MxM, I thin you need to read the article again and actually TRY it. 
Many of us have a background of ICSing the crap out of the game (Civ II, Civ III, SMACX), so if we smell ICS, it is likely that we know it's the real thing.
The extra city penalty can be removed by two policies:
Meritocracy (+1 happiness per connected city)
Military Caste (+1 happiness per garrisoned city)
Also there was at least one other policy that cut the penaly in half, I think, so if you place your policies right, you can even get a surplus.
Both of the named policies are available from the ancient age.
Colosseum is also not the only building you could do to improve your happiness.
Basically, once you have solved the +2 extra unhappiness all you get for ICSing is improvement that is more than linear (count in the city square and other bonuses, e.g. trade bonus) compared to "normal" strategy.
So Civ 5 is MORE about ICS than SMACX, for example, where you actually got diminishing returns (although they diminished by a very little amount).
It seems that France is the perfect civ for ICSing with it's Ancien Regime.

Many of us have a background of ICSing the crap out of the game (Civ II, Civ III, SMACX), so if we smell ICS, it is likely that we know it's the real thing.
The extra city penalty can be removed by two policies:
Meritocracy (+1 happiness per connected city)
Military Caste (+1 happiness per garrisoned city)
Also there was at least one other policy that cut the penaly in half, I think, so if you place your policies right, you can even get a surplus.
Both of the named policies are available from the ancient age.
Colosseum is also not the only building you could do to improve your happiness.
Basically, once you have solved the +2 extra unhappiness all you get for ICSing is improvement that is more than linear (count in the city square and other bonuses, e.g. trade bonus) compared to "normal" strategy.
So Civ 5 is MORE about ICS than SMACX, for example, where you actually got diminishing returns (although they diminished by a very little amount).
It seems that France is the perfect civ for ICSing with it's Ancien Regime.