Posted 2nd mid-turn 2300 save.
Damage figures are the total damage after the attack and may include pre-existing damage.

(a) CBU attack on stack (28, 6): SotR TT (20% damage), PR (no damage), II (40% damage), IR (50% damage), Spartan scout patrol (no damage).
(b) O - MW: 3-2 odds. 20% damage to O. Gained 40 ec.

(c) Upon final move by intel, Morganites ("Obstinate") declared vendetta with the following message "It will be an honor to exterminate your faction, Lal. The world will be a better place without you."
(d) O-IR: 12-5 odds, 10% damage to O.
(e) CBU - Morgan Energy Monopoly (reconnaissance by fire): SotR PR (50% damage), PT (50% damage), PR (50% damage), MW (50% damage), TT (50% damage), IR (50% damage), IR (50% damage), Synth Police (50% damage), Morganic PT (50% damage), scout patrol (20% damage).
Plex Anthill:
(f) CBU - Working Man Hold: PR (10% damage), IR (40% damage), PT (50% damage). After the attack, Working Man Hold switched from Colony Pod to Synth Sentinels.
Worker's Nest:
(g) CBU's (2 hardened, 1 disciplined)-Sheng-Ji Yang Base: PR (10%, 20%, 20% damage), TT (20%, 40%, 40% damage), II (20%, 30%, 40% damage), IR (50%, 50%, 50% damage).
(h) O-TT (40% damage): 15-8 odds, 40% damage to O.
(i) O-II (40% damage): 15-8 odds, 10% damage to O.
(j) O-PR (20% damage): 45-16 odds, 30% damage to O. O promoted to Veteran.
(k) O-IR (50% damage): 9-2 odds, 0% damage to O. O promoted to Veteran.
(l) Left O homed to Worker's Nest unmoved.
(m) Veteran intel procuring research data (100% of success, 75% of survival). Acquired Planetary Networks. Intel unit returned to Worker's Nest and promoted to Commando.
Proposed moves:
#1: Load O, CBU. Move loaded intel, TT 1 sq. W (do not investigate) (1 mp). Unload O, CBU. Intent: Moving all units back to safety.
#2: Move mind controlled II's, synth police to monolith (1 mp) and upgrade. Intent: Will move these units up next turn.
Worker's Nest:
(1) Move unmoved O (homed to Worker's Nest) into Sheng-Ji Yang Base (1/3 mp). Re-home O to Sheng-Ji Yang Base. Move O to monolith.
(2) Load 5 O's into 4 TT's and 1 intel. Move loaded TT's and 1 intel to Plex Anthill (1 2/3 mp). Unload 5 O's.
(3) Load CBU homed to Great Clustering into unmoved intel. Move loaded intel to Sheng-Ji Yang Base (2/3 mp). Unload CBU. Re-home CBU to Sheng-Ji Yang Base. Move unloaded intel to Workers Nest (2/3 mp). Load CBU (either). Move loaded intel to UN Headquarters (2/3 mp). Unload CBU.
Intent: All O's end up at Plex Anthill. CBU garrisons Sheng-Ji Yang Base.
UN Headquarters: Move unmoved intel to Worker's Nest (2/3 mp). Load remaining CBU. Move loaded intel to Plex Anthill (1 1/3 mp). Unload CBU.
Great Clustering: Airdrop (!) TT into UN Headquarters. Load CBU. Move loaded TT to Plex Anthill (2/3 mp). Unload CBU.
Plex Anthill:
(1) Load CBU. Move loaded intel 1 sq. N (1/3 mp). Unload CBU.
(2) Move unloaded intel to Great Clustering (1 1/3 mp)
(3) Move mind controlled II to monolith and upgrade. Move TT to monolith (do not investigate) (1/3 mp). Load II. Move loaded TT to base (1/3 mp). Unload II.
(4) Move unmoved CBU to monolith and upgrade. Move TT to monolith (do not investigate) (1/3 mp). Load CBU. Move loaded TT to base (1/3 mp). Unload CBU.
Intent: Moving all units to safety.
After these moves, all bases are garrisoned: Great Clustering with a troop transport, UN Headquarters with intel, Worker's Nest with commando intel (40% damaged), Sheng-Ji Yang Base with CBU and Plex Anthill with the rest of the southern units.
We're in position to attack Working Man Hold next turn with three O's (veteran undamaged, hardened undamaged and hardened 10% damage) and four CBU's and steal technology with commando intel (by making use of the monorail SE of Working Man Hold).
Through re-homing, only Great Clustering is paying support (1 min/turn) and both UN Headquarters and Worker's Nest are supporting only one non-clean unit (so they won't pay support even when they have to support the two colony pods).
Still to do this turn:
(1) Borrow 40 ec from Hive.
(2) Base management
(2a) What shall Sheng-Ji Yang Base build?
(2b) Rush build colony pods at UN Headquarters and Worker's Nest.
(2c) Base optimization.
To do next turn:
(1) Attack Working Man Hold (unless it has been reinforced, there will be three defensive units: PR, IR and new Synthmetal Sentinel. We'll have pounded them with 4 CBU's and we have three O's to attack them.
(2) Steal tech from Working Man Hold after the last defender (and probe team) have been eliminated.
(3) Repair 2 O's.
(4) Establish two new bases.
(5) Occupy bunker SE of Working Man Hold.
(6) Move units near Morgan Energy Monopoly.
Subsequent turns:
(1) Send commando intel (if it survives tech steal attempt) to infiltrate Hive.
(2) Secure southern choke point (46, 58)
If I don't hear from anyone in 24 hours, I'll implement the proposed moves and post a mid-turn save.
Damage figures are the total damage after the attack and may include pre-existing damage.

