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  • Thanks

    I have joined the pirates private forum ( if they let me in of course). I come from a fishing town in Eastern Canada so this is a return to my roots. Seriously I simply picked the faction with the least numbers . . . The DRones also had low numbers but they have buster so if i joined them it would have been to learn .

    Oh and maniac, I play pretty much all the factions, going through phases of which ones I play most. I have not played the pirates in a while so they could be fun. I'll try to fire up a SP game or two with them and see how I fare
    You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


    • Ok. It's a pity you didn't join the CyCon, but in any case: Have fun!

      00111100000001100101010100111100100111010100101000 10010010110010000000011011110010111110011011010011 10001011111001001000101001101011001000000001111011 00100110100110001100110000100001000100100000100001 01010011010010010000000011111110010000111010000010 00010111001101111001001101001110001001111011001110 01100100001110101001100100001101110000101110000100 00011010111000110011000000011001110111010011010101 01001101001001011101001110101001110111001000001000 01001100100001101111111100101110100110000000111000 10111110010010001010011000110111100010111000111010 00101001100001000011111001110001011100001000011011 00110010100111100100110000101110000000111011100111 10110011101010010011110010110110011101010111110010 01000001000001001101010011101011111000100000001101 10110001000100001011101111111100100111100100001110 10101010010111110010000110010010100111000000011011 110000011110010000110111100010010000100010110000

      Edit: Btw, did Tassadar leave the UoP himself, or was he removed by Archaic? If done by Archaic, how? We may need to remove Nivoxz N. too if he doesn't give a sign of life.
      Last edited by Maniac; June 2, 2003, 19:06.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • Great, Flubber mate.
        I come from an old port too, ye know. In fact, it's the origin of my nick, 'cause I didn't remember the name of the brig that brought some sick rats down here in 1349AD. Thus, the silly nick.
        My words are backed with hard coconuts.


        • Originally posted by Maniac
          Ok. It's a pity you didn't join the CyCon, but in any case: Have fun!

          00111100000001100101010100111100100111010100101000 10010010110010000000011011110010111110011011010011 10001011111001001000101001101011001000000001111011 00100110100110001100110000100001000100100000100001 01010011010010010000000011111110010000111010000010 00010111001101111001001101001110001001111011001110 01100100001110101001100100001101110000101110000100 00011010111000110011000000011001110111010011010101 01001101001001011101001110101001110111001000001000 01001100100001101111111100101110100110000000111000 10111110010010001010011000110111100010111000111010 00101001100001000011111001110001011100001000011011 00110010100111100100110000101110000000111011100111 10110011101010010011110010110110011101010111110010 01000001000001001101010011101011111000100000001101 10110001000100001011101111111100100111100100001110 10101010010111110010000110010010100111000000011011 110000011110010000110111100010010000100010110000

          Edit: Btw, did Tassadar leave the UoP himself, or was he removed by Archaic? If done by Archaic, how? We may need to remove Nivoxz N. too if he doesn't give a sign of life.
          Binary is one of the reasons I didn't go Cycon-- Its much preferable to talk in colorful phrases and call people longjohn and matey and such
          You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


          • There's nothing stopping you from talking like that in binary...

            00010011001100100110001111000000010001001010011100 00100001011100110111100101111100100011100100000100 00111110011001110111000010000000110111101010011110 11101011111001100001011100001000001111001010101001 00000100001101100111001100101001100100001100110000 10000001110111001010011010010011000010000011110010 10101001010101001111001001101111000100001000001001 00110000101111100100111000100100100010100000100000 11010111010010011101110111000000011001110111110110 01101101001100101001100111001000001011101001011110 01100100000000111010110101100100110001100111000100 10010010010111110011000110111000010101000000011000 00001100100001111001101010111001101111001001101001 10010100101000101110000000110011100100011100101000 10010000010000010110010111110011000000011100110010 01001101010101011100011101000101001101111001000001 00001100100110010100111100100100110100111101100101 11110010110010011000000011101010011001010010000111 01000000001100011101000111001110011001001011001110 10100110100110100000000111111100110010100101101110 10000010000001110111110110011100010010000111010000 11011110101001101001001000111001010000001000001000 01100100111010100101001101111001000100000100000000 10000001000011001110010001110010001010011000000011 10111001010011001001001001110001011100000001110011 00101100110100001101111010101111100000100110101111 0011101010010101
            Comrade Corellion, Secretary of Science and Social Engineering for the Human Hive in the Alpha Centauri Police State Game (ACPSG).
            Function Corelli Omega-9, Internal Affairs Function (Terms 110, 101, 100, 011, and 010) and Advisor on Foreign Affairs (Term 001) for the Cybernetic Consciousness in the Alpha Centauri Democracy Team Game (ACDTG).
            The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or one.


