I was wondering, what means of victory do you support?
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P4 policial thread
We will see with Mr President but I really would like this cabinet
If a compromise is not possible, I will run the Director of Base Production (the poll will surely officialise it).Member of the P4 party in the SMAC democracy game
Running for foreign affairs
Assuming that the nominations on the first page of the thread are current, I might just change my tact and run for Director of Social Eng. I *really* don't want the treehuggers getting their hands on that.Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
I had to work guys (sorry have to pay the connection) but about CDC do we really want to become yet another party that bows down for more votes from a party. Remember there are many indepents there and i believe they want to choose if we now hold gound and do not merge with the CDC, maybe a one-member party is ok, people will think we hold on what we believe in. many members of CDC joined because of the popular votes.(?) and now the have lost face a little....we as an own party without any outside interferrins are not yet polluted....does this story make any sense?Bunnies!
Welcome to the DBTSverse!
God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us
I agree with you DeathByTheSword. We are now the only party which is still unconnected to some coalition, and thus the only party which shows some credibility. The left-wing CDC and right-wing ACE is full of idealists who live with their head in the clouds and drive their points of view so far they become unbalanced and bound to fail in the harsh reality of Planet. P4 however consists out of realists, who don't hang on to one extreme ideology. For example we don't want one economic choice eg Green throughout the entire game as does CDC. Instead we will use Planned, FM and Green SE settings at different stages of the game. The same with atrocities. We are not in favour of our soldiers using such methods, but nor do we swear them off totally (we allow one punishment sphere and construction of PBs) to the point it would cripple our military. We are true centrists and understand the values of balance, compromise and flexibility.
Therefore we do not find it appropriate to ally ourselves with either of the two powerblocks CDC or ACE. To get government seats at some stage in the future we might of course cooperate with some coalition, but we will never become part of that coalition, but stay independent.
Point two. Many parties have taken a stance on the matter of probing. What do the P4 members think of this?
Personally I build probe skimships and probe teams as explorers and pod poppers, so you can go FM and have explorer units outside our borders without pacifism or support problems. If we discover another faction this means we immediately have the good units present to infiltrate.
i'm all for building probe skimships, but i dont like the idea of popping with them. IODs could just take them out so easily. i think that probing is necessary in war time, and i'd have several probes in a battlegroup also left behind in the base to prevent mind control. i found out in SP that defensive probes are really necessary. you dont want to be without them against the angels or believers.
Great idea. Sun Tzu says that (if this is getting irri. just say so) to know the dispositions of the enemy we have to use spies (if you konw the dispositions you 'know the enemy' and we have not to fear the result of a hunderd battles.) but about stealing and framing. I only frame during a war with both factions and stealing I can live with during peacetime in SP. but here it is different if we are discovered and they declare war then we are the agressors. and the other factions will remember that. and if our citizen do not want a war. chances are that the commissioner and/or the D of D will have to resign (or not be elected next time).....
Welcome to the DBTSverse!
God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us
I agree about the defensive probes (cheap 0-1-1 types of 20 mins - they don't need a rover chassis) and sending some probes along with attack teams to cover captured bases.
To avoid the problems with IoD's destroying probe skimships I always pop a pod while the skimship still has all its movement points. Then it can still run away. Also I don't pop pods on fungus with foils. Only later in the game with cruisers. How would you pop sea pods?
PS: I don't mind the Sun Tzu quotes. I'm somewhat of a China "fan" myself. My world view has some similarities with the Yin-Yang concept, as my signature proves.
I also favour the HSA. Certainly if we would be Knowledge. It also frees us from the need to have a probe defence in every base.