(a) CBU attack on stack (28, 6): SotR TT (20% damage), PR (no damage), II (40% damage), IR (50% damage), Spartan scout patrol (no damage).
(b) O - MW: 3-2 odds. 20% damage to O. Gained 40 ec.

(c) Upon final move by intel, Morganites ("Obstinate") declared vendetta with the following message "It will be an honor to exterminate your faction, Lal. The world will be a better place without you."
(d) O-IR: 12-5 odds, 10% damage to O.
(e) CBU - Morgan Energy Monopoly (reconnaissance by fire): SotR PR (50% damage), PT (50% damage), PR (50% damage), MW (50% damage), TT (50% damage), IR (50% damage), IR (50% damage), Synth Police (50% damage), Morganic PT (50% damage), scout patrol (20% damage).
Plex Anthill:
(f) CBU - Working Man Hold: PR (10% damage), IR (40% damage), PT (50% damage). After the attack, Working Man Hold switched from Colony Pod to Synth Sentinels.
Worker's Nest:
(g) CBU's (2 hardened, 1 disciplined)-Sheng-Ji Yang Base: PR (10%, 20%, 20% damage), TT (20%, 40%, 40% damage), II (20%, 30%, 40% damage), IR (50%, 50%, 50% damage).
(h) O-TT (40% damage): 15-8 odds, 40% damage to O.
(i) O-II (40% damage): 15-8 odds, 10% damage to O.
(j) O-PR (20% damage): 45-16 odds, 30% damage to O. O promoted to Veteran.
(k) O-IR (50% damage): 9-2 odds, 0% damage to O. O promoted to Veteran.
(l) Left O homed to Worker's Nest unmoved.
(m) Veteran intel procuring research data (100% of success, 75% of survival). Acquired Planetary Networks. Intel unit returned to Worker's Nest and promoted to Commando.
Proposed moves:
#1: Load O, CBU. Move loaded intel, TT 1 sq. W (do not investigate) (1 mp). Unload O, CBU. Intent: Moving all units back to safety.
#2: Move mind controlled II's, synth police to monolith (1 mp) and upgrade. Intent: Will move these units up next turn.
Worker's Nest:
(1) Move unmoved O (homed to Worker's Nest) into Sheng-Ji Yang Base (1/3 mp). Re-home O to Sheng-Ji Yang Base. Move O to monolith.
(2) Load 5 O's into 4 TT's and 1 intel. Move loaded TT's and 1 intel to Plex Anthill (1 2/3 mp). Unload 5 O's.
(3) Load CBU homed to Great Clustering into unmoved intel. Move loaded intel to Sheng-Ji Yang Base (2/3 mp). Unload CBU. Re-home CBU to Sheng-Ji Yang Base. Move unloaded intel to Workers Nest (2/3 mp). Load CBU (either). Move loaded intel to UN Headquarters (2/3 mp). Unload CBU.
Intent: All O's end up at Plex Anthill. CBU garrisons Sheng-Ji Yang Base.
UN Headquarters: Move unmoved intel to Worker's Nest (2/3 mp). Load remaining CBU. Move loaded intel to Plex Anthill (1 1/3 mp). Unload CBU.
Great Clustering: Airdrop (!) TT into UN Headquarters. Load CBU. Move loaded TT to Plex Anthill (2/3 mp). Unload CBU.
Plex Anthill:
(1) Load CBU. Move loaded intel 1 sq. N (1/3 mp). Unload CBU.
(2) Move unloaded intel to Great Clustering (1 1/3 mp)
(3) Move mind controlled II to monolith and upgrade. Move TT to monolith (do not investigate) (1/3 mp). Load II. Move loaded TT to base (1/3 mp). Unload II.
(4) Move unmoved CBU to monolith and upgrade. Move TT to monolith (do not investigate) (1/3 mp). Load CBU. Move loaded TT to base (1/3 mp). Unload CBU.
Intent: Moving all units to safety.
After these moves, all bases are garrisoned: Great Clustering with a troop transport, UN Headquarters with intel, Worker's Nest with commando intel (40% damaged), Sheng-Ji Yang Base with CBU and Plex Anthill with the rest of the southern units.
We're in position to attack Working Man Hold next turn with three O's (veteran undamaged, hardened undamaged and hardened 10% damage) and four CBU's and steal technology with commando intel (by making use of the monorail SE of Working Man Hold).
Through re-homing, only Great Clustering is paying support (1 min/turn) and both UN Headquarters and Worker's Nest are supporting only one non-clean unit (so they won't pay support even when they have to support the two colony pods).
Still to do this turn:
(1) Borrow 40 ec from Hive.
(2) Base management
(2a) What shall Sheng-Ji Yang Base build?
(2b) Rush build colony pods at UN Headquarters and Worker's Nest.
(2c) Base optimization.
To do next turn:
(1) Attack Working Man Hold (unless it has been reinforced, there will be three defensive units: PR, IR and new Synthmetal Sentinel. We'll have pounded them with 4 CBU's and we have three O's to attack them.
(2) Steal tech from Working Man Hold after the last defender (and probe team) have been eliminated.
(3) Repair 2 O's.
(4) Establish two new bases.
(5) Occupy bunker SE of Working Man Hold.
(6) Move units near Morgan Energy Monopoly.
Subsequent turns:
(1) Send commando intel (if it survives tech steal attempt) to infiltrate Hive.
(2) Secure southern choke point (46, 58)
If I don't hear from anyone in 24 hours, I'll implement the proposed moves and post a mid-turn save.