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Civ V is a great game.

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  • #16
    The single biggest complaint I've made so far, which I guess Boris thinks is trivial or stupid, is that the automation AI is just so bad. When you auto explore it constantly is trespassing and ruining relations when there is no need or even a reason to do so and when you turn on the worker automation I've seen it build three improvements on tiles next to a pop 1 city (so it can't even use two of those improvements) even though the next city over is a pop 5 city with no improvements (and so could easily use the improvements as soon as they're built).

    Supposedly the biggest thing for the designers was to remove micro management so the game was more fun but the reality is their bad automation AI means I have to manually move each one every turn. Maybe they should have spent more time writing a better AI and less time removing features like the sliders because they thought it was just to complicated a concept for your average 14 year old gamer.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Oerdin View Post
      They all did in real life.
      Gameplay >> RL
      The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so
      certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
      -- Bertrand Russell


      • #18
        Originally posted by Oerdin View Post
        The single biggest complaint I've made so far, which I guess Boris thinks is trivial or stupid, is that the automation AI is just so bad.
        Yes, the autoexplore AI being poor is trivial. Just don't autoexplore until they fix it. If THAT is your "biggest" complaint, and therefore you hate the game and it sucks, then you shouldn't be playing Civ games at all, you should be watching movies where you don't have to actually do anything.
        Tutto nel mondo è burla


        • #19
          Yea, I agree the automation is pretty crappy. But you have to admit that even after two expansion packs and several patches, the Civ IV automation was still pretty crappy as well. I don't know why they simply can't figure that out, but I don't see it as a particular fault of Civ V.
          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


          • #20
            Civ 5 is growing on me. I barely had enough sleep in the past couple of nights and basically had no decent meal in the past couple of days. I am living on nachos, dips and sodas. And this from a guy who does not normally eat junk. That says it all.


            • #21
              Originally posted by OzzyKP View Post
              But you have to admit that even after two expansion packs and several patches, the Civ IV automation was still pretty crappy as well. I don't know why they simply can't figure that out, but I don't see it as a particular fault of Civ V.
              I agree, and I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this yet. I hated the automation in Civ IV, it was awful, and I had ten times as many workers to deal with.

              And don't even think about Civ III with the double farms and such...
              What's up, hot dog?


              • #22
                It is a great game... Need some tweak.
                Btw, I have the deluxe edition, fro Steam... There's a "behind the scenes" video, and the soundtrack, but where? If someone could answer me...
                RIAA sucks
                The Optimistas
                I'm a political cartoonist


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Boris Godunov View Post
                  Yes, the autoexplore AI being poor is trivial. Just don't autoexplore until they fix it. If THAT is your "biggest" complaint, and therefore you hate the game and it sucks, then you shouldn't be playing Civ games at all, you should be watching movies where you don't have to actually do anything.
                  I never said I hate it, once again you're misinformed. What I did do was clearly identify individual issues I didn't like about the game and said they needed to be improved while you're the one who flew off the handle and claimed it was nonsense and that I "hate the game". Honestly, it appears you don't even know what you're talking about.
                  Try for discussion and debate.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Aro View Post
                    It is a great game... Need some tweak.
                    Btw, I have the deluxe edition, fro Steam... There's a "behind the scenes" video, and the soundtrack, but where? If someone could answer me...
                    I can't find it either even though I also bought the deluxe through steam.
                    Try for discussion and debate.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Oerdin View Post
                      Maybe they should have spent more time writing a better AI and less time removing features like the sliders because they thought it was just to complicated a concept for your average 14 year old gamer.
                      The lack of sliders actually adds complexity to the game, rather than making it easier. I makes it so that you aren't able to just pour your treasury into research, or vice-versa. You just dislike it because you can't conveniently slow your research to a crawl in order to gain gold faster, or stop making gold in order to speed up research. Also, I am 15 and can at least compete with the majority of people online in a game of Civ. I don't find sliders complicated. Sliders are so simple that a five-year-old could use them (I understood sliders when I was five, if not younger). A game without sliders requires much more thinking.

                      The AI could use some improvement, but, otherwise, the game is actually much more complex than Civ IV. In Civ IV, not much planning was really necessary. You could change what you were doing at any time easily. You could completely change your strategy with almost no repercussions. If you neglected something in the early game, it wouldn't hurt you in the late game. In Civ V, you can't. Production takes much longer, and most decisions are permanent. If you neglect something in the early game, it affects you throughout the entire game, the one possible exception being military, as long as you are not attacked by a powerful Civ.

