But still... propably my most favourite combo is warlord and life magic. Because of CHAMPION-LEVEL units... for comparison:
Bonuses for champion over elites: +1 attack, +2 bonus to-hit ( ), +1 defence, +2 resistance and +1 hitpoints... and all these per figure. Hmmm...
A champion level barbarian spearmen have these stats:
-melee attack 4
-thrown attack 4
-to-hit-bonus +3
-defence 4
-resistance 10
-hitpoints 3
add adamantium weapons: melee, thrown & defence 6
damage done:
-first: thrown (8x6)*0.6 (60%chance to hit) = 28.8
-then: melee (8x6)*0.6 (60%chance to hit) = 28.8
[edti2] these are (2x6)*.7 (70%chance to hit) = 33.6...
WOW ... that's pretty amazing for a basic unit... ... but still, they are only 8 individual strength 6 hits, so I wouldn't go straight after great wyrns with this...
[edit]: corrected the chance to hit..(it was 50, but as all of you know; 30+30=60... not 50 )
[edit2]: actually the alchemists guild increases another 10% the chance to hit. thus the thrown and melee damages are 33.6...
Bonuses for champion over elites: +1 attack, +2 bonus to-hit ( ), +1 defence, +2 resistance and +1 hitpoints... and all these per figure. Hmmm...
A champion level barbarian spearmen have these stats:
-melee attack 4
-thrown attack 4
-to-hit-bonus +3
-defence 4
-resistance 10
-hitpoints 3
add adamantium weapons: melee, thrown & defence 6
damage done:
-first: thrown (8x6)*0.6 (60%chance to hit) = 28.8
-then: melee (8x6)*0.6 (60%chance to hit) = 28.8
[edti2] these are (2x6)*.7 (70%chance to hit) = 33.6...
WOW ... that's pretty amazing for a basic unit... ... but still, they are only 8 individual strength 6 hits, so I wouldn't go straight after great wyrns with this...
[edit]: corrected the chance to hit..(it was 50, but as all of you know; 30+30=60... not 50 )
[edit2]: actually the alchemists guild increases another 10% the chance to hit. thus the thrown and melee damages are 33.6...