Crisler.
"hmm, i dont think its a need since there will be election for the term of september, so we dont need to re-vote for only two weeks of high commissionner" Pandemoniak said in an address to the public to gain support for his party.
Already, small signs have been posted all over the Peacekeeping section saying things like "False Messiah" and "Intellects AGAINST Crisler" however, they do not seem to be affecting Crislers victory.
"They can believe what they will, however I will always know that god has chosen me for this. And with this knowledge, I can readily and easily eliminate those whom do not believe." Crisler commented after he finished his "hour of prayer" with fellow 'fundies', as they have been called.
There have even been talks of a coup to overthrow Crisler.
"We just do not like him. He is a religious fundie who will destroy us by preaching god. He'll probably make us be fundamentalist, and we all see what happend back on Earth. The Middle East missed out on the industrial and digital revoltuion. Even now they've probably bairly obtained nuclear weapons." One citizen, whom is attempting to lead this 'coup', commented. However, most outside sources indicate that the coup will collapse before it amounts to anything.
CCCP, P4 Duke it Out
Long Time Enemies CCCP and P4 Finally Begin Reaching Boiling Point
"Well, on the contrary, Bloody Baro, they always bend to get new members. But since they dont have ideology, you cannot really see it...

"Ok, I *BELIEVE* this has already been said, but do you truely think that just because somsone doesnt' have an extreme viewpoint that they dont have an ideology? Thats certainly the viewpoint YOU seem to push." Archaic replied seconds after Pandemoniaks comment.
"Oh whatever. I can't beleive the lies you pigs spread across the Unity." Pand responded.
"Ya keep sayin that, but what the *&$^ do you mean by it?!?!?!" TKG said, jumping in.
"Oh bite me." Pandemoniak replied.
"ENOUGH ALREADY! Just stay out of this, Pandemoniak. At least I dont have the intials of an opressive regieme."
"Dont you dare. The Soviet Union is so misunderstood by westerners its not even funny."
"Oh ^*&$ you." TKG replied.
"Well now that i Hitnk about it, I know your idelogy: You pigs want money and thats it. Free market, anyone?" Pandemoniak replied.
"Stop being so bitter...."
"TKG sounds like he wants peace between our two parties, and I'm all for it....It's just these pigs aren't." Pandemoniak told UNN reporters in the middle of an actual debate between the two parties. The entire debate lasted 10 minutes, and the tension rose between the two parties to unheard of amounts. Will they continue to explode, or will they put their differences aside for the betterment of humanity?
Peacekeepers from Other POV
What do the other factions think of us? Find out now!
Approximately 0200 hours today, the UNN recieved a small e-mail from Morgan Industries.
"Greetings Friend! How are things going in the peacekeeping faction? I personally think electing leaders is just stupid, but...Oh well". The e-mail ended, but this intruiged us. What do others think of us? We went around and gave all of our reporters the assignement. This is what they reported back...
BELIEVERS: The Believers view us as infidels, but they also fear our unity. The Believing faction also find our democracy as an inefficent means of electing leaders.
"Peter, they are godless infidels and once our power reaches its prime, we shall crush them." Sister Miriam told a UNN Reporter whom was undercover. The Peacekeepers are unlikely to find an ally in Sister Miriam.
MORGAN: The Moragns disapprove of the Peacekeepers as there are many political parties that do not support Free Market.
"I must commend P4 as their endorsement of Free Market will lead the Peacekeepers into great economic prosperity! However, parties like the CCCP must be quckly hunt down and literally killed!" Morgan told UNN agents whom were also undercover. The Morgans will become allies if we force them to, or if we switch to free market.
GAIANS: The Gaians love our democratic ways, and they also love how the majority of the people within parties support Green economics.
"We must preserve planet, and if I have an ally in them....Then we shall speak pact on the matter." Deidre Sky said. The Gaians are likely to be allies unless we switch to Free Market or Planned.
UNIVERSITY: Communication with our agent has been lost. We apologize for the inconvinence.
SPARTANS: "They suck." Was all Colonel Santiago told UNN Reporters before she threw a tomato at the peacekeeping faction symbol. "They wish to 'keep peace', well we must survive and war is the only way to survive."
HIVE: "Those wretched fools, they do not know that Democracy will kill them! The common man musn't be allowed to speak out against his rulers, as then inefficency ensues and democratically electing people is so easily rigged. And then they create political parties? A group of common citizens speaking out against each other......That lead ot the fall of the Peoples Republic of China before it wisely became Maoistic again." The Hive hate us with a passion. They want us tortured and buried alive. In fact, recent documents obtained by UNN reporters show that the hive is actually planning an invasion of the Peacekeeping faction, however because these plans have been transmitted back the plan will most likely fail.
The following is from Populace Reporters and Citizens. The views expressed here possibly do not reflect those of the UNN nor its staff.