                      P.S. I apologize if my post seems to be complete nonsense. I've hardly slept over the past few days. If you ask for clarification, I will clarify anything for which clarification is necessary, to the best of my ability.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Boris Godunov View Post
                        Yes, the autoexplore AI being poor is trivial. Just don't autoexplore until they fix it.
                        You're bumbling in the dark, Boris. I already said I don't auto explore though I pointed out that 2K claimed they wanted to reduce complexity and repetitive tasks in order to make the game more fun so you'd think they'd take the time to write a halfway decent pathing AI since individually moving units around is probably the most tedious and repetitive things in the game. That is an extremely fair point to make no matter how you try to misrepresent it or spin it into some other imagined point.
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Oerdin View Post
                          I never said I hate it, once again you're misinformed. What I did do was clearly identify individual issues I didn't like about the game and said they needed to be improved while you're the one who flew off the handle and claimed it was nonsense and that I "hate the game". Honestly, it appears you don't even know what you're talking about.

                          Oh yeah, how could anyone EVER think that you hate a game when you say this about it:

                          I have to say, after paying $59.95, my thought has been "how much do they charge for fun"? They've dumbed this down so much it has become retarded. WTF isn't there an option to trade maps? WTF is the auto explore pathing AI ALWAYS trespassing? WTF can't the AI ever attack with more then two units at a time? WTF did they remove the money/culture/espionage slider? That was one of the fun direct controls we had over our Civ. They said it was to avoid complexity and to simplify the system but then they gave us this abortion of a game system where science and culture are both set in stone and can only be changed by building buildings. It's retarded. Give me back Civ4!

                          The game is ****ing boring. I loved Civs 1,2, & 4 (3 was an abortion though) but they honestly seemed to have sucked all the fun out of the game and dumbed it down to such an extent it is just boring. I can only watch the scout trespass so many time and here one city state whine about another before I stop giving a ****.
                          Jesus ****ing Christ, Oerdin--are you so retarded you don't remember your own screeds on the game? Or just a dirty liar like Ben Kenobi?

                          Tutto nel mondo è burla


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Oerdin View Post
                            You're bumbling in the dark, Boris. I already said I don't auto explore though I pointed out that 2K claimed they wanted to reduce complexity and repetitive tasks in order to make the game more fun so you'd think they'd take the time to write a halfway decent pathing AI since individually moving units around is probably the most tedious and repetitive things in the game. That is an extremely fair point to make no matter how you try to misrepresent it or spin it into some other imagined point.
                            There's a difference between making fair criticism of the game (which I have done) versus writing uninformed and hysterical rants like you do, or making hilariously stupid claims like you do.
                            Tutto nel mondo è burla


                            • #29

                              That post would be yet another example of you talking out of your backside. Sure, I've made a few tongue in cheek remarks like so and so should be shot but most of the stuff I've written has been both informed and explicit listing actual problems. Hell, 2K has even acknowledged some of them (like the AI pathing) and said they're trying to fix them so claiming it's "stupid" or "hysterical" or "uninformed" is just bull and makes you look like those adjectives.

                              Even now that 2K admits there are problems with pathing you're still trying to claim pointing out the pathing problems earlier was stupid and uninformed. It's just hilarious that you can't admit you were wrong.
                              Try for discussion and debate.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Boris Godunov View Post
                                Oh yeah, how could anyone EVER think that you hate a game when you say this about it:

                                Jesus ****ing Christ, Oerdin--are you so retarded you don't remember your own screeds on the game? Or just a dirty liar like Ben Kenobi?

                                I do think the game is boring as it currently is but I don't hate it and I think with an expansion pack it can be ok especially if they restore things like religion and corporations. You put that big quote up there and you failed yet again to prove your main point that Oerdin only bad mouths the game and never makes specific criticism when in fact most of my posts have very specific criticism in them.

                                Let's watch some more of watch Boris fail because he can't admit he was wrong. He claimed my complaint about the pathing AI was "uninformed" and "stupid" then 2K admitted there was problems with the pathing AI and that they'd improve it in a patch. That's official confirmation that my point was valid, you schmuck!
                                Try for discussion and debate.

