i am strongly for the SP HSA
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P4 policial thread
only on fungus if i have the xeno dome or have a high enough planet rating to capture IODs of the come up. i like to get the maritime control if possible. leave the pods in the middle of the fungus to an IOD to pop (they'll either be an alien IOD or sea farming pod.)
I must confess I do not give such a high priority to the Maritime Control Center. In the end game we will have enough resources to build every SP available, but in the beginning not. Personally I let pass SPs as the Neural Amplifier and the MCC.
Does Juliennew's post form a good summary of the party stance? IMHO I think/hope so.
I agree for the indepence stance.
I'm for the use of probes for defensive and inflitration purposes. But I'm against any use of them for another mission in peacetime. But during wartime, I think they can be used for all the missions we want, excepted atrocities.Member of the P4 party in the SMAC democracy game
Running for foreign affairs
BTW first post will now show party members (wel not right know but in a minute or two)Bunnies!
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God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us
HumanGenomeProject HunterSeekerAlgorithm UniveralTranslator and Self-AwareColony is where I would go forLast edited by DeathByTheSword; August 8, 2002, 15:54.Bunnies!
Welcome to the DBTSverse!
God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us
guys what kind of general war do we support?
i cut it up in to 5 tactics if you do not agree please tell me!
1. idle tactics [only reinforce our cities but not attack invading forces or invade ourself]
2. protection tactics [destory any invading units but do not invade ourself execpt pillage]
3. raid tactics [pillage with fast units and attack terraformers maybe attack 1-bases]
4. boarderline tactics. [taking some bases to force peace]
5. rampage tactics [taking out there military might and occupying most or all of there cities]
I am against 1 but i am open for 2,3,4 and 5 and about the military how do we like to see i build? big thus slow or flexible, fast and elite but small?
I am thinking about starting something like STDC () Strategic and Tactical Defence Councel. to proved tactics and advice on marco and micro handling of offencive troops. so that we as P4 can have a little control over wars and atrocities...
Welcome to the DBTSverse!
God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us
I am absolutely opposed to one. Two, three, four or five depends on our military might. If we have an air force which can be supported in a prison base and drop units to prevent , I always go for 4 or 5 or submission of the enemy faction. But before that, I go for 2.: Just ignore the enemy unless s/he bothers us.
Originally posted by DeathByTheSword
I am thinking about starting something like
() Strategic and Tactical Defence Councel. to proved tactics and advice on marco and micro handling of offencive troops. so that we as P4 can have a little control over wars and atrocities...
But this would also mean that all parties and coalitions would get a say in polity as well, and the CDC and P4 policies on warfare and defense I would imagine are much more in tune than the policies of the P4 and ACE. So one the one hand it’s a good and interesting idea which I would be willing to follow up on, but it could backfire.
Do you have any more specific details on how the STDC would function? How its members would be chosen? Would it just be an advisory council, or something more? Etc.You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!
it will just be a advisory council developing specfic tactical plans (such as this armystack can move to there and attack it like this and then it will do...) and It will develop some overall strategic advices (we need a fleet + marine landing force there to quickly attack if we get attack by him) I think we could developed independely some plans and help eachother to make them better then start a poll to here if the citizen agree and them submit the idea to the Diretore of Defense. This way troop placement and specific unit movements will not be left to one person or his aides/lackeys that will follow his one-minded view (With this I mean that 2 people can see more than one) I say it will be advesory and that it will start with a small group of people that want to invest time and that every D of D (also het ex-D of D) may join the councel.
if there is a new member that wants to join we look at his/her CV and hold a vote more than 50% jay mean he or she (we have one female citizen right?) is in. (or something like it)
if you want to disscus te further PLEAZE on some other Thread because then I Know where to find what more then half of the htread have been jackedBunnies!
Welcome to the DBTSverse!
God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us
2, leading to 5. destroy or probe enemy invaders (this means keeping some defensive attack units if that makes sense) and then if we have a sizeable military, 5. do not let up until the AI goes into "turtle" mode, where they just stop trying to retaliate.
EDIT: Please don't interpret my new avatar the wrong way. i know pandemoniak's going to flip when he sees it.
we are getting some hard negative feedback on the entire punshiment sphere Idea!
any idea what to do about itBunnies!
Welcome to the DBTSverse!
God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us
First thing to do : TKG, change your avatar
We shouldn't change our mind about it for the moment or it will be seen as a weak retreat. We should let things go for the moment and deal with it when we will have to make choices.Member of the P4 party in the SMAC democracy game
Running for foreign affairs