Infinite City Sprawl (ICS) is back again, unfortunately. Ironically, the designers of Civ5 set out to make a game which would favor small empires, and have ended up with a game where bigger = better in nearly every way possible!
Remember in Civ4, how a small AI empire could be weak militarily but strong in terms of technology? Not so in this game. The biggest AI empires will always be the most technologically advanced, and have the largest military, and have the most gold per turn to spend.
With Liberty's Meritocracy (+1 happy per city connected to capital) and Order's Planned Economy (-50% unhappy per city) or the Forbidden Palace wonder, each city costs only its own population in unhappiness. Cap its growth at size 4, build a colosseum, and every city is happy-neutral. Now you can spam them endlessly across the map, and every city simply adds more production, more research, more gold...
Every city only makes you stronger. You just have to manage happiness, and once you figure out how to do that, you can expand endlessly without bound. The community is slowly starting to grasp this too. Unless the game design changes, this will become the dominant strategy going forward for everything other than cultural victories. The only tradeoff is losing out on the social policies, and that's well worth it.