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Chiron Democratic Coalition

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  • #91
    I was making a joke about the stalinism (if that is a real word)!
    Welcome to the DBTSverse!
    God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
    'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


    • #92
      Somebody asked about SE choices and Punishment Spheres.

      My goals as Director of Social Engineering can be squeezed to these words: Flexibility and Efficiency.

      Flexibility; in all situations will I endeavour to reach the SE modifiers and energy/tech/psych rates best suiting our situation, be it war or peace. In early game I suggest having a tech rate as high as our economy allows.

      Efficiency; as high efficiency as possible (as much as allowed by Flexibility) to ensure economical growth and to hinder drone problems. Also a high efficiency reduces the penalty from having tech or energy rates of over 50 % and the costs from choosing new SE choices is also negated.

      In terms of base control, I do not support nerve stapling (an atrocity) in any case (barring immediate lost of the entire base), nor do I support usage of Punishment Spheres (although we probably won't have them by the end of the next term, I wanted to let you know) because of the moral implications and the horrid research penalty.

      My preferred policy in SE choices is, Democracy as soon as possible, to balance the efficiency penalty (economy) and to encourage population growth (expansion).
      Green as soon as possible, to increase efficiency and to conjure combat bonuses against native life and to have the ability to capture them. FM, though, is considerable in some situations; more energy means more research, though the Planet penalty from it is very disconcerting.
      Knowledge as soon as possible, to increase efficiency even more, and to boost scientific progress.

      Also, as D of SE I will not support Planned Economics; since our faction is the Peacekeepers, we won't even have the possibility to switch to Police State. Additionally, I will do my best to prevent any drone riots.

      Of course, before tech level allows, I support the choices best suiting the situation.
      Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


      • #93
        never mind stupid question
        Welcome to the DBTSverse!
        God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
        'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


        • #94
          Wow, the CDC has grown to a total of 12 members, and now officially the CCCP by itself rivals the P4 in power.
          You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


          • #95

            Yeehoo !

            Alle Menschen Bruden werden...
            Beethoven IXth Symphony,
            quoted in For I have walked with the Drones
            "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
            "I shall return and I shall be billions"


            • #96
              Originally posted by Voltaire
              Fellow citizens, science is the key to development and to self-improvement, it is because of this belief which I have that I desire to serve you all as Director of Science and Technology. I do not believe that partisan politics should play a part in candidacy for this post since all candidates do share the same central beliefs about the role of knowledge in society, but rather than spout rhetoric I will outline my direct policy which I hope to implement in the Director of Science and Technology, as well as my policy in relation to other departments. My hope is that I will get elected to the post based not on party lines, but rather on policy.

              I intend to be in touch with the public on all issues, and therefore will run polls to determine the public’s stance on what knowledge and technologies we should pursue. It is my hope to serve all the people and not just the majority, thus I will make it a policy to ask all citizens when voting to state their reasons behind their opinion in order to provide me with as much information as possible in order to be able to serve your needs better.

              Likewise, just as I intend to take into account the opinions on the public, circumstances should also play a role in determining what technologies we require. It will be a policy of my administration to keep a close eye on all matters in order to have the necessary information to make the proper decisions. Though I’m certain those dedicated to research such as myself would like nothing more than for us to pursue pure knowledge at all times, but this simply isn’t feasible, we must take into account matters such as if we are involved in a conflict, population growth rate, the needs of the citizens, and so forth.

              And finally before I outline my initial policy on the course of research which we should follow in the coming years on Planet, I wish to make the stance of my administration clear on our dealings with other departments. I will personally push for other departments to keep in mind the vital role of science; and as such it will be the policy of this administration to seek the contraction of labs and various institutions which benefit research, not only for the sake of research itself, but also to improve the lives of our citizens as well. We will also keep a close eye on the Directory of Social Engineering to make certain that our department receives proper allocations in order to be able to meet the needs and desires of the people. Our relationship with the Directory of Foreign Affairs will be a close on, and we shall take an active role when it comes to exchange of knowledge with other factions, for trade not only benefit our relations with other factions but it also frees up our own resources and enables this department to speed up our research. As for the matter of giving technologies away to other factions, we believe it best to seek compensation in the form of energy credits if new technologies cannot be obtained, but our stance on selling technology to other factions is more strict, we should not be making our rivals stronger, nevertheless I realize that Foreign Affairs is a delicate matter and so such decisions should be left in the hands of the Directory of Foreign Affairs.

              And now let us move on to the specifics…

              In the coming years, as I mentioned, it is vital for us to develop our infrastructure. Therefore my plans include concentrating our research efforts on the sphere of Biogenetics; we in turn from this receive an invaluable facility of Recycling Tanks (proving for an increase in nutrients, minerals, and energy at a based) as well as the Human Genome Project. Though my reasons for choosing this path are not only due to the facilities provided for, but also Biogenetics opens the doors to the Secrets of the Human Brain which will only further hasten our scientific development. Centauri Ecology would be most appropriate to research afterwards seeing as it provides us with Formers and thus the possibility to being the terraforming of Planet. After which I believe that research into Social Psych would prove invaluable for it provides us with Recreations Commons for all citizens thus improving their lives, but more importantly it will enables us to complete research into Secrets of the Human Brain leading to other scientific breakthroughs. Social Psych also opens the doors to Ethical Calculus, allowing us to choose Democracy under Social Engineering. But I’m getting ahead of myself; this proposal is just a draft which will be revised pending input from citizens.

