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Director of Base Production or not ?

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  • Director of Base Production or not ?

    Here is the work for the Director of Base Production :

    Director of Base Production
    The Director of BP has the last word on what goes into the build queues. He may not decide what exactly is being built, but he does have the power to allocate builds to other directors as he sees fit, and also has the power to abort any build that he deems unnecessary

    In summary : He is the mediator of what should be built in the bases

    The poll will last three days

    The poll is expired.

    Last edited by Juliennew; August 11, 2002, 15:57.
    Member of the P4 party in the SMAC democracy game
    Running for foreign affairs

  • #2
    I voted YES; however, I prefer the proposed name Director of Industry and Energy.

    Whoops! Has been edited to say Director rather than Minister which was what I meant to post.
    Last edited by AdamTG02; August 8, 2002, 18:38.
    Adam T. Gieseler


    • #3
      but we already had a DIRECTOR (! ) of I and E but with an other job?
      Welcome to the DBTSverse!
      God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
      'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


      • #4
        I thought of an idea to equalize power between the Directors.

        Each Director should take care of the buildings concerning his department

        The Director of Research propose all demands concerning lab buildings (Network nodes ...)
        The Director of Energy and Industry propose all demands concerning energy buildings (energy bank ...)
        The Director of SE propose all demands concerning happinness building (Holographic theater ...)
        The Director of PO propose all demands concerning military units

        Finally, the Director of Base Production take care of the priority of all the demands.
        Member of the P4 party in the SMAC democracy game
        Running for foreign affairs


        • #5
          i'd rather leave it all to the director of I&E. who would suggest a fusion lab? (+50% econ, +50%labs)


          • #6
            who would suggest a fusion lab? (+50% econ, +50%labs)
            The 2 directors. If the building have an effect linked with your department, you can propose it. It is very simple.
            Member of the P4 party in the SMAC democracy game
            Running for foreign affairs


            • #7
              i'd rather leave it all to the director of I&E
              The problem is that he is also taking care of the treasury so he won't be objective choosing the building queues.
              Member of the P4 party in the SMAC democracy game
              Running for foreign affairs


              • #8
                As I understand it, the two jobs are linked because the main use for funds is hurrying production.

                What do people think? Would this bias production too heavily toward energy-increasing improvements? Personally, I think it's reasonable as long as the I&E Director works closely with the Directors of Science and Social Engineering. But I can see the other point of view.
                Adam T. Gieseler


                • #9
                  Originally posted by AdamTG02
                  As I understand it, the two jobs are linked because the main use for funds is hurrying production.
                  Well, that could still be up to Director of E&I (DEI). I don't see a conflict between one person deciding what to build, and another person deciding whether to hurry it or not, especially since they will cooperate anyway.

                  Would this bias production too heavily toward energy-increasing improvements?
                  No... I don't think DEI has any special preference for energy production, any more than Director of Peacekeeping Operations necessarily has to be a warmonger. However, I am worried that one director might get too much power, and essentially be running the show. Consider the duties of old DEI:

                  - places workers
                  - sets energy rates (with Director of SE)
                  - hurries/cancels production
                  - builds special projects
                  - builds base facilities
                  - builds military units
                  - builds terraformers/crawlers
                  - builds probes
                  - is consulted regarding all pacts and treaties

                  Compare this to the Director of Exploring and Intelligence:

                  - moves probes
                  - what else?

                  See? I have no doubts that we can manage without the Director of Base Production, but I also think that it'd be much more balanced and entertaining if we don't have one big-ass Director of Everything.

                  On the other hand, I'm against subdividing the base facilities to Directors of Research, etc. That would be an overkill.


                  • #10
                    I'm very, very tired (been up for 18 hours straight) but how about having two equal Ds of BP preferrably from different parties? And get rid of the D of E and I and combine it to, dunno D of D?
                    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                    • #11
                      Consider the duties of old DEI:

                      - places workers
                      - sets energy rates (with Director of SE)
                      - hurries/cancels production
                      - builds special projects
                      - builds base facilities
                      - builds military units
                      - builds terraformers/crawlers
                      - builds probes
                      - is consulted regarding all pacts and treaties
                      Please go read the constitution, it has been already changed and divided between the Director of Energy and Industry and the Director of Terraformation and Colonization.
                      Here are the duties I think the Director of Energy and Industry should do :
                      - sets energy rates (with Director of SE AND Director of Research ---> The lab rate concern him)
                      - Submit the demands of building special projects to the Director of Base Production (Like the base facilities, every Director can do this if the SP concern his department ---> For example, the Director of Energy and Industry can ask for the Stock Echange)
                      - Submit the demands of building base facilities concerning only energy production to the Director of Base Production
                      - Cooperate with the Director of Foreign Affairs when energy credits are part of a deal

                      On the other hand, I'm against subdividing the base facilities to Directors of Research, etc.
                      In my opinion, It would equalize the power between the Directors and make Democracy game much more sense because of the need of a consensus between all the Directors.
                      Concerning the Ecological buildings, I think it is up to the Director of SE to take care of them.
                      Concerning the Director of Exploration and Intelligence, please go read the Constitution :

                      It is the second one that is currently update, in the middle of the page.
                      Member of the P4 party in the SMAC democracy game
                      Running for foreign affairs


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Juliennew
                        Please go read the constitution, it has been already changed and divided between the Director of Energy and Industry and the Director of Terraformation and Colonization.
                        Uh, no it's not...

                        Anyway, I like what you suggested above, and everyone else seems to like it as well if this poll is any indication, so we should add Director of BP to the constitution.

                        About different directors being able to propose facilities relating to them... I just changed my mind. It could actually work, if the director of Base Production has the final word. All in all, I'd like the directorate to have rather clear division of duties instead of every decisions being made together and in consensus. Perhaps this will not lead to the best possible overall strategy, but it might make the politics more interesting.


                        • #13
                          I am working on rewriting the constitution. it will take a while and maybe i will never post it but is has some serioes flaws right now. and has to change big time but that is where the first commissioner comes in he has to regulate all the wanted changes in the constitution.!
                          Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                          God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                          'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                          • #14
                            It could actually work, if the director of Base Production has the final word
                            Yes, the Director of BP would have the final word.
                            Member of the P4 party in the SMAC democracy game
                            Running for foreign affairs


                            • #15
                              I have an idea dont know if it has been said or really where to but it put here it is:

                              We have our military, finaciale science leaders like normal, however here is where the fun come in. We have governers of either a) each base or b) a proveince like 3-4 cities or whatever. They decide what terrafrorming should be done and what to build in each base. They can consult with the differnt heads and decide on what would be the best thing to produce would be. They are also in charge of resource allolication. This will ensure we are getting the best out of our cities. These people can either be elected or placed by the Commissioner. Well it that the worst idea ever?
                              Semper Fi!
                              Join the SMAC Demo game and P4 party.

