As promised, free champaign for Whoha, Chaunk, w00tFlameFlash and Omicron-12. Welcome to my little fief... 
Obstructor: The 40 ec is gladly accepted, now remains only the 281.25 ec for removing dead clones, flung them in space, cleaning up the mess those left, dispose of the Omicron-10 clone in CryoBay 2 and last but not least paying the maintenance cost of it's duration in it's CryoCell. O yes, here is some juice. I'll put it on your open bill (for now).
Micha: Do not be concerned, Security only needs to hear a reason for your presence behind the tab, that's all. For the rest, your ordered drink and a glass of champaign awaits you...

Obstructor: The 40 ec is gladly accepted, now remains only the 281.25 ec for removing dead clones, flung them in space, cleaning up the mess those left, dispose of the Omicron-10 clone in CryoBay 2 and last but not least paying the maintenance cost of it's duration in it's CryoCell. O yes, here is some juice. I'll put it on your open bill (for now).

Micha: Do not be concerned, Security only needs to hear a reason for your presence behind the tab, that's all. For the rest, your ordered drink and a glass of champaign awaits you...