            • Edit: Btw, did Tassadar leave the UoP himself, or was he removed by Archaic? If done by Archaic, how? We may need to remove Nivoxz N. too if he doesn't give a sign of life.
              He left himself, although I don't know if Archaic was able to somehow deauthorize him from the PUT forum.


              • Welcome aboard matey Flubber. There are still a good number of free parrots available, though Atlantian has been experimenting.

                Also we have a selection of recently appropriated Versace (built in slash), Armani (autumnal shades) and Gucci (gold threads thoughout) eyepatches. However if those are not to your taste, the 'cutlass tested' Levi rivet eyepatch is still available.

                Finally on arrival, collect your free keg of xenorum (not the strong golden coloured mixture - that's for export), the regular.
                On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                • You do not have to talk in binary to be in the CyCon. You can talk how you want, and can ignore all binary if you so wish.

                  00101110010100111100110010100010111101010111001110 01101101100000001000000111011100101001111011101000 00000110111100100110100111001100100011100101110000 10000000011001010010000011010110010011001010011010 00101000001000011111001101001001110111011100001000 01011101111001100100111100100111100110000000110110 10001000000011010110010101010010000000011011010111 01111001001111001010011101001011001000001000010101 00110001101110100110101111100101011100100000100000 10010011001110011101010111101110010000000011111110 01011111001011111001111001101000000001110011001001 00100100000000111000100110011100101010101111111100 11110111010000010000100010111100010010010010011100 0101011010000100010
                  For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                  But he would think of something

                  "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                  • 01110011001000100011101100101111101100101010101110 00110111100010011000010000001110000100010010100010 11101001101010101001101001001011001001110001001000 00100001001100111111100110000000110100110101001100 10011010011101110010101010011000110111000010111000 00001110011001000101001000011101010010111000000110 0001001111011111111

                    the binary just makes us look smarter


                    • You look so smart... decipher it!
                      My words are backed with hard coconuts.


                      • It is annoying though when there are spelling mistakes. That

                        10011110001000000100101101110000001011110100011111 110100010 should have been

                        10011110001000000100100101100000010111101000111111 10100010. Changes the whole sense of the comment. Funny nevertheless.
                        On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                        • Yeah, especially since it's the encrypted commlink-freq of the Hive.

                          Hmm... Looks like they use a simple scrambling technique. I'll work on it...
                          My words are backed with hard coconuts.


                          • [oups, dp]
                            Last edited by ThePlagueRat; June 3, 2003, 17:46.
                            My words are backed with hard coconuts.


                            • Sorry, you're correct... no english word is correct without a mu.

                              10101111111011100100011010001100111011111001001010 10100101101100110110100111100100110011100110000000 11100110010100010111100010010010111010011010011000 11011100001011100000001101011001011111001100000001 11110100100011100111000100101100100110000100001001 10010001010010100010111000000011111110010000111010 00000001110101001110101011110001001100000001100111 01110110100110000100001001100101000101111000100101 00010111110011010000010000010011010111110010111110 01100001101000001000010011001000101001000011101000 00000111000101111000100100100100111000101110000000 11110011010101110010101010010100010010110010011001 11001100001000011011001110101001101001001100011101 00000000110001100100111100100010100110000100001000 10111001010010101110011011010011100010010010011010 10001011111001101000001000000111011100011011110001 00101001100101010110100000000110000001110010001110 00000011010011010111110010010110010000000011101110 01101111001010101001010001001111011001110011101010 01100110000100001010100110100110100010100111100100 10000000011010010011100010111110010011100010010100 11001000101001000000001100111011100011101010101011 10011100110000100001111100100100100111101110100000 00011101011010100111010101110011000010000100110010 01001001100011101000000001100111011110110001110101 001101001000110001110010001011110010101
                              Comrade Corellion, Secretary of Science and Social Engineering for the Human Hive in the Alpha Centauri Police State Game (ACPSG).
                              Function Corelli Omega-9, Internal Affairs Function (Terms 110, 101, 100, 011, and 010) and Advisor on Foreign Affairs (Term 001) for the Cybernetic Consciousness in the Alpha Centauri Democracy Team Game (ACDTG).
                              The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or one.


                              • I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                                Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...

