I'm usually a 'random' guy all the way, but decided to switch things up a bit this time around. I think I'll try and play a full game with each nation first before going into random mode, and I think I'll begin with the bonus civ, Babylon. Have always found them interesting, and I love seeing them built up in civ games!
No announcement yet.
Which civ will you play as first?
Which civ will you play as first?
52America5.77%3Arabia1.92%1Aztec0.00%0Babylon7.69%4China0.00%0Egypt5.77%3England11.54%6France5.77%3Germany3.85%2Greece3.85%2India0.00%0Iroquois0.00%0Japan5.77%3Ottoman0.00%0Persia0.00%0Rome26.92%14Russia5.77%3Siam3.85%2Songhai3.85%2Random7.69%4- DregorTags: None
I have to say i'm a little bit surprised by the results so far. I expected Rome and Random to dominate, and while Rome is ahead it's hardly a commanding lead. Of course the sample size is still pretty small, maybe if more people participate we'll definite trends emerge. I'm also surprised to not see anyone representing America yet, I figured that'd be close behind Rome and Random.- Dregor
Random, for the first game. After that, I don't know...
Hey, zero votes for America, so far? Two days of poll already?
I have decided to play my first game as French warmongering expansionists. In the early game, I plan to concentrate on developing culture and acquiring Social Policies that will allow me to unleash my Musketeers on an unsuspecting world. If feasible, I plan to win by building the Utopia Project. Honor is a given; Tradition if I think that I have a realistic chance at Stonehenge; else Liberty for faster expansion. Piety for happiness and free Social Policies