#acdg has been found by the GAIAN faction to serve as an irc-channel for all alpha centauri demogamers.
The channel is open for all and its purpose is to bring members from different factions together for free chat, its sort of like a real time rec commons.
In this thread I hope to discuss about the policies used on #acdg. Whos going to be op, what topics are allowed etc .Also if you have some questions about how to do stuff or you have some tips to share, by all means speak out.
You are of course free to promote your own factions chat channels!
Here are the short instructions to connect to our irc channel
1) Go to www.mirc.com, download mIRC(or some other irc-client, trillian for example) if you dont have it, and install it
2) click on the options button (second from left)
3) click on "Add" button
4) enter the following in the fields
Description: Apolyton
IRC Server: apolyton.net
Port: 6667
and then click on "Add"
4) Fill in the fields: Real Name, E-mail, Nickname, Alternate(in case the first nick is taken) and press "Connect!"
5) mIRC will connect you to the server and the Channels Folder will appear. Type #acdg, press "Add" to store it, and then press "Join".
You're in!
We, the Gaians have already established our own channel #gaians due to inherited cycon efficiency algorithms
You are most warmly welcomed to check our channel out too before it becomes password protected.
See you at the cyber rec commons, #acdg!
The channel is open for all and its purpose is to bring members from different factions together for free chat, its sort of like a real time rec commons.
In this thread I hope to discuss about the policies used on #acdg. Whos going to be op, what topics are allowed etc .Also if you have some questions about how to do stuff or you have some tips to share, by all means speak out.
You are of course free to promote your own factions chat channels!
Here are the short instructions to connect to our irc channel
1) Go to www.mirc.com, download mIRC(or some other irc-client, trillian for example) if you dont have it, and install it
2) click on the options button (second from left)
3) click on "Add" button
4) enter the following in the fields
Description: Apolyton
IRC Server: apolyton.net
Port: 6667
and then click on "Add"
4) Fill in the fields: Real Name, E-mail, Nickname, Alternate(in case the first nick is taken) and press "Connect!"
5) mIRC will connect you to the server and the Channels Folder will appear. Type #acdg, press "Add" to store it, and then press "Join".
You're in!
We, the Gaians have already established our own channel #gaians due to inherited cycon efficiency algorithms

You are most warmly welcomed to check our channel out too before it becomes password protected.
See you at the cyber rec commons, #acdg!