This is a 3D Extra newsflash! Hot off the press, bringing you the news, as it happens, even when the systems are down and the usual pictures do not show. Welcome, to Issue 5.1 of 3D

The CyCon government has issued a press statement, saying that they have now captured Sealurk Channel and Casablanca from PEACE, bringing the total number of captured bases to 5. It is now obvious to all that the might of the CyCon army will overwhelm PEACE, it is just a question of when.
Since victory is now assured, CyCon discussion has turned to reconciliation, to the issues of what will happen to all the ex-PEACE citizens, and to our diplomatic status. We wish no ill will to any PEACE citizen, which is why the government is to offer them full asylum. PEACE members who join would become full CyCon citizens, with all the rights that entails. A proposal is currently being drawn up, but will be sent to PEACE as soon as it is ready, with our proposals in detail.
In the spirit of enhancing our diplomatic status, and gaining commerce, the CyCon government has decided to offer a Pact to all remaining human nations. We believe in not repeating the mistakes of the past, and wish to choose co-operation over competition, and hope all factions will consider this offer carefully, and decide whether they wish to heighten their friendship with the CyCon. All comments on trade and diplomacy should be forwarded to External Function Mani Alpha-3 until the end of January, and then to Prime Function Drogue Beta-8, who will step down and take over the role of External Affairs Function.
Or as one reader joked:
What do you call a pirate in the ocean?
What do you call a pirate on dry land?
What do you call a pirate in a cyborg factory?
What do you call a Pirate under the waves?
Already OWNED
...come to think of it, Pirates are OWNED.
What's the difference between a Pirate and a Gypsy?

What's the difference between PEACE and a Penthouse?
One's rented, the other's OWNED.
How are water-susceptible circuitry and salty sea dogs similar?
Cyborgs have them both COMPLETELY COVERED.
These jokes are the work or readers, and bear no relation to the opinions of the editor or 3D itself.

Edited by Drogue Beta-8

Edited by Drogue Beta-8