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  • 2259 --> Ash

    rules explanation request

    I have not been able to find an answer to the following question in the manual.

    I have some cites off the west shore ot the mainland occupied by Ash. Part of the zone of control of each of these cities lies on the land. Throughout the game, I've been careful to occupy resource squares with workers. These squares also lie outside the zone of control of Ash's cities. Why do I find now, that I no longer have access to these squares?


    • Maybe it's my fleet of Supply Crawlers that you can't see?


      • 2260 --> Ashman

        Perhaps. But that would mean the former I had on shore could not see them either, nor the ship that removed the former which no longer had a purpose. Very interesting. I will do a fly-by to take pictures of your fleet of supply crawlers if for no other reason that for we pirates a fleet on land, of supply crawlers no less, will be a curiosity.


        • 2261--> Ashman

          A fly-by of the aforementioned territory revealed only two supply crawlers, neither of which were within the purported zone of control of my cities. Yet, I do not have access to the land tiles within the zone. (Rue pulls at his ponytail and wears a look of perplexity on his visage).


          • 2263 --> Ashman

            Setting aside his perplexity, Rue examines various plans for more traditional pirate actions submitted to him by sundry seconds-in-command.


            • 2267--> Ashman

              Rue talks to himself.


              • Turn 2269 --> Illiria


                • 2270 --> Ashman

                  "Sail Ho!"
                  "The automatons are coming, the automatons are coming!"
                  "Damn the probe team skimship, full speed ahead."

                  Rue pours through his volume of "Cliches for any Military Situation."


                  • You will need the cliches!
                    Steamweasel: will change pbem strategy gaming on the mac.
                    --> We still need helpers, contact me ASAP!


                    • 2272 --> Ashman

                      Not to mention the prayer book that was mislayed some orgies ago. Rum, women and sand, aah that's what we pirates dream about in the heat of battle. Now, where did I put that prayer book long ago removed from one of Miriam's shrines?


                      • Can anyone explain this?
                        I just received the latest turn 2272 from Illiria. However, the moves I made in the previous turn were unexecuted. The tech that I finished developing last turn has just been finished again this turn. The diplomatic agreement made last turn has been offered again this turn. It's as if the last turn never happened. I closed the turn to make sure, I was playing the correct turn, too. And I was. I'm not playing this turn until we confer. So, what do you think?
                        [This message has been edited by Rue (edited February 04, 2001).]


                        • Upon further contemplation, I believe the turn sent to me is the last one I played. I say this because I remember getting the warning that I had already played the turn. Perhaps It has been mistakenly renamed and sent along as a new turn.


                          • I dont have the turn file for me to play anymore, so if we really need to re-do the turn, please resend the file to me?!

                            Steamweasel: will change pbem strategy gaming on the mac.
                            --> We still need helpers, contact me ASAP!


                            • 2272 ---> Ashman

                              Rue wakes with a powerful headache and vertigo. He has the distinct impression he has done this day before. Is it the rum? The gorgeous red-head?
                              No, it is his own encounter with the groundhog day syndrome


                              • 2275---> Ash

