Until 11/27, Steam has the expansion going for $15.
I thought the regular price of $30 was unreasonable, and there was no way I would consider it, but at 50% I think I'll probably go for it. I'm still kinda on the fence though.
Like a lot of you, I have loved the franchise through its many incarnations, but 5 just didn't do it for me. Mainly because of the draconian 1UPT (why not 2UPT??? At least then melee units could escort ranged units).
I didn't hate Civ5- I really wanted to like it, but the fact that I haven't played it for a long time speaks for itself.
If I can finally commit to this purchase, it will be due more to the lack of good alternative empire-builder game choices than to any affection for Civ5.
Speaking of alternatives, aren't we due for Europa Universalis IV yet? :desire:
I thought the regular price of $30 was unreasonable, and there was no way I would consider it, but at 50% I think I'll probably go for it. I'm still kinda on the fence though.
Like a lot of you, I have loved the franchise through its many incarnations, but 5 just didn't do it for me. Mainly because of the draconian 1UPT (why not 2UPT??? At least then melee units could escort ranged units).
I didn't hate Civ5- I really wanted to like it, but the fact that I haven't played it for a long time speaks for itself.
If I can finally commit to this purchase, it will be due more to the lack of good alternative empire-builder game choices than to any affection for Civ5.
Speaking of alternatives, aren't we due for Europa Universalis IV yet? :desire: