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P4 policial thread

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  • a size 273 base does not defend any better than a size 1 base you know...


    • I know. But it'll at least still be alive and standing, even if our opponents take it from us (One turn after which we'd easily retake it of course.). It'd also be able to actually produce things on its own if it's larger instead of relying on crawlers which it can't even build itself at any decent rate if it's small anyway.
      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


      • Well in my own games I would let the prison base grow as well, but I thought keeping him at size 1 or something small like that would be a good compromise between the pro-PS'ers (like Archaic) and contra-PS'ers (like TKG). Besides, we are RPGing here. We should consider those citizens at "Poly Troll Penal Colony" as real citizens. Do we really want to nervestaple a large base unless absolutely necessary?
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • On second thought, there might be some discrepancies between Archaic's speech and official P4 policy.

          I see us running under this sort of system [Frontier] for a great length of time.
          With any other faction I would agree that Frontier for a long time is worth it, but the PKs really need Demo early on to counter the inefficiency of Planned. IMHO the -2 Support is worth +4 Growth and +1 Industry.

          I agree we should run Wealth early on and perhaps even in a part of the mid-game. Unless we would have to go Fundy-FM early on. Then we will need the +1 Eff of Knowledge as soon as possible. Another factor to consider going Knowledge, even it would cost us some money compared to Wealth, is our diplomatic relations. Going Knowledge might result in a pact with the UoP and keep us treatied with the Spartans, while Wealth would certainly upset those factions. The higher commerce income of Knowledge might offset the lesser income of the SE factors themselves.
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • Originally posted by M@ni@c
            With any other faction I would agree that Frontier for a long time is worth it, but the PKs really need Demo early on to counter the inefficiency of Planned. IMHO the -2 Support is worth +4 Growth and +1 Industry.

            I agree we should run Wealth early on and perhaps even in a part of the mid-game. Unless we would have to go Fundy-FM early on. Then we will need the +1 Eff of Knowledge as soon as possible. Another factor to consider going Knowledge, even it would cost us some money compared to Wealth, is our diplomatic relations. Going Knowledge might result in a pact with the UoP and keep us treatied with the Spartans, while Wealth would certainly upset those factions. The higher commerce income of Knowledge might offset the lesser income of the SE factors themselves.
            I agree. Democracy is a must, especially with the PKs. personally i'd switch to knowledge as soon as we get it. not only do i like the +2 research, but i hate the -2 morale of wealth.

            however, if we have to go green, then i'd choose wealth so maybe bases in GA could get +2 economy.


            • Which is why we wouldn't Nerve Staple them, we'd just have a Punishment Sphere in there as a deterrant.

              I wouldn't support going Planned without going Demo at the same time. However, I believe that in the earlier stages while we're still growing, the Support hit would impact on our still being established bases, and the +1 Industry hardly makes up for it.

              You may be right with the SE's and Diplomacy, however I don't believe the Spartans like Knowledge all that much either. It would all have to depend on what situation we were in at the time. An extra +1 Industry from Wealth is very handy at almost any point in the game.
              Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


              • I've joined, now add me to the list!
                Semper Fi!
                Join the SMAC Demo game and P4 party.


                • traitor! p4, im warning you.


                  • You do not even own smac. You are not fit to lead a party.
                    Semper Fi!
                    Join the SMAC Demo game and P4 party.


                    • hurray!


                      • Welcome to the P4 TM.

                        Have you already voted in the comissioner elections? If so, I'm pretty sure they would allow you to change your vote if you can post it up in time. 1 different vote at this stage could change the outcome of the election, and could be very benifical for the P4.
                        Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                        • Waitaminute... are you telling me that there's a way to change poll votes? How?


                          • Mods/Admins can change the vote totals in a poll. Didn't you know that? Anyway, even if that isn't used to change the vote, he could post in the thread saying "I want to change my vote from NAME_HERE to DBTS"
                            Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                            • Can the mods see who voted for what? If so, then I am in favour of mods changing individual votes on request (but only when the poll is still open). As for just saying that you change your vote, that doesn't make a very good generic rule.


                              • I changed the member list in the official party thread. We'll have to wait on DBTS to change the first post in this thread.

                                Meanwhile, I present the first draft of our probe party policy:

                                P4 is for the use of probes for defensive and inflitration purposes. But we're against any use of them for another mission, like framing or tech stealing, in peacetime. But during wartime, we think they can be used for all the missions we want, excepted atrocities.
                                We also give a high priority to the HSA as we would no longer need to build defensive probes and as it would make the -2 Probe for going Knowledge unimportant.
                                Besides infiltration and defence we will also use probes for exploring and pod popping. That way we can still expand our knowledge of the outer world without creating pacifism drones under Free Market.
                                What do you think? Is it necessary to explain the reasons for our policy? Adding them makes the summary quite long I have to say.
                                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

