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Tower of Babel

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  • #61
    The main positive effect is that it got the Hive turns done. And it is democratic since anybody who wants to express any idea about the game got the chance to express their opinion. The only thing that was not included is spam. What is wrong with that?

    Originally posted by Octavian X
    The biggest problem was that it get Jamski angry, and that is one mistake you should never make.
    Indeed you are right Comrade Oct. But I wouldn't be afraid of making such mistakes once and again.

    Let me tell you a story in the ancient China. Qin Er Shi, the son of Shi Huang Di of Qin Dynasty was not a bright king. Zhao Gao, the prime minister wanted to replace Er Shi as king. To test the loyalty of the officials, Zhao presented a deer to the king, calling it a horse. Er Shi laughed and rebuked Zhao, saying that it was a deer. Zhao turned towards the officials, asking for their opinion. Most of them looked away from Zhao and did not answer. Some tried to curry favor with Zhao and said it was a horse. There was a small number of officials who told the truth. Zhao remembered all those who favored the king and have them executed.

    No matter how powerful he is or how strong he tells his lies, I would never bend in front of somebody who lies. I will never call a deer a horse, even if that means I would be facing harsh accusations from many people, who may or may not know the truth. Yes some may say a life is too precious, and there is no harm done if you just admit that the deer is indeed a horse. But hear me, my dear friends, I will be happy to give up my life, just to hold up the truth.

    We can talk about the Hive Shaddow Ministry a hundred times. But trust me, I will never say that it is a mistake. It carried the Hive through high waters. Maniac, if you were there at the time and know the circumstance, I believe you would be with me. When a turn was not done in five days, when people were crying to end the ACDG, I said no. I said that I loved this game and I didn't want it to die. I said to tass, before you and others decide to end the game, let me try. And I tried. I tried to pull people back to the game. I tried to pull jamski, but he was busy. I tried to get kody back, and we decided to set up the shaddow ministry so that we can filter the unnecessary spams out, so that in his limited time before his PhD confirmation, he could still squeeze time to work for the team. I tried to contact everybody who has expressed a little interest in the Hive forum, so that they could come back and get included. When we finally got many people back, I have closed the shaddow ministry because its purpose of carrying the Hive over in its most difficult time has been achieved. Tell me, people, what did I do wrong?
    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

    Grapefruit Garden


    • #62
      And for the Angels team, I trust that our members would know if I am truly anti-democratic. I will not change myself if it is a condition that I could be included in a team. Everyone and every words will be put on trials by time. Who lies and who tells the truth, who has what tendencies, which teams allows people have their says, people will know, no matter what you say in the beginning.
      Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

      Grapefruit Garden


      • #63
        Back to the tower of Bable idea.

        Public sub forum/forums for Roleplaying/debating/Diplomacy/Recruitment ect ect


        In game 1 base Faction wasting space and giving out energy credit prizes

        Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche


        • #64
          I agree that it should not be an in-game faction. I do not oppose at all if it is desired that it should not have a private forum.
          Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

          Grapefruit Garden


          • #65
            I agree that it shouldn't take up one of the precious AI slots.

            But if an in-game presence is needed, symbolically, a CMN could prep something like:



            • #66
              Originally posted by HongHu
              Tell me, people, what did I do wrong?
              Absolutely nothing. What was done was the correct course of action, and it worked incredibly well. The closing of the Shadow Ministry and the outcry against it did more harm to the Hive than anything else. The Shadow Ministry was a blessing, not a curse.

              HongHu, don’t take too seriously the objections of those who were not there. They know not what they speak of.
              You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


              • #67
                Looks good Googlie.

                I like the idea of this group, but I'm with Impaler on this one, not taking up a faction slot.

                RP's can RP in a faction. How do you RP a pointless blob in the middle of nowhere, that all factions know about, but no one will attack or do anythnig constructive with? Piffle I say!

                GP - definatly not! I'd much much MUCH rather have any AI faction over a faction that RP's it's votes away for money, when in fact it has no use for them.

                The fifth faction has also been voted down in the polls already. Give me the AI anyday.

                Play hangman.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by HongHu
                  Tell me, people, what did I do wrong?
                  If the only way the Hive could work was by exclusion (not having the input of the people not invited to the shadow ministry) then you could have achieved the same effect, above board, by just excluding these people from the Hive.

                  I would prefer 1 less player on the team who was holding the team back rather than going behind my teams back "for its own good".
                  I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Chaunk

                    Give me the AI anyday.

                    So what is wrong with one less AI? After all people seemed to want a game relatively FREE of AI factions, and now my feeling is that AIs are WANTED?! Can someone please explain this contradiction?

                    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought no-one wanted a single faction game because playing against AIs is dull and not challenging enough. So what's the difference in having one fewer AI in the game then? This is going to promote RP and factional interactions, which is what I thought everyone wanted. Can you make up your minds here please, as it's very frustrating trying to come to grips with a game that was not what I was hoping for, then just as I think I understand what would be accepted and might acutally be interesting to particiapte in many of those vocal proponents of just such interactions appear to want to reverse their opinion. And is a single base really considered to take up that much space (we haven't got anywhere near using all the space in the current game)?

                    Stop trying to kill my fun, people.

                    Would it really pain everyone so much to have this little bit of extra fun in the game?

                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Skanky Burns
                      If the only way the Hive could work was by exclusion (not having the input of the people not invited to the shadow ministry) then you could have achieved the same effect, above board, by just excluding these people from the Hive.

                      I would prefer 1 less player on the team who was holding the team back rather than going behind my teams back "for its own good".
                      Wrong. Everyone had input into things. The Shadow Ministry was simply where the things got done, not where they were decided. All decisions were public. No one was excluded from the decisions making process; in fact Kody went way beyond the call of duty to get everyones input.
                      You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Skanky Burns

                        If the only way the Hive could work was by exclusion (not having the input of the people not invited to the shadow ministry) then you could have achieved the same effect, above board, by just excluding these people from the Hive.

                        I would prefer 1 less player on the team who was holding the team back rather than going behind my teams back "for its own good".
                        No that is wrong. The fact is that before the Shaddow ministry the game was about to die and the Hive was about to die. The Shaddow ministry is the means we save the team. Of course you guys may feel better if the Hive became a one person team that would eventually surrender to you. You wouldn't accuse that as anti-democratic. But any effort to save the democratic team, to get the team back as a multiple player team, (which we were able to succeed fortunetaly, or unfortunetaly to some people perhaps,) would seem to be "anti-democratic" to you. How ironic.

                        It seems to me that it is a fashion here that people like to discuss how bad other teams are without knowing what the situation is. Can we not focus on our own team and let the members of each team to decide how their team should be run? Or at least, wait till the forums are open and you are able to go and see the facts yourself, before you all become so critical toward others? If we have to discuss how Hive is running now, please open a new thread, instead of polluting this thread here.
                        Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                        Grapefruit Garden


                        • #72
                          Locked down.
                          Several complaints recieved about the attacks in this thread....
                          Kody may start this thread again, but if it gets filled with this nonsense it will be closed as well.
                          Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                          Long live teh paranoia smiley!