              It is my hope that I have given you a clear understanding on what I stand for, and my vision for Planet.

              Thank you for your time.

              Academician Voltaire;
              Election Speech
              You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


              • #97
                Despite the fact that we’ve lost the election (by one vote), our candidate is not the Alpha Talent which isn’t so bad seeing as we do share more in common when it comes to environmental, economic, defense, etc. policies with the FF than the P4.
                You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Voltaire
                  our candidate is not the Alpha Talent
                  yes he is


                  • #99
                    Lucky22, member of the CCCP has announced he was running for the seat of Direction of Base Production.

                    Therefore, as the founder of the CCCP, I ask the CDC to support him, as well as supporting myself for the Terraforming and Colonisation seat, of course
                    "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
                    "I shall return and I shall be billions"


                    • Update…

                      Directory of Terraforming and Colonization: Pandemoniak (CCCP)
                      Directory of Science and Technology: Voltaire (LSD)
                      Directorty of Peacekeeping Operations: ---
                      Directory of Foreign Affairs: Ade (LSD)
                      Directory of Energy and Industry: ---
                      Director of Social Engineering: Kassiopeia (LSD)
                      Director of Exploration and Intelligence: FlameFlash (EDP)
                      Director of Base Production: Lucky22 (CCCP)

                      Well from the looks of it there are two more positions vacant, anyone interested in those???
                      You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                      • After taking a look at the ACE coalition thread it appears that they too have some intentions of running candidates for each office (though it is not official). I believe we need to officially start our campaigns for our respective positions. And I also think that the CDC should come together in a show of solidarity for all our candidates, and to present to the people reasons why we are the best choice for office.

                        And we do need to act ASAP.
                        You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                        • Well from the looks of it there are two more positions vacant, anyone interested in those???
                          I'd like to run for Director of Peacekeeping Operations.


                          • i think CDC is al little to late the commissioner and alpha talent allready shutdown the nominations and the discussions have allready begone....i think (not sure) that the elections are on monday and there will be no more new aplecations for a office anymore
                            Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                            God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                            'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                            • i think CDC is al little to late the commissioner and alpha talent allready shutdown the nominations and the discussions have allready begone....i think (not sure) that the elections are on monday and there will be no more new aplecations for a office anymore
                              well if the elections are on Monday, surely I can nominate myself beforehand, can't I?

                              Director of Peacekeeping Operations Campaign Speech

                              Greetings, fellow citizens of the United Nations. In these troubled times for humanity, we shall have great need for a strong military force, capable both of defending our colony and, if our leadership deems it necessary, to undertake offensives against other factions. I believe that I am qualified to fulfil this need, and I, General Tacticus, therefore ask that you, the people, elect me as Director for Peacekeeping operations.

                              While the other two candidates for this position have yet to elaborate on their platform, I am prepared to do so for mine. I will also answer any questions you may have.

                              Firstly, I believe strongly in the principle of Clausewitz that war is an extension of politics through violence. I will therefore keep military action subservient to the directives of our leadership, in order to ensure that the bigger picture is not ignored.

                              Secondly, I believe that war, while it is regrettable and should be avoided where possible, human nature makes it eventually inevitable. Hence the need for a strong military.

                              Thirdly, I believe in taking a proactive stance with military action, so long as it does not conflict with my first point. I will therefore advocate taking the offensive against hostile native life forms, positioning military forces near the borders of hostile factions, and taking the fight to the enemy rather than letting them take it to us.

                              Fourthly, I pledge that I will not attempt to gain additional military funding at the expense of science, expansion and industrial development, all of which are the linchpins of further military power. I will therefore argue against the institution of ‘Power’ system of values, except in extreme circumstances, and will also take all possible measures to reduce the burden placed on our society by the military, by the implementation of clean reactors and the use of armoured probe teams for exploration. I also believe that we should not attempt to maintain a large military unless we are in fact under threat, but rather should ensure that we have the capability to rapidly develop a sufficient military. In the absence of a threat, we should maintain infantry garrisons capable of holding up against a surprise attack, along with probe defences where necessary and anti-mindworm troops, but should not bother with more than a few attack rovers for offence. This must, however, change in event of war.

                              Finally, I pledge that if the majority of citizens decide that I am not fit for this position, I shall accept their will. I am and always have been a democrat, and one cannot both be a democrat and deny the will of the majority.
                              Edited to add speech.
                              Last edited by GeneralTacticus; August 16, 2002, 08:32.


                              • I donnu i thougt they closed it but you have to check the nominations thread. the closed it because then there could be a discussion between the candidates and then the people could vote this way the election thingy would go faster. but i donnu for sure
                                Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                                God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                                'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us

