In the latest edition of 3D, your humble servant of the 3D redaction reported that the then Prime Function Mani Alpha-3 was taken into custody for a psychological evaluation in the research hospital. After a long medical examination the cause of his odd behaviour was revealed. It appears that during a routine implant maintenance an old version of the Unimatrix Zero network uplink chip was accidentally implanted in Mani Alpha-3. As Internal Affairs Function Corelli Omega-9 reported in the previous 3D, this implant leads to faulty logic due to a malfunctioning energy-saving feature. This, besides the clouding effects inherent to having emotions, explains the irrational behaviour of Mani Alpha-3: putting most vital functions in prison.
To recover from his irrational adventures, and because he is researching the recently discovered phenomenon "busy real life", Mani Alpha-3 decided to take it a little easy the next term and resign as Prime Function. He will still stay active though in the new Term 0100 Government; as External Affairs Function, an office that will hopefully require less time to be spent on it. Furthermore it is believed that due to his extensive experience with emotions and faulty logic, Mani Alpha-3 will be more able to understand the arguments used by fullhuman factions in diplomatic negotiations.
There are other changes as well in the new government. After taking a month off because he had some problems with his "CD-ROM" implant, Drogue Beta-8 returns to his old office of Prime Function, switching spots with Mani Alpha-3. He is currently plagued by an insidious non-computer virus called "the cold", but he has assured us that this will not interfere with his duties. As for the Second Function's Office, Function Delta will take residence there for the next term. He replaces Chaunk Omicron-7, who will be fully involved in researching the "busy real life" phenomenon together with Mani Alpha-3. And last but not the least, the duties of Internal Affairs Function will be taken care of by Corelli Omega-9 for the third consecutive time.
Summarized, the new Cybernetic Consciousness Term 0100 Government looks like this:
Prime Function: Drogue Beta-8
Second Function: Function Delta
Internal Affairs Function: Corelli Omega-9
External Affairs Function: Mani Alpha-3