Inspirational Writings
By Crisler
(Exo 12:25) And it shall be, when you have come to the land which Jehovah will give you, according as He has promised, that you shall keep this service.
In the above verse we are told we shall make it to this land for He has promised this. Now that we have arrived we must do our part and continue in our faith in Him.
When I was elected the First Commissioner of our colony, I have seen this as a public cry for a return to the basic Christian principle. We have shown we wish to continue in His service.
(Gen 1:28) And God blessed them. And God said to them, Be fruitful, and multiply and fill the earth, and subdue it. And have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the heavens, and all animals that move upon the earth.
God has command us to expand upon the face of Planet, to populate it. He then commands us to subue the world claiming dominion over it that He Himself has given us.
So as we prepare to embark on the greatest adventure ever experienced by man, we can rest. rest in the knowledge that God, the creator of all things is with us. That His blessings will be poured out upon us as long as we work to serve his will
E.L. Crisler
First Commissioner
Views From The Left: Crisler’s Election As Commissioner
Written by Gnool, member of the Centauri Communalist Citizens Party (CCCP)
As you all know by now, E.L. Crisler of the Fundamentalist Faction has been elected as First Commissioner of the Peacekeeping Forces. He stood on a platform of equality, growth, strong military, (limited) respect for our new planet and of course, submission before God, and won. Although Crisler’s Fundamentalist Faction has formed a coalition with the militaristic Hawk faction and the unethical Sub-faction for Science and Knowledge (SSK), Comrade Pandemoniak (leader of the CCCP) was quick to congratulate Crisler on his win. In an open letter to Crisler, Comrade Pandemoniak wrote, "I am glad to see that he shares in his faith some very important points of the CCCP party line: banning atrocity, grow and multiply, provide best life conditions to everyone". While the official response from the CCCP is congratulatory, not all party members were entirely pleased with the result, with 5th member of the CCCP, Lucky22, being quoted as saying, ''the fundamentalist is vastly more likely to accept the great whore machine grinding our sons and daughters into human sausage and label it a received gift beyond the power of mammals to develop."
While Crisler is guaranteed power for blah years after Planetfall, it should be remembered that his election was a surprise, and that the knowledge needed to institute a fundamentalist government on Chiron will most likely not be available during Crisler’s current term. Crisler’s Fundamentalist Faction also appears to have no concrete economic policy; although he has mentioned that he would find a "green" economy acceptable, a free market economy has also been mentioned as a possibility.
Crisler’s socio-economic goals may not be certain, or may not be achievable during his current term, his immediate "real life" goals for the people of the Unity (that is, population growth, equality, a promise to never commit atrocities against people and limited respect for Chiron - (the Fundamentalist Faction has indicated that any native life forms that get in the way will have to be "dealt with") are found acceptable to most factions which make up the Peacekeeping Forces. In these chaotic times, what our people need most is strong leadership and unity, and Crisler’s Fundamentalist Faction and the other groups that make up the Apolytonian Coalition for Expansion appear ready to provide these vital qualities. I would like to wish E.L. Crisler all the best for his first term as Commissioner for the Peacekeeping Forces.
My First Article
By DeathByTheSword
While there are heavy discussions between 7 of the most influential members of the Unity project. Now there have been reports of heavy debates between UN representatives. They say that the current UN constitution of earth will not do on the new planet of Chiron. “It’s old and outdated, I didn’t work on Earth so why on Planet (Note: the UN given name of Chiron is getting more and more switched for the popular name: Planet)”, said high UN diplomat. He did not want to have his name published. Because of all these complains Our newly elected Commissioner, Crisler , has formed the Constitutional Committee. He said: “I wish to call for a Constitutional Committee to be formed. I ask the leaders of each Party, yes folks Party not Coalitions, to be members of this committee”. These UN citizens will make our new Constitution for our new life on Chiron.
Although some of the formed parties within the UN branch wants to put extreme morale and ethical in this constitution this will probably will not happen. High Commissioner Pravin Lal was glad with the decision of his new right hand commissioner Crisler. When asking comment on the situation of the every instant growing gap between the rest of the Unity crew He said: “every discussion will be a fruitful contribution to the Unity cause. “
He did not want to comment on the latest fight between Miriam followers and the research department which ended in 2 lightly injured.
Sheng-Ji Yang commented on the forming of the Constitutional Committee with these aggressive words:
“FOOLS. A new Constitution can not save YOUR democracy. I will save this Ship and all those who want to be saved.”
From the 5 remaining political leaders on the Unity only Miriam Godwinson would comment she said that she found it a wise decision from Commissioner Crisler. “Now finally that STUPID rule of religious freedom can be removed.”
In this reporters opinion there is still much to do if we want a new and improved before we make planetfall. But with the rising tensions between the different groups on board who know what happens.
This was DeathByTheSword from the UNN