Turn 2170:
we have a buttload of energy, I'm going to spend it all
don't see any stockpile ques, so Ill continue that trend.
Won't mess with SE values either.
my former plan will be forest and forget with the occasional nut/condensor farm
rushed all production over 10 minerals for about 400 credits this turn.
started colony towards site where it can have full base radius.
turn 2171: only 1 drone riot.
5 supply crawlers built,3 rec commons,1 rec tank,1 police infantry,2 synth garrisions
ordered rover units to prepare for an attack on lal.
created rover/foil former designs.
turn 2172:
Free forest, Gaia & University are treatied.
3 formers,2 crawlers,3 police infantry and a synth garision finished.
colony arrived at city site without incident.
20 credits and a morale upgrade for our worm inside lal's territory.
lal automatically spots my unit in fungus, calls me up, demands airpower, refused.
whines about how I'm a police state.
I demand tech from him and he declares vendetta, university cancels pact to treaty
Sparta Command can now rush an impact speeder every turn with 72 credits.
turn 2173:
Janissary Rock Founded. lost spore launcher to lal rover when it was in fungus.
3 elite rovers are in striking distance of UN Humanities base. first missle rover off the assembly line.
turn 2174: first missile penetrator produced. captured a spore launcher near UN Humanity base.
The Command Nexus, and UN Humanity Base are ours now.
Lal contacts, no the hive is a loyal ally, no you can't have air power.
moved first penetrator to forward air base graciously constructed by our Morganite Allies: Morgan Distribution.
turn 2175:
Gaians want us to declare vendetta on Miriam, lost 4 speeders and UN humanity base to lal's probes.
destroyed 1 speeder with a missile penetrator.
datalinks and neural amplifier finished by lal and Yang.
turn 2176: Lal probed away another rover,it and the probe were killed.
war outpost founded.
turn 2177: all units in UN Humanity Base are dead due to penetrators,the road access to the city is blocked,rovers
are ready to seize the city.
mind worm captured an artifact.
turn 2178: UN Humanity base is ours once again. this time there is a probe in the city.
also in the city are 3 penetrators which are ready to strike the capital.
turn 2179: we're now at war with Yang due to Gaia, shes not so popular.
MMI was discovered this turn.
chose centauri meditation, with all the fungus being able to move our units through it could be helpful.
halls of disipline founded.
UN Headquarters is in Spartan hands now.
Turn 2180: there are several penetrators in the field, the next governor should get them into bases, probably UN Headquarters
theres a probe by UN headquarters, kill it.
Build the CBA and Cyborg Factory in Sparta command, redirect nearby cities to build crawlers as needed.
1 colony pod is ready to found a city in the monsoon Jungle.
the state of the Spartan war machine is as follows:
123 Credits(spent the money) now, about 80 per turn.
5 Rovers out, 4 in production(2 impact rovers, rest missile rovers)
8 missile penetrators out, 3 in production(will go down to 2 if you build CBA)
28 normal formers, 30 crawlers, 2 rover formers out.
some 40 garrision units constructed.
we're at war with Miriam(who can't get to us), Lal, whom we're pounding on now, and Yang whom we should direct 2 penetrators towards to occupy him until the day that the UN is under the spartan boot.
and just fyi, holy crap, Gaia has a Unity Rover Former 0-1-2,Super in view. consider probing that away from her so we can reverse engineer super formers.
we have a buttload of energy, I'm going to spend it all

don't see any stockpile ques, so Ill continue that trend.
Won't mess with SE values either.
my former plan will be forest and forget with the occasional nut/condensor farm
rushed all production over 10 minerals for about 400 credits this turn.
started colony towards site where it can have full base radius.
turn 2171: only 1 drone riot.
5 supply crawlers built,3 rec commons,1 rec tank,1 police infantry,2 synth garrisions
ordered rover units to prepare for an attack on lal.
created rover/foil former designs.
turn 2172:
Free forest, Gaia & University are treatied.
3 formers,2 crawlers,3 police infantry and a synth garision finished.
colony arrived at city site without incident.
20 credits and a morale upgrade for our worm inside lal's territory.
lal automatically spots my unit in fungus, calls me up, demands airpower, refused.
whines about how I'm a police state.
I demand tech from him and he declares vendetta, university cancels pact to treaty
Sparta Command can now rush an impact speeder every turn with 72 credits.
turn 2173:
Janissary Rock Founded. lost spore launcher to lal rover when it was in fungus.
3 elite rovers are in striking distance of UN Humanities base. first missle rover off the assembly line.
turn 2174: first missile penetrator produced. captured a spore launcher near UN Humanity base.
The Command Nexus, and UN Humanity Base are ours now.
Lal contacts, no the hive is a loyal ally, no you can't have air power.
moved first penetrator to forward air base graciously constructed by our Morganite Allies: Morgan Distribution.
turn 2175:
Gaians want us to declare vendetta on Miriam, lost 4 speeders and UN humanity base to lal's probes.
destroyed 1 speeder with a missile penetrator.
datalinks and neural amplifier finished by lal and Yang.
turn 2176: Lal probed away another rover,it and the probe were killed.
war outpost founded.
turn 2177: all units in UN Humanity Base are dead due to penetrators,the road access to the city is blocked,rovers
are ready to seize the city.
mind worm captured an artifact.
turn 2178: UN Humanity base is ours once again. this time there is a probe in the city.
also in the city are 3 penetrators which are ready to strike the capital.
turn 2179: we're now at war with Yang due to Gaia, shes not so popular.
MMI was discovered this turn.
chose centauri meditation, with all the fungus being able to move our units through it could be helpful.
halls of disipline founded.
UN Headquarters is in Spartan hands now.
Turn 2180: there are several penetrators in the field, the next governor should get them into bases, probably UN Headquarters
theres a probe by UN headquarters, kill it.
Build the CBA and Cyborg Factory in Sparta command, redirect nearby cities to build crawlers as needed.
1 colony pod is ready to found a city in the monsoon Jungle.
the state of the Spartan war machine is as follows:
123 Credits(spent the money) now, about 80 per turn.
5 Rovers out, 4 in production(2 impact rovers, rest missile rovers)
8 missile penetrators out, 3 in production(will go down to 2 if you build CBA)
28 normal formers, 30 crawlers, 2 rover formers out.
some 40 garrision units constructed.
we're at war with Miriam(who can't get to us), Lal, whom we're pounding on now, and Yang whom we should direct 2 penetrators towards to occupy him until the day that the UN is under the spartan boot.
and just fyi, holy crap, Gaia has a Unity Rover Former 0-1-2,Super in view. consider probing that away from her so we can reverse engineer super formers.