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Director of Base Production or not ?

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  • #16
    i LIKE THE IDEA exept:

    terraforming better make it factionwide control for one person

    and can we get enough people for the job?
    Welcome to the DBTSverse!
    God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
    'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


    • #17
      could somone hold a director's and governor's position at the same time?


      • #18
        i would say no confliting interest but if we do not have enough people why not?! but if this goes thru the directore has to be balacend out again
        Welcome to the DBTSverse!
        God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
        'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


        • #19
          This idea has my support.


          • #20
            Sure. This way we really justify that -1 Effic hit.
            "Dave, if medicine tasted good, I'd be pouring cough syrup on my pancakes." -Jimmy James, Newsradio

            "Your plans to find love, fortune, and happiness utterly ignore the Second Law Of Thermodynamics."-Horiscope from The Onion


            • #21
              When putting my name down as a candidate for Director of BP, I saw the role as a mediator between the Ministers. This Director would appear in the threads started by the Ministers and let everyone know what the conflicts were, and if necessary poll on several proposed build queues that were assembled from the poll results in order to determine the peoples' will. I hope this Director would not have to actually mediate between warring Ministers, but as can be seen in the Civ3 game right now, that situation can occur. In this case I expect the Director would have the state of mind to be able to calm things and continue the game moving.

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • #22
                The way I see it, there are basically three different ways Director of BP can act...

                1) Decide in advance which bases do what, and then assign bases to corresponding Directors so that they can build whatever they need (e.g. "Base A builds military stuff, base B builds terraformers").

                2) Wait until other directors have come up with proposals regarding the production (e.g. D of PO wants missile squad, D of TC wants a terraformer), and then choose between conflicting proposals.

                3) Take actively part in all threads and negotiate a consensus (this is what MrWhereItsAt seemed to prefer).

                I can see that different people might want to use different ways of handling the office, and I believe we should let them have that chance.


                • #23
                  Anyway, the poll is clear : The citizens wants this cabinet
                  Member of the P4 party in the SMAC democracy game
                  Running for foreign affairs


                  • #24
                    /me dances a touchdown dance


                    And I'm running unopposed. I WILL be the first poster to hold posts in all three demo games.

                    Help MrWhereItsAt realise his dream. Vote for him in the elections, both Civ3 and SMAC.


                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                    • #25
                      I think the directorates of Energy & Industry has become a rather hollow directorate. Now he no longer controls base production, and now the control of supply crawlers has been transferred to Terraformation & Colonization, the only things left to do for E&I is placing workers , hurrying some production from time to time and crying to build an energy bank, the only pure-economy building in the game which can't be covered by another directorate. Therefore I would like to propose to merge this directorate with SE, who only has to organize polls from time to time on SE and is in charge of psych and drones. Merged together the SE Director has a decent portfolio as valuable as the other directorates:

                      Worker placement
                      Social Engineering
                      Drone Control
                      Production Hurrying (you need to talk to labour unions to get this done, thus social affairs )

                      The construction of energy banks can be left to the Director of Base Production, which could be recalled to the more important-sounding D of Economy. I know there are legitimate worries that D of Eco might abuse his directorate to build the facilities he wants in all bases, but with only energy banks under his control the danger is minimal so I believe...

                      Perhaps we could also merge the director of Foreign Affairs with Intelligence. When those are merged as well, I think every directorate has a decent and lasting portfolio. Now the importance of D of Intel would decline after the first hundred years.

                      What do you say. Just some suggestions...
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • #26
                        well if not to change the job, i'd like to change the name of industry and energy to economy. it just gets too confusing. when someone says director of I&E, you dont know if they mean industry and energy or intelligence and exploration.


                        • #27
                          The problem with that is that the major task of the Minister of the Economy in the Civ 3 game -- adjusting the slider -- falls under Social Engineering here. So, without the ability to set the economy/science/psych rate, what will the Director of the Economy do? Keep track of income and expenditures, but he won't be able to spend money (that'd be base production or foreign) or invest in energy banks (base production again).

                          The one thing that the Director of the Economy would be able to do would be assigning workers and specialists -- which hardly seems, in my mind, to justify a separate Directorate.

                          {edit: I was confused at the time I wrote this post. Se my later post on this page.)
                          Last edited by AdamTG02; August 11, 2002, 15:56.
                          Adam T. Gieseler


                          • #28
                            Exactly what I meant. So throw the whole directorate under SE.
                            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                            • #29
                              What the heck are you guys talking about? Director of Energy and Industry has power over base facilities (at least energy/minerals related) and special projects, as well as hurrying production. If you add worker placement and negotiations with everything energy related into the mix, he's got plenty of things to do...


                              • #30
                                Ah yes of course! I forgot about mineral-improving facilities! My mistake. Yes that might give him a decent portfolio after all.

                                Btw, is assigning specialists under SE or E&I?
                                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

